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  1. GSM123

    Scaling Daima with nerfed multipliers

    I've been strict about SSJ multipliers for a while, but I think Daima gives the perfect excuse to nerf SSJ multipliers. SSJ doing barely any better than base? Base adults > SSJ4 minis? Yeah this is some GT-level nerfed multipliers. SSJ is the good old 2.5x and SSJ3 is probably twice that. First...
  2. GSM123

    Catching up with Daima

    I’ll give each episode a thumbs up or thumbs down. Each thumbs up will be half a point and in the end they’ll add up for a 10 points score, with points added or deducted from the overall flow of the series. Episode 1 has a greatly animated recap of the Boo Saga (and surprisingly consistent...
  3. GSM123

    How strong is base Goku?

    This is a red hot topic when it comes to DBS, but I don’t think it was ever touched here in Zeta. In the anime Goku absorbs SSJG’s power into his lower forms, but some people think it was retconned. In the manga there’s no clear absorption and base Saiyans are featless. Is Goku barely stronger...
  4. GSM123

    Saiyan Saga Vegeta Levels

    Full power: 18,000 Post beam struggle: 14,500 Post Ki Ball: 4,500 Oozaru: 45,000 Post Oozaru: 3,000 Post Genki Dama: 1,500 Goku: 8,000 ~ Post beam struggle: 4,000 ~ Hypothetical Kaioken x5: 20,000 - 40,000? Genki Dama: 50,000 ~ Weakened: 25,000 Gohan: 1,250 ~ Enraged: 2,500 ~ Oozaru: 12,500...
  5. GSM123

    Ki blast amp discusssion thread

    @Power Level Guy @SSJ2 @SIAD Going by Kamehameha = Garlic Gun and Garlic Gun = 1.33x, I think it's fair to say that's the amp in the Saiyan Saga. Goku (FP vs Raditz): 693 (75% of 924) ~ Kamehameha: 924 Piccolo (FP vs Raditz): 680 (2/3 of 1020, the number Raditz gets when Piccolo starts...
  6. GSM123

    Would Moro have been a better villain in Z?

    Moro always felt like a DBZ villain to me (Probably because he’s a mix of the big 3), and with all the Kaioshin lore he’d feel adequate as a villain immediately after the Boo Saga. Just take alway the god forms and tighten the plot a bit and it would be much better, wouldn’t it?
  7. GSM123

    Piccolo regenerating in the Boo Saga

    Just thought about this in the Cell regen thread. In the Boo Saga, Goten or Trunks accidentally broke Piccolo’s statue. Later he comes back like nothing happened, brushing it off with regen. But we saw before that arms alone cost a ton of Ki. How is Piccolo alright after regenerating his whole...
  8. GSM123

    Wild Life Power Levels

    We touched this subject lightly on SSJ2’s list and I got interested, so I made this thread for scaling. Hopefully we can get a better grasp of how strong Goku is. I want to see if we can keep him at that goold old 50 (10x farmer), but it might be more. Here’s the basics. Just remember, power...
  9. GSM123

    “Someone strong, like you”

    Episode 29 Time: around 13m Context: After Vegeta knocks Goku through a small mountain Vegeta: "Bit the dust, have you?" Goku: "Y-you sure are strong... [ ] I-it's been a long time since I fought someone strong, like you..." Vegeta: "I will concede that your feelings are worthy of the mightiest...
  10. GSM123

    Freeza Saga ~ Android Saga

    Namek Kuririn: 250,000 Gohan: 300,000 ~ Enraged: 900,000 ~ Zenkai: 1,000,000 ~ Enraged: 2,000,000 ~ Masenko: 2,500,000 Piccolo (Weighted): 270,000 ~ Fused with Nail: 1,350,000 ~ Unweighted: 1,687,500 Vegeta: 500,000 ~ Zenkai: 5,000,000 ~ Planet Buster: 6,750,000 Goku: 8,000,000 ~ FP...
  11. GSM123

    Kaioshin vs Pui Pui

    Kaioshin can’t use paralysis or eye kiai. Who wins? How close is this fight? Babidi seems to consider Kaioshin a total non factor in the ship.
  12. GSM123

    Why can’t SSJ2 = 2x work?

    Gohan: 1 ~ SSJ2 + rage: 2.5 Cell: 1 ~ FP: 1.5 ~ SPC: 2.25 Making it 4-5x is just too cumbersome post Cell Games. It just snowballs into unecessary bloat as early as the fusion saga.
  13. GSM123

    SSJ4 Goku (Baby Saga) runs the DBS gauntlet

    1) SSJG Goku (BoG) 2) Golden Freeza (RoF) 3) SSJR Goku Black 4) Base Toppo 5) SSJBE Vegeta 6) UI Sign Goku (ToP) 7) FP Jiren 8) Super FP Jiren How far does he go?
  14. GSM123

    Is SSJ3 Goku > SSJ Gotenks > Fat Boo possible?

    What do you think?
  15. GSM123

    Canon Bardock vs Raditz

    Toriyama once said that his Bardock is amongst the peak low class soldiers, and in another interview he said Raditz is high class. So who takes it? R1: Bardock pre Cereal R2: Bardock post Cereal
  16. GSM123

    Oob is more useless than Chaozu

    At least Chaozu was relevant in the 22nd Budokai, Oob is as useless as Jobhan. His one moment in the limelight was getting stomped by SBV2, and there isn't even a emotional sacrifice or anything! There's people out there who think he's weaker than Pan, and I don't blame them. Also, DBO Toriyama...
  17. GSM123

    Goku (Boo Saga) vs Vegeta (Pre Majin)

    Babidi is defeated without incident and the Saiyans have their rematch. Obviously Goku is going to win, but how close is the fight? Can Vegeta put up a fight? What does it look like?
  18. GSM123

    Nosferatu Zodd

    What’s up with that name? He’s neither a vampire nor kryptonian.
  19. GSM123

    SSJ Vegeta (Pre Majin) vs SSJ2 Teen Gohan

    Who wins? I’m starting to lean towards Vegeta. Much easier to take his “we’re stronger than Gohan now” at face value instead of circling around the question with excuses like “Budokai was retconned” or “He meant in equal forms”.
  20. GSM123

    Making Super good with minimal changes


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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸