How much do you have to notify your insurance company if you modify a car? Eg do changes like putting a sticker on the rear window, wrapping the car a different solid colour or doing a remap increase your insurance premium or void your insurance if you're in a crash and didn't declare the changes?
Do you like to go to wild areas, forests, farmland etc?
What's the oldest item of clothing you own? How old is it?
What are your current goals?
What's one thing you had or did before, but don't have or do nowadays, that you would like to bring back?
I've never bothered with informing insurance about modifications. I imagine if you have a high end vehicle, and have modified it extensively ($10,000+), then it'd be a different story.
We have some rural areas with farmlands. The only time that I'm around those types of landmarks are when I'm cruising around. However, I don't intentionally go get lost in a forest on foot.
Oldest article of clothing that I wear? It's probably one of my suits, and it's a couple of years old.
I'm not going to share my deepest desires and goals. However, a minor goal that I'm working on constantly is the next vehicle that I want to purchase. I've had 5 failed purchase attempts, and I'm determined to find one. I'll only post and share once I have one in my possession.
One item that I had, that I no longer have, yet want again? Nothing at the moment, because if there was something, then I've already reacquired it.
One task that I did, that I no longer do, yet want to do again? Nothing. The best version of me has discarded old tasks that no longer fit in that ideal state.