Cell Saga


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Gohan: 1,200,000

Kuririn: 600,000
Tenshinhan: 400,000
Yamcha: 300,000
Chaozu: 200,000

Piccolo (Weighted): 2,400,000
~ Unweighted: 3,000,000

Vegeta: 3,200,000

Cyborg Freeza: 180,000,000
King Cold: 120,000,000

Trunks: 5
~ Full power: 5,400,000
~ SSJ: 270,000,000

Goku: 6,000,000
~ SSJ: 300,000,000

3 years later...

Goku: 96,000,000
Piccolo: 75,000,000
Gohan: 60,000,000

Kuririn: 30,000,000
Tenshinhan: 20,000,000
Yamcha: 15,000,000

Android 20: 500,000,000
~ Yamcha's Ki: 515,000,000

Goku (Sick): 60,000,000
~ SSJ: 600,000,000

Android 19: 375,000,000
~ Damaged: 150,000,000

SSJ Goku's Sick Kamehameha: 300,000,000

Android 19 (Kamehameha absorbed): 450,000,000

SSJ Goku (Post Kamehameha): 400,000,000 and falling
~ Reverted to base: 20,000,000 and falling

Vegeta: 100,000,000
~ SSJ: 1,000,000,000

Android 19 (Goku's Ki): 465,000,000
~ Damaged: 165,000,000
~ Vegeta's Ki: 365,000,000

SSJ Vegeta (Ki lost): 750,000,000
~ Big Bang Attack: 1,125,000,000
~ Post BBA: 500,000,000

Android 20 (Vegeta's blast absorbed): 615,000,000
~ Piccolo's Ki: 650,000,000

Piccolo (Full power): 750,000,000

Trunks: 90,000,000

Android 18: 1,400,000,000
Android 17: 1,500,000,000

SSJ Trunks: 900,000,000

Imperfect Cell: 1,125,000,000
~ Imperfect Kamehameha: 2,500,000,000
~ Piccolo's arm absorbed: 1,200,000,000

Kamiccolo: 1,440,000,000
~ Arm absorbed: 1,365,000,000
~ Post regeneration: 1,350,000,000
~ Full power: 1,500,000,000
~ Hellzone Grenade: 1,875,000,000

17's barrier: 3,750,000,000

Imperfect Cell (Post absorptions): 5,000,000,000

Kamiccolo's Light Grenade: 5,000,000,000

Android 16: 5,000,000,000

Semi Perfect Cell: 10,000,000,000

Tenshinhan's Shin Kikoho: 8,000,000,000

Vegeta (Post Rosat): 200,000,000
~ SSJ: 10,000,000,000
~ Grade II 25,000,000,000

Semi Perfect Cell (Full power): 15,000,000,000

Trunks (Post Rosat): 192,000,000
~ SSJ: 9,600,000,000
~ Grade II: 24,000,000,000

Perfect Cell: 22,500,000,000
~ Serious: 90,000,000,000

Super Vegeta's Final Flash: 100,000,000,000

SSJ Trunks (Grade III): 240,000,000,000
Buff Cell: 270,000,000,000

MSSJ Goku (50%): 450,000,000,000

10 days later...

MSSJ Goku (Warming up): 90,000,000,000
~ Full power: 900,000,000,000
~ Shunkan Ido Kamehameha: 3,600,000,000,000

Perfect Cell: 100,000,000,000
~ Powered up: 1,000,000,000,000

MSSJ Gohan: 1,200,000,000,000

Perfect Cell (Vs Gohan): 1,250,000,000,000

Cell Jrs.: 625,000,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 600,000,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 576,000,000,000

MSSJ Gohan (Slight anger): 1,350,000,000,000
~ SSJ2: 5,400,000,000,000

Perfect Cell (Full power): 2,500,000,000,000
~ Perfect Kamehameha: 10,000,000,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan's Calm Kamehameha: 10,800,000,000,000

Perfect Cell (Giant): 3,750,000,000,000

Super Perfect Cell: 4,000,000,000,000
~ Solar Kamehameha: 16,000,000,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan (Weakened): 2,400,000,000,000
~ One handed Kamehameha: 9,600,000,000,000
~ Father-Son Kamehameha: 21,600,000,000,000


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Piccolo's arm absorbed: 1,200,000,000
I think you have Cell a little bit too strong. His post absorption level should be where you have his initial level. Vegeta was clearly a threat to him and he could pretty well one shot him with a 1.2x gap.


May 30, 2015
Gohan: 1,200,000

Kuririn: 600,000
Tenshinhan: 400,000
Yamcha: 300,000
Chaozu: 200,000

Piccolo (Weighted): 2,400,000
~ Unweighted: 3,000,000

Vegeta: 3,200,000

Cyborg Freeza: 180,000,000
King Cold: 120,000,000

Trunks: 5
~ Full power: 5,400,000
~ SSJ: 270,000,000

Goku: 6,000,000
~ SSJ: 300,000,000

3 years later...

Goku: 96,000,000
Piccolo: 75,000,000
Gohan: 60,000,000

Kuririn: 30,000,000
Tenshinhan: 20,000,000
Yamcha: 15,000,000

Android 20: 500,000,000
~ Yamcha's Ki: 515,000,000

Goku (Sick): 60,000,000
~ SSJ: 600,000,000

Android 19: 375,000,000
~ Damaged: 150,000,000

SSJ Goku's Sick Kamehameha: 300,000,000

Android 19 (Kamehameha absorbed): 450,000,000

SSJ Goku (Post Kamehameha): 400,000,000 and falling
~ Reverted to base: 20,000,000 and falling

Vegeta: 100,000,000
~ SSJ: 1,000,000,000

Android 19 (Goku's Ki): 465,000,000
~ Damaged: 165,000,000
~ Vegeta's Ki: 365,000,000

SSJ Vegeta (Ki lost): 750,000,000
~ Big Bang Attack: 1,125,000,000
~ Post BBA: 500,000,000

Android 20 (Vegeta's blast absorbed): 615,000,000
~ Piccolo's Ki: 650,000,000

Piccolo (Full power): 750,000,000

Trunks: 90,000,000

Android 18: 1,400,000,000
Android 17: 1,500,000,000

SSJ Trunks: 900,000,000

Imperfect Cell: 1,125,000,000
~ Imperfect Kamehameha: 2,500,000,000
~ Piccolo's arm absorbed: 1,200,000,000

Kamiccolo: 1,440,000,000
~ Arm absorbed: 1,365,000,000
~ Post regeneration: 1,350,000,000
~ Full power: 1,500,000,000
~ Hellzone Grenade: 1,875,000,000

17's barrier: 3,750,000,000

Imperfect Cell (Post absorptions): 5,000,000,000

Kamiccolo's Light Grenade: 5,000,000,000

Android 16: 5,000,000,000

Semi Perfect Cell: 10,000,000,000

Tenshinhan's Shin Kikoho: 8,000,000,000

Vegeta (Post Rosat): 200,000,000
~ SSJ: 10,000,000,000
~ Grade II 25,000,000,000

Semi Perfect Cell (Full power): 15,000,000,000

Trunks (Post Rosat): 192,000,000
~ SSJ: 9,600,000,000
~ Grade II: 24,000,000,000

Perfect Cell: 22,500,000,000
~ Serious: 90,000,000,000

Super Vegeta's Final Flash: 100,000,000,000

SSJ Trunks (Grade III): 240,000,000,000
Buff Cell: 270,000,000,000

MSSJ Goku (50%): 450,000,000,000

10 days later...

MSSJ Goku (Warming up): 90,000,000,000
~ Full power: 900,000,000,000
~ Shunkan Ido Kamehameha: 3,600,000,000,000

Perfect Cell: 100,000,000,000
~ Powered up: 1,000,000,000,000

MSSJ Gohan: 1,200,000,000,000

Perfect Cell (Vs Gohan): 1,250,000,000,000

Cell Jrs.: 625,000,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 600,000,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 576,000,000,000

MSSJ Gohan (Slight anger): 1,350,000,000,000
~ SSJ2: 5,400,000,000,000

Perfect Cell (Full power): 2,500,000,000,000
~ Perfect Kamehameha: 10,000,000,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan's Calm Kamehameha: 10,800,000,000,000

Perfect Cell (Giant): 3,750,000,000,000

Super Perfect Cell: 4,000,000,000,000
~ Solar Kamehameha: 16,000,000,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan (Weakened): 2,400,000,000,000
~ One handed Kamehameha: 9,600,000,000,000
~ Father-Son Kamehameha: 21,600,000,000,000
I like your numbers.

Why do you have Piccolo (with 1 arm absorbed)> Piccolo (Post regeneration) in his first fight against Cell? If his power had decreased so much, then why would the Arm regenerate?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I think you have Cell a little bit too strong. His post absorption level should be where you have his initial level. Vegeta was clearly a threat to him and he could pretty well one shot him with a 1.2x gap.

So Cell should be barely above Vegeta before the arm sucking?

I like your numbers.

Why do you have Piccolo (with 1 arm absorbed)> Piccolo (Post regeneration) in his first fight against Cell? If his power had decreased so much, then why would the Arm regenerate?

Namekian regeneration is noted to decrease the user’s power. Both 23TB Piccolo and Nail lost power to regrow their arms, and Kamiccolo should be no exception.

The only exception is Cell, who’s only noted to lose Ki when regenerating half his body (something Namekians can’t even do). Dragon Books also say Cell’s regeneration is superior.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Either that, or he didn't get as much ki from the arm as you're assuming.

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