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  1. Emmeth

    Dragon Ball's strongest character(s) CURRENTLY (Potentially spoilery)

    Being caught up, the 5 strongest characters right now: 1. Freeza 2. Goku/Vegeta 3. Vegeta/Goku 4. Granolah 5. Jiren or Broly These are alive characters so Gas does not count.
  2. Emmeth

    What if both Goku and Freeza was rested and full power on Namek?

    We've probably had this discussion before but I'm an old man and also too lazy to look through forum for answer, but basically thread title. Who would take it? What would happen as a result?
  3. Emmeth

    Dragon Ball Anime Power Levels (going by BoZ scouter numbers)

    Here is my list going by the first scouter readings shown in Z. It's an updated list from one I made back in 2014. I decided to do this as I've recently rewatched the anime. Pilaf Saga Goku: 10 - Hungry: 8 -- Great Ape: 100 I see no reason to change anything about the original numbers. Goku...
  4. Emmeth

    Top 10 Favorite Pokémon

    I didn't see a list in the first few pages so why not make a thread about it? I might go into more detail about why later but here are my Top 10 favorite Pokemon! 10. Pidgeot Remains one of my favorite Pokemon but due to the emergence of some great Pokemon since I made a last Top 10 list back...
  5. Emmeth

    Raditz' potential

    So this question depends on whether you believe Goku's latent potential is because of genetics or events happening to him on Earth, but I'll pose it anyway: Since Raditz is Goku's brother and Bardock's son (who happened to have a pretty good potential himself), do you think Raditz could have...
  6. Emmeth

    Trunks' Time Machine Coordinates

    What was the reason behind Trunks' coordinates being set to 4 year before the events of the Androids/Cell? 1 year before Freeza and Cold came to Earth even.
  7. Emmeth

    Dragon Ball Z Kai

    What's your opinion on this remaster with less filler?
  8. Emmeth

    Vegeta and the Genki-dama

    What's the domineering reason Vegeta survived being hit by that Genki-dama?
  9. Emmeth

    Why is Piccolo the greatest character in Dragon Ball?

    Give me good reasons why. You can't say "he isn't" because he is.
  10. Emmeth

    Rank The Staff Members of RRA by Strength

    As the title says.
  11. Emmeth

    I'm interesting

    Ask all the questions you may have, relevant to me or otherwise, and I'll answer as best as I can. In advance: Fuck you.
  12. Emmeth

    Mercenary Tao vs Hercule and Videl

    Equal power levels.
  13. Emmeth

    Arcanine Respect Thread

    Respect to the best Pokemon of all time! Arcanine is a fire-type Pokemon, a member of the original 151 pokemon, considered among many to be the original legendary! #59 evolves from Growlithe which is another awesome fire pokemon. It's a shame the original card isn't holographic, but it's...
  14. Emmeth

    Series Power Scaling Thread

    We'll start at the very beginning of the series. Let's go from when Goku meets Bulma to the end of the first Budokai Tenkaichi. This will be a pinned topic. Some rough numbers: BEGINNING Goku - 10 Famished Goku - 7.5 Oozaru Goku - 75-100 Bear Thief - 6 Yamcha - 8 Master Roshi KHH -...
  15. Emmeth

    Piccolo and Mr. Boo

    How big of a gap is there between them? They asked Piccolo first, right? So do they consider him stronger than Boo at this point?
  16. Emmeth

    Good & Bad Things About Super

    Can anyone who's seen the show point out the good and bad things about super? I'm sure the emphasize will be on bad, that's okay. The only thing I find bad at times is the obviously terrible and lazy animations.
  17. Emmeth

    Namekian Fusion

    Piccolo and Kami fused in the Cell arc to become whole again. Although it depends on sources, the most likely gain they had was x2. In the Freeza arc Nail talks to Piccolo as if he'd be able to easily beat Freeza if he had fused with Kami. Of course we can only assume that Nail is talking about...
  18. Emmeth

    Profile Fields & New Video Game Section

    Hi, I just wanted to let you know we've made a few minor changes to the forums. We've added a few profile fields which I will go over here: - Added 'Current Internet Browser' where it shows an icon of what browser you choose. - Added Favorite Anime field. - Added Favorite Manga field. - Added...
  19. Emmeth

    Gender and Nationality Added to Profile Field

    Hello, I wanted to tell you guys about some new features added to the profile field. You can now choose your own gender and your own nationality when you go to "Update Profile". Adding a gender (you can still choose undecided) will clean up the profile field a little bit, so that's a nice bonus...
  20. Emmeth

    Happy birthday, boss!

    I was thinking we could place it here in Announcements. Congratulations on your day of birth, Super Saiyan! Hope you celebrate by drinking loads of booze and due whatever you do best. You da man!

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸