Cell were good?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
So let’s say Goku’s DNA had too much of a influence in Cell and he ends up being born as a stoic, but good natured guy. How much do things change?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Well, he'd never travel back in time or absorb anyone, for one.

Let's say though that he does do so with after helping Trunks rebuild his future. To stop continuity getting messy, I'll say he travels alone and ends up exactly where he did in canon. Needing to go into his larval state, he still spends 3 years dormant before awakening 1 year prior to #19 and #20's arrival. His first decision is to venture to Gero's lab to absorb #17 and #18, knowing how evil the versions from his timeline were and fulfilling his programming being killing two birds in one stone. His plan goes flawlessly, becoming perfect in a matter of seconds.
After doing so, he finds Goku and tells him everything. With peace having coming anticlimactically, Cell uses the time machine (which he'd make sure not to damage) and return to his timeline. Whilst he may have trouble once Dabura shows up, his regeneration, Zenkais and ability to become exponentially stronger through Freeza's cells with training would allow him to eventually defeat Dabura and prevent Boo's revival. I'll say that Shin still dies though, be it due to being caught in the crossfires or Cell being unable to protect him at some point.

Unfortunately for those in the main timeline, however, Dabura seems like a godlike threat when showing up 3 years later. Goku quickly recommends to go in the Rosat, with he and Gohan defeating Dabura after their training (either through their power or Gohan eventually gaining SS2, depending which form you believed he used against Dabura). Without the Otherworld training, Goku and Vegeta would be more or less equal once he too emerged from the Rosat, so him getting in the position where he can go Majin isn't a factor.
Super goes without major changes until the Future Trunks Arc. Trunks' timeline would be a carbon-copy of Cell's at this point, so Perfect Cell is there to help him. With all his hax, Cell is eventually able to get to the point where he can challenge and defeat Black on his own. Whilst Zamasu's immortality proves difficult, Cell having Piccolo's cells would mean he'd know the Mafuba, resulting in him using it to seal away Zamasu. He'd then head to the main timeline to see if anything strange was going on with Goku or a shin-jin called Zamasu, ultimately ending in Beerus giving Zamasu the Hakai.
With his Saiyan cells wanting a good battle, Cell chooses to stay in the main timeline to train, with Beerus immediately destroying the time machine upon this decision as to not be reprimanded by Zen-Oh. For simplicity, I'll say this additional motivator allows Goku and Vegeta to still achieve PSSB. When the ToP happens, Cell is a prime candidate for the team. Freeza is still chosen out of desperation and as for #17 and #18's empty slots, Yamcha and someone else who doesn't matter (Yajirobe?) are put in as bench-fillers. Without Elder Kaioshin's ritual, Gohan's starting power is also far lower than in canon, which means Kefla goes undefeated by him and is most likely taken out by Jiren. These changes ultimately play little role as despite some parts of the U7 team being a lot weaker, the strength Cell brings more than makes up for it. Whilst Cell's hax isn't enough to overcome Jiren, he proves a decent enough distraction for Goku to still achieve Ultra Instinct and be the last man standing after Goku and Freeza's teamwork to take down Jiren. Like #17, Cell wishes for all the universes to be restored.
Cell also shows up for the Broly Arc, though serves little purpose beyond an additional distraction until Gogeta appears. For the Moro Arc, the Galactic Patrol ask for Goku and Vegeta's help rather than taking Boo. Cell would have definitely learnt Shunkan Ido by this point, with him using it to get to New Namek eventually and help them against Moro. His power is still drained by Moro, resulting in the arc still ending up in its current state. Where things go from there, we'll have to see.


Jun 19, 2015
Scenario 1: Cell stays in his own timeline.
Cell and Trunks become allies and friends and live happily ever after. Meanwhile, back in the past Trunks returned from, Dabura yamchas everyone, so no DBS.

Scenario 2: Cell decides to travel to the past to fulfill his destiny.

Part 1
For simplicity sake, let's say he steals Trunkses machine without killing the latter and accidentally ends up in exactly the same time as in canon. He stays for 4 years in his larva form and awakens soon after the Z fighters have been defeated by the Androids.
Instead of going to Ginger to absorb people, he goes to the Kami lookout, where the Z fighters are gathered and Cell tells them his story. Kami senses his good intentions and the Z fighters decide to help him reach his 1st form's full potential so that he overpowers the Androids. Cell absorbs energy from Piccolo and possibly from other Z fighters, them being healed with senzus afterwards, until he reaches the power he had in canon after absorbing humans.
Cell convinces everyone not to destroy the underground lab, where his present self is growing.
A few days later, Goku recovers. Seeing how many guys stronger than Super Saiyans have appeared, he brings up the Spirit Room anyway. Vegeta and Trunks go to train inside.
The Androids appear at Kame House as in canon. Cell defends the house instead of Piccolo. Sixteen tells Seventeen not to fight Cell, for he's too powerful, but Seventeen doesn't listen. Seventeen loses, Sixteen steps in and Seventeen ends up absorbed the same way as in canon.
Semi Cell pushes Sixteen aside without using unnecessary violence and walks towards Eighteen, who threatens to self destruct. That declaration makes Cell start doubting whether the Present Androids are as evil as the future ones.
While Cell seems hesitant, Vegeta and Trunks show up. Vegeta tells Cell to quit dawdling and absorb Eighteen already, but Cell remains hesitant. Vegeta threatens to kill Cell unless he absorbs Eighteen. While Vegeta and Cell are arguing, Trunks decides to resolve the issue by destroying Eighteen himself.
Cell has an emotional breakdown. Trunks pats him on the shoulder and tells him it had to happen this way. Seeing that the sorrowful Cell is not responsive, he and his father decide to leave him alone and fly away, sparing Sixteen, who is in the same state of sorrow as Cell.
However, when the two Saiyans are about to go away, Sixteen ambushes Trunks and activates the bomb in himself in order to avenge the other two Androids. Sixteen selfdestructs, killing Vegeta and Trunks in the process. Cell regenerates, with a possible zenkai. He does not wish to stay on Earth anymore after all that has happened, so he leaves to explore the universe.
Trunks is later revived, with Vegeta staying dead, since Kami's Dragon Balls have already revived him once. Trunks returns to his timeline, where he becomes friends with that timeline's Cell.
Back in the main timeline, Gohan never meets Videl, since Satan is no world hero and, therefore, no Satan City is built. Nevertheless, Chichi convinces Goku and Gohan to participate in the Budokai, since, as she said in canon, her father had run out of money by that time. At this point, Gohan is his Cell Games self (with Goku alive, he hasn't completely neglected his training and trained just enough to maintain his ROSAT gains) and Goku is his canon self minus the SSJ3 form.
Goten wins the Kids Division, since Present Trunks hasn't trained with Vegeta and, therefore, is weaker than in canon.
Kaioshin and Kibito appear. Piccolo takes Vegeta's place in Babidi's spaceship and defeats Puipui on the first floor.
On the second floor, Goku fights Dabura. Kaioshin's like: 'Why is Babidi bringing out Dabura already? Does this mean he has an even stronger henchman in reserve?'
On the third floor, Babidi's secret trump card is revealed: Majin Cell! To be continued...


Jun 19, 2015
Part 2
Cell's anger all those years, holding the Z fighters responsible for the Androids' deaths, helped Babidi majinize the bio android when they met. Now Cell is in his perfect form, because, thanks to Babidi's majinization, he transformed without absorbing Eighteen. On top of that, he's reached his full potential, which is his super perfect level.
Cell asks the Z fighters to take him to the Budokai so that he can kill Present Trunks; since he's, in a sense, the same person as the one who killed Eighteen, Cell deems that justice will be served this way.
Gohan's like 'over my dead body' and transforms into SSJ2. The two of them are transported to the desert to fight.
Meanwhile, Goku and Kaioshin are trying to destroy Buu's egg, but Babidi has summoned an army of his monsters to stall them.
When Buu awakens, he yamchas Kaioshin, as well as Goku, the same way he yamchaed Gohan in canon.
Cell knocks Gohan unconscious, because he wants to resolve himself the problem he caused in the first place. When he sees he can't beat Buu, he selfdestructs to take the djinn with him. Having regenerated that way once in the past (see Part 1), he makes sure not a single cell of his will survive; he believes that, that way, through his death, he will be redeemed for his mistakes and he will be at last reunited with the Androids in the afterlife.
Buu survives.
Goku is taken to Kais' planet and trains with the Z Sword.
On Earth, for the following two days, Piccolo trains the kids in the ROSAT, spending in there one day with Goten and one day with Trunks. Both of them achieve SSJ2. The plan was for the kids to spend one more day in the ROSAT, sparring with each other, but Super Buu appears.
Piccolo's plan to lock him in the ROSAT fails, since Buu escapes by opening a portal.
By the time Ultimate Goku arrives, Buu has killed everyone except Dende and Mr Satan.
Ultimate Goku is eventually defeated and absorbed by Buu.
Cell is sent from the otherworld as a last resort, as Vegeta in canon. He reveals that, during his stay there, he discovered a new power up, equivalent to the full blooded Saiyans' SSJ3 form.
Cell has the upper hand against Buuku and intentionally gets absorbed and releases Goku and Fat Buu.
Kid Buu appears but Cell defeats him easily. Everything is put back to normal with the dragon balls and Cell is revived too.
I believe that, after meeting at the 25th Budokai, Gohan/Videl get romantically involved anyway, but, if they don't, when Beerus appears, Cell spawns one Cell Jr, so there are enough Saiyans for the ritual. Goku thinks that Cell deserves to be the one to acquire the God status after all he's done.
Nevertheless, both Goku and Cell become Whisses students and achieve SSJ Blue.
FNF/U6/Black Sagas happen as in canon, with Cell taking Vegeta's place.
With Seventeen not being a part of the team at the TOP, U11 wins and U7 is erased unless Jiren is kind enough to wish for the universes to be restored.

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