Alternate Seventeen/Eighteen wanted to become kings of the world?


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Let's say that, when they woke up, in Trunkses timeline, they decided, instead of just brainlessly killing and destroying, to overthrow the king and rule the planet.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Due to their immature and selfish nature, they'd still rule unjustly in a similar manner to Freeza and would be confronted by the Dragon Team, leading to the death of all but Gohan. As their attacks wouldn't be as frequent, however, Gohan and Trunks would be able to progress to the level where they could fight them and Gohan may not have to lose his arm. Them not randomly destroying any area they please would also secure Karin's safety, allowing for more senzu to be grown. Gohan and Trunks eventually defeat #17 and #18, likely around the same time Trunks fought them alone. The time machine would be abandoned and building a ship to go to New Namek would be chosen instead, with Kaio giving them the co-ordinates. All of #17 and #18's victims are thereby revived, though Galu can't be due to death by natural causes. Instead of stealing the time machine, Cell tries to use the Dragon Balls to revive #17 and #18 once sensing the Ki of Vegeta and other formerly dead warriors, though is eventually found thanks to the Dragon Radar and defeated by the Dragon Team's combined power. Some years later, Shin shows up and Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta and Piccolo go train on the Kaioshinkai. With 4 main fighters rather than one, they defeat Dabura and prevent Shin's death. Peace returns here and Beerus still living as well as no Goku means Zamasu's plans are changed drastically. Either they don't happen at all, or he chooses a different universe before eventually being found by the Daishinkan.
Of course, this means Zen-Oh erases Universe 7 at some point in the future though.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
I don't think that the twins would have gone as far as Freeza if they were just two spoiled teenagers rather than the sociopaths they were in Trunkses timeline. Even if the Z Fighters were annoyed and tried to overthrow them, they wouldn't have been persistent to the point of winding up killed. I think they would eventually learn to coexist with the Androids. Maybe they would later ally in a common cause, when Babidi arrived.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
When I say similar to Freeza, I mean in the manner of him being a spoilt child (by his race's standards) not using his power justly. Whilst #17 and #18 wouldn't be as merciless as he was, their rulership would still be one of complete selfishness and they make it apparent killing people still isn't out of the question for them with how killing Goku was just a game to them and #17 was prepared to kill Piccolo out of annoyance. They would certainly be willing to kill if not getting their way and revolutions have been started for far less.
The only scenario in which this could be avoided is if #17 uses his power to focus on enough environmental efforts to rule properly, though we can infer from the plot and official sources that this was a product of being influenced by #16.

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