Well first off I've yet to complete S;G. I put it down at some point (I forget exactly where but near the midway point I think) because I got a bit busy with some stuff, and I've yet to pick it back up. I have this problem where if I put something off I
generally have a hard time getting back into it, regardless of the quality. Not sure why. I just think "Okay, time to start this again...nah I'll give it a few more days." Maybe that drive to find out what happens in the next episode wears off, idk. For example, I finished Bakemonogatari like a year after I started it, whereas I finished Nisemonogatari in just a few days because I never took a break. Don't think it's been quite that long since I watched S;G but yeah I should pick it back up...
That said, my favorite's Okabe. He's the most interesting to me so far. Everyone else so far has mostly just been good for their particular role.
Whipedkillsmiled said:
Someone comes up to you and starts telling you how much they want to get into the music industry and they've been practicing for 10 Years and believe they're just practically there and also how its their one and only dream to live for. Hence, they ask you to listen to a piece of their music. Turns out to be the most bubble shit thing you've ever heard unlikable by all...he or she asks watchu think? What do you do?
I'll be honest with him/her, because if I'm not, s/he'll just get shat on later when s/he tries to get a record deal or something (unless I only hated it because of my particular taste or something). I wouldn't be a dick or about it or anything. How exactly I'd word it, I can't say. Just not sure.