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  1. Pyro

    10-inch diameter constipation turd vs. 30 ounces of fresh urine

    Battle location is an empty toilet bowl that cannot flush. The turd wins if it can absorb all the urine or survive a week submerged in the urine without dissolving. Urine wins if it can dissolve the turd within a week.
  2. Pyro

    Power Levels (following fan logic)

    Raditz ~ low effort: 1,420 ~ full power: 856 Goku ~ weighted: 433 ~ full power: 614 ~ Kamehameha: 429 --post-Kaio training-- ~ suppressed: 50 ~ full power: 800 ~ Kaio-ken x2: 810 ~ Kaio-ken x3: 820 ~ Kaio-ken x4: 840 Piccolo ~ weighted: 223 ~ full power: 804 ~ charging Makankosappo: 0.20-0.30...
  3. Pyro

    The Gospel of Truth (YGO Guidebook)

    I finally got my own copy of The Gospel of Truth, which is a guidebook written by Kazuki Takahashi (the original author) in 2002 for the YGO manga. I'll be putting scans from it in this thread, but right now I'm starting with the character rating sheets. Maybe @Kenshi can help translate some of...
  4. Pyro

    Are tanking gaps consistent enough to take seriously?

    Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
  5. Pyro

    Jiren (ToP) vs. Gohan (Moro)

    How does current Gohan do against the big bad from the tournament? Round 1: Jiren's suppressed power vs SSJBE Vegeta Round 2: Full power Jiren Round 3: "Limits broken" Jiren vs UI Goku If Gohan can't win any rounds, current CSSB Goku can help him.
  6. Pyro

    Moro arc powers

    How is this so far? It's only to the point where Vegeta goes to Yardrat and Goku starts training with Merus. Small units for the numbers. Goku ~Base: 1 ~Super Saiyan: 2 ~Super Saiyan 3: 8 ~Super Saiyan God: 32 ~Complete Super Saiyan Blue: 320 Vegeta ~Base: 1 ~Super Saiyan: 2 ~Super Saiyan 2...
  7. Pyro

    Gogeta & Broly vs. Beerus & Jiren

    All from their last appearance. Who wins?
  8. Pyro

    (Anime) How do the humans compare to one another?

    Anybody have an idea of how Tenshinhan, Roshi, and Krillin compare to one another during the Tournament of Power? I think Krillin was intended to be the best of the three, but I've seen people argue Roshi has that spot.
  9. Pyro

    Moro arc power scale

    Merus > Moro (merged w/Earth) > UI Goku = Moro (w/Merus) > Moro (w/Seven-Three) > Moro > SSBE Vegeta > UI Sign Goku > UI Sign Goku (suppressed) = Moro (suppressed) > CSSB Goku > Saganbo (limits) > Saganbo (2nd power-up) > Saganbo (powered by Moro) > Seven-Three (w/Gohan's abilities) = Gohan >...
  10. Pyro

    Bio-Broly's Power

    Bio-Broly seems to be the only exception to the rule of new movie villains being stronger than the last. But is Bio-Broly really weaker than Movie 10 Broly, or did Goten and Trunks get Toei-boosted? Let me know what you think and why, you fuckrags.
  11. Pyro

    The Power of Turles

    A recent thread on a Reddit sub got me wondering about this space pirate again. How powerful is he? There's a guidebook scan putting him at 19,000 prior to eating any fruit from the Tree of Might, but that clashes heavily with him fighting 30,000+ Goku and tanking a point-blank Makankosappo...
  12. Pyro

    Biggest biceps of the main group?

    Neutral stances, nothing flexed or strained. You're allowed to use both Toriyama and Toyotaro designs, but nothing from the anime. Only Base forms; no power-ups. :donovan3
  13. Pyro

    Pyro's Obnoxious Z Power Levels

    Mecha Freeza’s Arrival Mecha Freeza: 70,000,000 [suppressed] --Full power, unseen: 150,000,000 King Cold: 100,000,000 --Hypothetical 3rd Form: 2,000,000 Goku: 3,600,000 --Super Saiyan: 180,000,000 Trunks: 3,000,000 --Super Saiyan: 150,000,000 Vegeta: 2,800,000 Piccolo: 2,450,000 Gohan...
  14. Pyro

    Battle City Analysis (incomplete)

    I'm setting this topic up for when I finish the assessment, so this will be locked until then. I'll have some random notes up for now. Battle City (Viz Manga) • Arkana (Pandora) doesn’t know Dark Magician Girl exists, despite being a self-proclaimed master of magic/magicians. • When effect...
  15. Pyro

    Duelist Kingdom Analysis

    There are a lot of misconceptions about Duelist Kingdom and that’s largely because the arc came before the card game even existed in real life, and was based on tabletop RPG games more than anything (think Magic The Gathering). However, that doesn’t mean there weren’t rules. In-universe, the...
  16. Pyro

    Mai vs. Yami Marik (Analysis/Rant)

    In Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom, there’s a common misconception that Mai Valentine could have defeated Marik Ishtar during the Battle City tournament had certain things been done differently. I’m here on behalf of Lord Spopobich to say that that belief is simply not true in the slightest. Late into the...
  17. Pyro

    Joey Wheeler (Grand Championship) vs. Yami Marik (Battle City)

    Which competitor wins? Round 1: Marik does not have Ra. Round 2: Marik has Ra. Typical anime effects/rules in place.
  18. Pyro

    Part 1 tournament feats

    So I'm looking to you Part 1 gurus to list some feats for 21/22/23rd tournament competitors, people like Ranfan, Namster, Chappa, etc. Could you do a bitch a solid, please?
  19. Pyro

    SSJ4 Gogeta could be more than just "tens of times" SSJ4 Goku/Vegeta

    According to this post: The Toei website has far less ambiguity in its power comparison between SSJ4 Gogeta and SSJ4 Goku/Vegeta, essentially removing a cap and giving more room for the fusion to be incredibly more powerful than...
  20. Pyro

    Yu Yu Hakusho Dark Tournament Tier List

    Anybody able to do a tier list for the Dark Tournament? All I've seen is the anime English dub a couple times but I've got little idea where people stand due to all the abilities rather than just "muh power level is higher."

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸