Bojack's Power


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
I think Bojack is a wasteful character. Everyone underestimates him and says he is barely stronger than Cell Games FPSSjin Gohan which is just wrong. I would prove that he is actually a pretty tough character and he is at least close to FP Perfect Cell

<big>First Appearance</big>


Bojack is first shown to beat SSjin Trunks with 1 kick which makes Trunks faint. Later, he is completely shown when Gohan arrives to save his friends and Gohan comments Bojack's ki is huge.

Gohan: "That’s a huge fighting strength."

Base Bojack must be stronger than M9 FPSSjin Gohan who is comparable to his Cell Games self for Gohan to be pretty impressed.

Bojack: "Not bad brat. However, you’re not strong enough to beat us no matter how hard you try."

Bojack confirms Gohan is not that bad when he saw him fighting his henchmen but not enough to beat him which proves Base Bojack should be above Cell Games FPSSjins Goku and Gohan by a good margin at least. I would say his base form is around the Cell who was beating Cell Games FPSSjin Gohan.

Base Bojack ~ Suppressed Perfect Cell > FPSSjin Gohan M9/Cell Games.


Bojack vs Piccolo

1. Bojack dodges Piccolo's punch.
2. Bojack knees Piccolo to the guts and punches him.
3. Piccolo kicked Bojack and Bojack falls towards a building.
4. Piccolo tries to do a fist slam to Bojack. But he ducks under it and moves up high behind Piccolo.
5. Bojack tires to blast Piccolo, but he just slaps the ki away.
6. Bojack does the energy ball again. Piccolo try to bounce the ball out, but it’s too powerful so it hit him. Piccolo gets slammed to another building and falls to the ground.

Explanation: Piccolo was so hurt that he was unable to stand later and he was shown to be unconscious later on from just one blast of Bojack. M9/Anime Cell Games Piccolo is not much weaker Cell Games Vegeta and Trunks.


<big>Bojack vs SSjin Trunks</big>

1. Bojack first beats SSjin Trunks who is as strong as in the Cell Games with 1 kick which makes him faint.
2. Trunks woke up after some time and then does his Burning Attack But Bojack just used his Barrier.
3. Bojack later one shots SSjin Trunks with 1 blast.


<big>Bojack vs SSjin Vegeta</big>

1. Vegeta gives out a couple of hand blasts to Bojack As did Bojack with the hand blast. Giving blast to blast across a building.
2. One of Bojack's powerful blasts toward Vegeta. Vegeta tries to blast it out. Bojack had more power and blew Vegeta off this foot.
3. Bojack punches Vegeta at the face.
4. Bojack gives a low blow to Vegeta to the ground.
5. Bojack gives a knee to Vegeta's back.
6. Bojack gives a spinning kick to Vegeta’s waist.
7. Vegeta is thrown to a Big Ben look a like. Explanation: Bojack easily beat SSjin Vegeta who is comparable to his Cell Games self that Vegeta appeared to go back to his base form from a few kicks. Cell Games SSjin Vegeta > 50% MSSjin Goku.
8. Bojack punches Vegeta so hard he ripped his sleeve.
9. Bojack elbows Vegeta.
10. Bojack powered up like Gokua as did and begins a power up energy ball. Explanation: Similar to trunks and Piccolo, Vegeta also fainted upon losing to Bojack. That shows Bojack in his base form is much stronger than Cell Games SSjins Vegeta and Trunks who are > 50% MSSjin Goku. Bojack powers up to his full power. His power greatly increased. Bojack's base form was already above M9/Cell Games FPSSjin Kid Gohan.


Super Bojack > Base Bojack > M9/Cell Games FPSSjin Gohan > M9/Cell Games SSjin Vegeta > M9 Cell Games SSjin Vegeta > M9/Cell Games Piccolo.

<big>Bojack vs FPSSjin Gohan</big>

1. Gohan charge at Bojack in FPSSjin mode and Bojack zanokens.
2. Bojack then grabs Gohan’s leg and throws Gohan up in the air.
3. Gohan lands on the side of the clock. Bojack tries a punch. They fly and punch each other.
4. Bojack tries a blast and Gohan stops it away.
5. Bojack moves in front of Gohan and punches him.
6. Two webs goes for Gohan. Gohan is trapped.
7. Bojack punches Gohan at the face.
8. Bojack gives a knee hit to Gohan’s face.
9. Gohan goes SSJ kicked Bojack and Gohan fights with all of Bojack’s crew. Gohan punches Bujin and Bido. Bojack kicked Gohan and Zangya fist slammed Gohan.
10. Bojack picks up Gohan and squeezes Gohan with his arms.

Bojack was obviously toying with FPSSjin Gohan as he was shown smiling and not trying so saying he is barely above FPSSjin Gohan is basically foolish because his base form was already above him. He then showed the abillity to survive hits from SSjin 2 Gohan and even cancelled out his Kamehameha.. So he was likely toying before


Bojack kicked Gohan out of SSjin in one hit. Gohan was weakened before by the gang but the fact he was able to transfom again and attack the entire gang proved he was enraged so he likely had rage boots so he was not weakened..

Also a quote from the Daizenshuu:

" By heightening his ki, he is capable of enlarging his muscles to power himself up. When he does so, his hair changes from orange to red."

That sounds like Super Bojack is much stronger than Base Bojack and Base Bojack was likely stronger than FPSSjin Gohan so Super Bojack is far ahead of FPSSjin Gohan

There is also this quote from the Daizenshuu

"He made Gohan and co. suffer with his great power, but Goku came from the afterlife to rescue Gohan, and when Gohan put forth his true power he fell before it."

He made Gohan suffer with his great power but was no match for him once he transformed to SSjin 2... If Bojack was not uch ahead of FPSSjin Gohan, he would not be considered a great deal for him until he went SSjin 2

Also, the fact the gang overpowered FPSSjin Gohan is also proof of Bojack being much stronger.. The henchmen can never beat the master...

<big>Bojack vs SSjin 2 Gohan</big>

1. Bojack laughing jumps and let loose an energy ball but Gohan was standing unaffected.
2. Bojack charging at Gohan ready to punch, but Gohan moved faster and punched right through Bojack while he’s screaming in pain.
3. Bojack forming another blast with both of this hand. Gohan forms a Kamehameha. Both let loose of their strong energy beam. The energy ball and the Kamehameha made impact. A two figures seem too past after the impact.
Gohan was in front and Bojack behind him and Bojack exploded. Explanation: Bojack's attack cancelled SSjin 2 Kid Gohan's blast which is an impressive feat. this feat should put him at least close to Full Power Perfect Cell IMO

Base Bojack was already way stronger than Cell Games SSjins Vegeta and Trunks who are above 50% MSSjin Goku and was stronger than Cell Games FPSSjins Goku and Gohan by a good margin at least. His full power was implied to be way stronger than his base form so he should be at least close to Full Power Perfect Cell.

Full Power Perfect Cell >/~ Super Bojack > Base Bojack > M9/Cell Games FPSSjin Gohan > M9/Cell Games SSjin Vegeta > M9 Cell Games SSjin Vegeta > M9/Cell Games Piccolo.

So yeah, it's annoying to see how people underrate Bojack and say he is barely stronger than Cell Games FPSSjin Gohan when he was toying with him, yet they think M8 LSSjin Broly who just beat 1st Post USSjin Vegeta and faced much weaker Z Fighters is even stronger than Perfect Cell which is just stupid. Bojack is not that weak.

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
That's a pretty solid post on Bojack. I always thought Bojack was around Full-Power Cell, if not stronger. Never thought he was way weaker than Cell.

How strong do you think his henchmen are compared to Gohan and the others?


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Evil Vegeta said:
That's a pretty solid post on Bojack. I always thought Bojack was around Full-Power Cell, if not stronger. Never thought he was way weaker than Cell.

How strong do you think his henchmen are compared to Gohan and the others?
The henchmen are based on the Cell Jrs but I have Bido the strongest rivalling SSjin Vegeta because he flinched when he powered up but it can mean he did because Vegeta is a little weaker too

SSjin Vegeta >= Bido >= SSjin Trunks >= Bujin

Zangya is likely 50% MSSjin Goku level and Gokuah is a weakling... Probably around SSjinG2 Vegeta's level at best

I made this thread because there are people claiming Super Bojack is a little bit stronger than FPSSjin Gohan which is ridiculous.. Most of them are known DBZF members... I just wanted to clear this up.. Lol


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
I'll give my opinion on the henchmen later, but for now I just want to say Bojack beating Piccolo and Vegeta with that much ease isn't that impressive. Gohan could have done the same at that point with his power advantage.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Bojack undoubtedly should be Cell level. Although putting him at Super Perfect Cell's level imo is pushing it. FP Perfect Cell tier works fine. He didn't do anything extraordinary. A non Raging SSJ2 Gohan punched clean through him, tanked his attacks and killed him in some unexplained but physical fashion and I don't think he could've done that to Super Perfect Cell.

FP Perfect Cell >= Super Bojack > Base Bojack >= MSSJ Gohan >= Perfect Cell (Vs. Goku/Gohan) >= MSSJ Goku > CG Vegeta/Trunks >=< Herans > Piccolo

Southern Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Super Saiyan Overlord1007 said:
Bojack undoubtedly should be Cell level. Although putting him at Super Perfect Cell's level imo is pushing it. FP Perfect Cell tier works fine. He didn't do anything extraordinary. A non Raging SSJ2 Gohan punched clean through him, tanked his attacks and killed him in some unexplained but physical fashion and I don't think he could've done that to Super Perfect Cell.

FP Perfect Cell >= Super Bojack > Base Bojack >= MSSJ Gohan >= Perfect Cell (Vs. Goku/Gohan) >= MSSJ Goku > CG Vegeta/Trunks >=< Herans > Piccolo
I agree with this. Keeping with the Toei way of things, I don't see them creating a movie villain who is weak sauce compared to the latest antagonist from the anime.

Gohan handled Bojack in similar fashion as FP Perfect Cell, only this time we saw what it would have been like if he didn't toy with his prey.

Super Bojack = FP Perfect Cell IMO.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
The henchmen are a weird bunch because of their ability to fend off Gohan and nonchalant attitude towards him in general, whereas they're implied to be below Vegeta based on his entrance and fight with Bojack thereafter.


Staff member
May 31, 2015
The henchmen rely too much on techniques. There's no genuine melee skill there.


Mid Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
They flat out overpowered Gohan, they didn't rely on any techniques.

Buff Bojack>>Second round FPSSJ Gohan>>Base Bojack>>Vegeta>=Bojack's gang>first round FPSSJ Gohan=Trunks>Piccolo>>Gokua


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Pyrus said:
I'll give my opinion on the henchmen later, but for now I just want to say Bojack beating Piccolo and Vegeta with that much ease isn't that impressive. Gohan could have done the same at that point with his power advantage.
That's not the only evidence though. Also, there was a massive gap between Vegeta and Bojack.. Bojack's few hits made Vegeta revert to his base form

Plus the fact Super Bojack is much stronger than Base Bojack who is at least as strong as FPSSjin Gohan is proof of Bojack being much stronger

TOEI used this IMO:

Base Bojack ~ Suppressed Cell vs Goku and Gohan

Super Bojack ~ FP PC


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
GokhanDBZfan said:
They flat out overpowered Gohan, they didn't rely on any techniques.
If you bunch would actually watch the movie with subtitles, you would have realized Gohan started out equal to Trunks and then suddenly got strong enough to fend off Bojack and his bunch for a short moment later.
That probably came out of Toei having no clue about Gohan's strength at the Cell Games when writing the film.

Buff Bojack>>Second round FPSSJ Gohan>>Base Bojack>>Vegeta>=Bojack's gang>first round FPSSJ Gohan=Trunks>Piccolo>>Gokua
The movie was made after the CG and noting says Gohan was holding back.. The henchmen being able to fight and then getting stomped is something TOEI always does


Mid Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
One of the Z-Fighters' friends or somebody states that either Gohan or Trunks will win the tournament.
Obviously, that means Gohan is comparable to Trunks.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Chi-Chi says Gohan would win and then, Bulma says Trunks is also there.. Wow, what do they even know about it? It just means that Gohan and Trunks are on a wole other level than the rest


Mid Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
Roshi says so too and he can sense ki.
He would have no reason to say either Gohan or Trunks will win, if Gohan was as strong as against Cell.