No because of what we see.
Super Saiyan Goku (Initial) > Android 19 Post > Super Saiyan Goku (Post KHH) > Android 19
From my understanding of the fight, that's how the chain breaks down. Goku's KHH brings 19 up several levels, but it's clear Goku vs 19 is not a 2x gap or anything. Also, 19 doesn't seem to be quite on Goku's previous level, and Gero seems to be behind for both scenarios.
The point is, look at 19 vs Goku. There's no way that Goku is all that greatly superior to 19. Maybe 1.5x at best. But even then, that ain't shit. 19 and 20 are actually really fucking strong, at least in comparison to Androids Goku, who should be above Yardrat Goku.
Alright been up all day, probably doesn't make sense but look into it.