Classic Dragon Ball Decimals Power Levels


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I've seen P and Withheld doing this before and decided to try my hand at it. Basically, I'm scaling everything backwards from BoZ and assuming the Farmer is just crazy strong instead of a reliable measure stick of the average human.

Pilaf Saga

Goku: 0.050
~ Hungry: 0.040
~ Oozaru: 0.500

Bulma: 0.004

Umigame: 0.001

Master Roshi: 0.180
~ Full power: 0.960
~ Kamehameha: 1.200

Oolong: 0.003

Puar: 0.002

Yamcha: 0.045

Gyumao: 0.100

Chi-Chi: 0.040

Rabbit Goons: 0.005 each

Boss Rabbit: 0.010

Emperor Pilaf: 0.003
Shu: 0.004
Mai: 0.005

21st Tenkaichi Budokai

Goku (Tailess): 0.040
~ Post training: 0.200
~ Tail regrown: 0.250
~ Kamehameha: 0.300
~ Oozaru: 2.500

Kuririn: 0.030
~ Post training: 0.180

Lunch: 0.004
~ SSJ: 0.020

Orin Temple Bully: 0.45

Bacterian: 0.060

Ranfan: 0.075

Yamcha: 0.090

Giran: 0.150

Jackie Chun: 0.180
~ Serious: 0.240
~ Kamehameha: 0.300
~ Full power: 0.960
~ Kamehameha: 1.200

Red Ribbon Army

Goku: 0.240
~ Serious: 0.270
~ Post Muscle Tower: 0.300
~ Kamehameha: 0.375
~ Post training: 1.000

Colonel Silver: 0.100

Sergeant Metallic: 0.225

Ninja Murasaki: 0.150

Android 8: 0.800

Buyon: 0.250

General White: 0.010

Kuririn: 0.180

Pirate Robot: 0.210

General Blue: 0.240

Bora: 0.240

Tao Pai Pai: 0.500
~ Full power: 0.800
~ Dodonpa: 1.000

Commander Red: 0.005

Adjudant Black: 0.450
~ Battle Jacket: 0.900

Uranai Baba's Gauntlet

Kuririn: 0.180

Dracula Man: 0.60

Yamcha: 0.090

Invisible Man: 0.075

Mummy Man: 0.300

Goku: 0.750
~ Full power: 1.000
~ Kamehameha: 1.250

Mystery Fighter: 0.400

Dracula Man: 0.600

Grandpa Gohan: 0.960
~ Kamehameha: 1.200

Pilaf's Mechas: 0.250 each
~ Merged: 0.750

22nd Tenkaichi Budokai

King Chappa: 1.2

Chaozu: 1.4
~ Dodonpa: 1.75

Yamcha: 1.44
~ Kamehameha: 1.8

Kuririn: 1.5
~ Kamehameha: 1.2

Master Tsuru:

Jackie Chun: 1.8
~ Shirtless: 2.16
~ Full power: 2.7

Tenshinhan: 1.44
~ Serious vs Yamcha: 1.8
~ More serious vs Jackie: 2.16
~ Warming up vs Goku: 3.2
~ Full power: 3.84
~ Kikoho: 9.6

Goku: 1.35
~ Vs Kuririn: 1.5
~ More effort: 1.65
~ Full match level: 3
~ Battle level: 4

Piccolo Daimao

Young Roshi: 4
Young Tsuru: 4
Master Mutaito: 4.5

Goku: 5
~ Post Choushinsui: 33
~ Full power: 50

Yajirobe: 3.75

Cymbal: 1.5

Tambourine: 3

Piccolo Daimao: 5
~ 40% power: 10
~ Youth restored: 30
~ Full power: 50

Mr. Popo: 75
Kami-Sama: 150

23rd Tenkaichi Budokai

King Chappa: 4.8

Chaozu: 22.5
Yajirobe: 25

Cyborg Tao Pai Pai: 36
Chi-Chi: 37.5

Yamcha: 42.5
Kuririn: 45

Tenshinhan: 67.5

Kami-Sama (Shen): 60
~ Full power: 120
~ True body: 150

Piccolo Jr.: 50
~ Powered up: 50
~ Further powered up: 150
~ Warming up: 200
~ Full power: 300
~ Bakurikimaha: 890
~ Chou Bakuretsumaha: 925

Goku (Weighted): 67.5
~ Unweighted: 100
~ Warming up: 200
~ Full power: 300
~ Super Kamehameha: 910

Saiyan Saga

Goku (Weighted): 334
~ Unweighted: 416
~ Super Kamehameha: 924

Piccolo (Weighted): 322
~ Unweighted: 408
~ Makkankosappo: 1,330

Tenshinhan: 250
Kuririn: 206
Yamcha: 177
Yajirobe: 141
Chaozu: 140

Farmer: 5 (Could solo the 22TB)


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
What's up with this? Yamcha seemed pretty sure the KHH could have taken out Oozaru Goku. It did destroy the moon after all...

Yamcha couldn’t sense Ki back then.

Roshi said Goku finally surpassed him when he saw his power against Baba’s warriors. Meanwhile Oozaru Goku literally stomped Gohan to death.

Oozaru Goku > Baba Saga Goku >= Grandpa Gohan >=< Buff Roshi

How does Roshi get to 139 though?

Training in secret:troll


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Yamcha couldn’t sense Ki back then.

Roshi said Goku finally surpassed him when he saw his power against Baba’s warriors. Meanwhile Oozaru Goku literally stomped Gohan to death.

Oozaru Goku > Baba Saga Goku >= Grandpa Gohan >=< Buff Roshi
This is headcanon. We have no context on what happened between Gohan and Goku, nor do we know how strong Gohan was when he died. Also it's pretty damn obvious that 21st Goku is eons ahead of his beginning of series self, and Oozaru is only a 10x boost. This logic falls apart pretty quickly when considering such.

I'd find it outrageous if a blast capable of destroying the moon wasn't capable of killing Goku.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Kami stated the humans surpassed him only after training at his place.

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