Fantastische Hure said:
I don't even remember that, but that probably shows how insignificant it was. Piccolo didn't think of it as a huge problem after the first time they got it right. He clearly had no problems even pre-RoSaT. He didn't try to coach them inside the RoSaT again either, if he was so worried then why didn't he?
Yes, it was insignificant, likely because he knew they'd likely get the steps right. He is only excited when he senses base Gotenks' power.
It isn't like he was "so worried", more like something that he was a little anxious to, which was alleviated when he saw they didn't screw up the poses. More like "they better not be off sync or we are dead without even fighting".
That's how I see it. He didn't state "they bettered the steps", or "they mastered it". What we get from his line is that the steps went down with no coordination error, not that they were improved upon in comparison to before.