A new outlook in the androids saga


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Debatable. Cell's timeline isn't much different from Trunks'.

And the second statement is from the androids of Trunks' timeline. Though i guess it doesn't mean much because Cell's. only saying he can't defeat both.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
What 2nd statement are you talking about?

Cell's timeline is quite different from Trunks' timeline.

No Android #16 like the main timeline but much stronger Androids #17 and #18. Plus a time travelling Trunks kills Freeza in Cell's timeline. It's a lot different.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Victorious said:
What 2nd statement are you talking about?
This one:

Chapter: 420 (DBZ 226), P2.3
Context: after Trunks tells Cell he’ll defeat him
Cell: “Trunks…All of your data has been scanned by the spy robot…With your power, you couldn’t possibly defeat No.17 or No.18, let alone me…”

It was performed by the Cell from future Trunks' timeline.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
ahill1 said:
Victorious said:
What 2nd statement are you talking about?
This one:

Chapter: 420 (DBZ 226), P2.3
Context: after Trunks tells Cell he’ll defeat him
Cell: “Trunks…All of your data has been scanned by the spy robot…With your power, you couldn’t possibly defeat No.17 or No.18, let alone me…”

It was performed by the Cell from future Trunks' timeline.

Ohh, I see. That was made after Trunks returned to his timeline after the Cell Games. That's the last episode of the Cell arc.

Anyway Wow, that definitely seems to suggest Imperfect Cell > Androids in the Future Trunks timeline. Don't you think so with the way Cell words it?

Yet in the main timeline we know Androids > Imperfect Cell. Cell upon arrival doesnt even rival #18 yet.

So yeah they're definitely a lot weaker than in the main timeline.Unless you think this Cell was already absorbing a shit ton of humans and had surpassed present #17 and #18.

And well duhh he couldnt possibly defeat Future #17 and #18. No 90 can possibly hope to defeat two 100s IMO. That's like Zarbon handsome form beating 2 24k powerlevel Vegetas with infinite stamina..aint happening.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Well the future timeline Androids are around Vegeta/Goku level, so no big deal.

Anyway, the Cell that fights Trunks has an aura while the one that fights Piccolo doesn't, so at the very least I would take that as Cell (v Trunks) >> Cell (v Piccolo). I like to just put him equal to the Cell that absorbed 17 for simplicity, although that Cell kinda makes it sound like he hasn't been that strong before so maybe the one that fights Trunks is somewhere in the middle instead.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
Kyo said:
Well the future timeline Androids are around Vegeta/Goku level, so no big deal.

Anyway, the Cell that fights Trunks has an aura while the one that fights Piccolo doesn't, so at the very least I would take that as Cell (v Trunks) >> Cell (v Piccolo). I like to just put him equal to the Cell that absorbed 17 for simplicity, although that Cell kinda makes it sound like he hasn't been that strong before so maybe the one that fights Trunks is somewhere in the middle instead.

Well the Cell that fought weighted Kamiccolo in Ginger town is at a near minimum power, since he had just absorbed the population of 1 city...and we know he had just hatched out of his larval form. The Cell that Future Trunks fights in the Future saga, can't really be any weaker that's for sure. He could be stronger though.

I'd pay more attention to physiology than aura though, aura just tells me whether or not a fighter is fighting close to his current full power or not.

The 1st form Cell that Kamiccolo, #17, and #16 fought is much more muscular and physically imposing, than the slender one weighted Kamiccolo fought in Ginger town.



Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
The Cell from his own timeline was searching for the androids (as he noticed they were lilely killed by Trunks and couldn't find them), whereas this same Cell, once he was in the main timeline, said he needed to absorb people in order to force the absorption. So it's likely that Cell lost power when reverting himself back to an egg and absorbing ppl, imo, was his way to get back to that power.

As for the Cell from Trunks' timeline... well, he also does appear stronger than the androids based on his comment (although they were weaker androids compared to the ones from the aforementioned timeline), so I'd argue that Cell, immeadiately post being producced by the computer, is supposed to be stronger than the androids. But with the Cell we all know of it was a special case since he reverted to an egg.