Did Super retold/explain BoG and RoF well?

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
As much as I think Super sucks, it did retell/change things from BoG and FNF for the better, but all that says is that BoG and FnF are also crap.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
For the BoG Arc, I vastly preferred the movie, though I did enjoy the universe level clash giving a good idea of the sheer scale of the Gods compared to previous characters, even if it were likely to just appease the VS fanboys. It was quite enjoyable manga-wise though, seeing as how it wasn't dragged out without necessity.

Super's version of FnF was a vast improvement, however, seeing as how several unexplained events from the movie were given some light, such as Shisami's massive gains, or in Super's case, Tagoma's. Piccolo dying also increased the sense of severity, even if at this point, death in DB is meaningless.


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
They did some things better but all together I prefer the movies just because it was good all round while Super's retelling only has a few strong points.

Battle of the gods did better by taking out the statements of Beerus using percentages of his power, except for his 10% quote against Vegeta which bothers me. I also preferred the ritual of the SSG much better as well, it had more of a "feel" to it. The fight between SSG also lasted a lot longer, which it didn't in the movie I also like to see that Goku had healing abilities with it.

Reusrrection 'F' did awesome with bringing Tagoma into the mix instead of killing him off. Piccolo's death was very eh, all of the other deaths in DBZ have been dramatic even though they can be brought back to life. Bringing back Captain Ginyu was very clever I thought, in fact he was brought into it I was thinking it'd be cool if he came back somehow. Still really upset Yamcha was not in either, was glad to see Gotenks made an appearance.

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