Babidi took full control of Vegeta's mind?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Basically when Babidi casts his spell Vegeta is unable to resist and becomes a minion of Babidi just like Dabra. What happens now?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Vegeta would target Shin and Gohan, prompting Goku to immediately go SS2 and stop him. The two would start their fight and, upon seeing they were evenly matched any taking note of how much danger it was putting the spectators in (as he wouldn't have the time to request Babidi bring them somewhere more remote to fight), Goku would be forced to use SS3 to knock Vegeta out. This would mean Boo isn't revived, Goku helps Gohan kill Dabura and Babidi and returns to Otherworld a few hours later after teaching Gohan and the kids fusion. The situation with Dabura prompts Gohan to think about training seriously again to protect those he cares about now that his father is gone, with Shin bringing him to the Kaioshinkai. This eventually leads to Ultimate Gohan, of course.

Beerus would still wake up and request to fight the Super Saiyan God after becoming bored with Bulma's party. As they can't revive Goku and Elder Kaioshin likely wouldn't volunteer to trade his life nor Enma grant Galu another visit to Earth due to not wanting Beerus to implicate them in anything, the Dragon Balls would be used in a last ditch attempt to wish Tarble to Earth for the ritual. Gohan is made the SSG and the fight goes the same as the canon one with Galu. Gohan doesn't train with Whis whilst Vegeta does, though he doesn't slack off like his canon self, instead "evolving as a human" like his ToP self and essentially absorbing SSG into his Ultimate state. FnF happens, with Golden Freeza stomping Gohan until Vegeta steps in and isn't caught off guard by Sorbet, with things essentially being the same. Gohan decides to enter the U6 tournament and, with his adaptational ability in Super, manages to stalemate Hit and allow Monaka to win. Future Trunks Arc goes mostly the same at first, but with Gohan bringing up the Z-Sword raher than the Mafuba as an example of sealing someone away. Beerus doesn't help him, though Piccolo brings up the Mafuba and brings things back on track. Gohan successfully seals Zamasu and Vegeta kills Black. For the ToP Arc, however, the Universe 7 team have no chance of beating Jiren even if bringing back Goku (who would be far weaker here), so things end with Jiren getting his wish at the expense of 7 universes.

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