Does Kefla suggest Vegetto >>> SSJG?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I mean, the girls weren't anything special. Caulifla rivaled SSJ2 Goku and Kale was constantly powering up, but I doubt she went far past SSJ3 Goku.

Then they fuse and start running circles around SSJG Goku in base. Hell they even surpasses Blue Kaio-Ken and UI Omen #1 when going SSJ1 and 2.

Now of course the girls are much stronger than Boo Arc Goku and Vegeta (I actually don't think that, but I'll play along with the common sense for simplicity's sake), but the fusion boost (arguably smaller than the Vegetto one beucase they got no rival boost) still put the SSJG boost Goku used to shame.


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I wouldn't say it necessarily does, considering the SSJ multipliers are treat as far from linear in the anime between the FT and ToP Arcs. Vados states the Potara makes the fussees tens of times stronger than before, the same phrase used to describe Galu's jump from base to SS2 by Gowasu, so I'd chalk it up to either Goku's lower forms having their multipliers lowered by the time of the ToP or Kefla getting some sort of additional boost.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
I wouldn't say it necessarily does, considering the SSJ multipliers are treat as far from linear in the anime between the FT and ToP Arcs. Vados states the Potara makes the fussees tens of times stronger than before, the same phrase used to describe Galu's jump from base to SS2 by Gowasu, so I'd chalk it up to either Goku's lower forms having their multipliers lowered by the time of the ToP or Kefla getting some sort of additional boost.

In average what are the multipliers throughout the series? Never any multiplier nerfing in DBS besides perhaps "Goku shrugs off a beating from a guy in base and still has trouble in SSJB"

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
In average what are the multipliers throughout the series? Never any multiplier nerfing in DBS besides perhaps "Goku shrugs off a beating from a guy in base and still has trouble in SSJB"
Anime-wise, we have Gowasu saying SS2 made Galu several dozen times stronger, so it's likely SS2 is no longer the 100x boost in Super. The ToP anime suggests far lower gaps when Base Vegeta wasn't suggested to be light years behind Frost.

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