You actually asked me a dozen questions
SSJ2 said:
You have $3 to spend at the dollar store, what 3 things do you buy?
Dunno tbh, whatever things happen to seem interesting to me at the time.
SSJ2 said:
What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
I don't feel guilty about anything that brings me pleasure
SSJ2 said:
If you could only ride a unicycle or use stilts to commute, which would you choose?
Depends on how tall the stilts are but I think I'd probably go with a unicycle regardless.
SSJ2 said:
What’s the funniest prank you’ve ever pulled on someone?
I'll uhh get back to you on this one, maybe.
SSJ2 said:
If you were a man for a day, what would you do?
your mom.
SSJ2 said:
What was your most embarrassing moment ever?
I literally never get embarrassed, I mean one time my buddy pulled my pants down in public while I was going commando and I had zero fucks to give.
SSJ2 said:
Do you believe in ghosts?
SSJ2 said:
What is the most exotic food you’ve ever tried?
I don't think anything I've ever eaten could be counted as exotic, I tend to stay away from that kind of stuff. I prefer basic stuff anyway.
SSJ2 said:
Have you ever found a pizza delivery guy attractive?
Not totally sure, I don't think so though. Perhaps once but I guess he wasn't attractive enough to be worth remembering
SSJ2 said:
If you could punch one person in the face right now, who would it be?
Pakl, definitely.
SSJ2 said:
What emotion do you feel when you think about clowns?
Nothing in particular, unless the clown in question is Ronald Mcdonald, then I get hungry but I don't think that's an emotion.
SSJ2 said:
Do you think bald is sexy?
Usually no, but there are exceptions