In the scenario in which it's just #17 and #18, things go the same as in Trunks' timeline and Gohan goes SSJ after the death of Piccolo and co. Trunks is there to help Gohan as well once he arrives, helping train Gohan somewhere in solitude. With a powerful SSJ like Trunks to train him and his training prior to this, Gohan and Trunks probably wouldn't need a decade to face the twins and may very well be capable of doing so in less than a year. However, none of this matters as an unopposed Cell would've become strong enough to absorb both of them and would do away with the two Saiyans afterwards, along with the rest of the Planet.
Now if #16's there, he kills Goku quickly and what happens next purely rests on Gohan's choice. If Gohan goes SSJ and stays to fight out of rage, everyone dies against the Artificial Humans, including Trunks when he arrives. However, I don't see #16 as tolerating #17 and #18 harming innocent humans and animals and should they end up doing so, #16 would probably take it upon himself to destroy both of them. With nothing to do now, #16 decides to take up the position of defending humanity and nature, with him becoming aware of the disappearance of many people. Eventually, he'd track down Cell and kill him; be it by Cell not having absorbed enough humans or his stamina wearing out against #16's infinite energy.
Bulma would likely start production of a Time Machine after finding the one from Cell and using it as a basis, developing it far faster than her future self, as well as use her intellect and resources to track down Gero's lab in the meantime. I'm going to say it takes 7 years to complete in order to coincide with another plot point; Babidi would come to Earth to steal energy and though he won't gain enough from humans to revive Boo, Dabura would kill #16 so they have no resistance. I doubt Trunks would be as strong as his Boo Arc self due to having not trained in the Gravity Chamber and therefore not try to stop them. Even if he was, he lacks skill by too much to face Dabura. Bulma and Trunks would head back in time and instead of heading directly to warn everyone, she first visits Gero's lab and has Trunks destroy it along with Gero and all the Artificial Humans. Afterwards, she warns everyone about Babidi and Dabura appearing in 10 years' time and give Goku the medicine before leaving back to her timeline.
In the following few years, I believe Trunks would go to train with Shin and Kibito like his future self, becoming a psuedo Kaioshin apprentice and training to use the Z-Sword. Unlike his future self, however, the natural strength of his present self would be enough to kill Dabura easily without Shin or Kibito dying. Trunks would still continue training in case any greater threats arrive.
In the meantime, Cell is still within the 2nd past timeline, though I believe Kami's awareness of him would lead to him warning Piccolo and the rest, who'd kill Cell before he grew too strong. Trunks would arrive in this timeline around this time to see how the Z-Warriors' training was going and proving they still had far to go. At this point, Goku would remember the Rosat and everyone gets as strong as their Cell Games self. In 7 years time, they're able to deal with Dabura and Boo isn't revived. After this, I think the end points for both timelines would be that of Super. Beerus would arrive on Earth, the SSG ritual would happen and things go the same from thereon. The only major difference is that #17 and #18 are replaced with Goten and Trunks due to there being no other choice, who even if getting a Super hax, still become jobbers due to their lack of skill. I don't think it'd be absolutely crucial in Universe 7 maintaining their victory though. As for Trunks, Black and Zamasu would show up in his timeline, so other than "Future" Trunks and Mai being significantly younger than in Super, everything goes back into place from here.
Now as for what if Gohan decides to retreat in this scenario, that can wait for another post.