Giant Lord Slug vs 3rd Form Freeza

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I said he's higher than 3rd Form Freeza but I didn't specifically say only 3rd form, maybe he's higher than 100% Freeza too. :king :king :king


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
He said Broly is the strongest. He created all movie villains so this should at-least hold true for the original 13 toei movies.

You just lost your credibillity, son. Anytime I present the evidence, you and some others dodge it with a trollish response. If you can't react then just say you dont give a shit but dont act like a trollish child.

Fantastische Hure said:
I said he's higher than 3rd Form Freeza but I didn't specifically say only 3rd form, maybe he's higher than 100% Freeza too. :king :king :king

Lmao.... dude you getting worse by the minute.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
You lose your credibility every time you denounce official sources to fit your made-up logic.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
You lose your credibility every time you denounce official sources to fit your made-up logic.

Yeah, because when Koyama said Broli is the strongest in the series (meaning SSjin Vegetto as well) he was serious and not joking. Why do I even go on? You are just trolling right now. Why are you even doing it? Lol, just say whatever you want but no need for your trolling.

Ad hominem failure right here.

What the movie shows=made up logic by me. Lmao.

If you want a real source from Koyama, I would suggest you look for what he said about new movie villians being stronger than the last ones. Something which I used to say since 2012 (common sense to be honest)

Seems like a lot of the things I used to say were confirmed by TOEI.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
You once again ignore things in my post that don't fit your narrative. I said it would at-least go to the movie-characters he created. Vegetto was in the manga. :punk :punk :punk

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
There really doesn't seem to be a solid comparison as to which form Kaio was referring to when considering how much of Freeza's full power he was aware of. Freeza says Piccolo is the first to ever see his 3rd form, suggesting Kaio has no knowledge of how strong Freeza is beyond his first 2 forms, yet we know Freeza once used his true form to fight Cold and Kaio implied he was aware of how strong Freeza could get when saying 50% Freeza stomping KKx10 Goku was why he told Goku not to fight Freeza.
Overall, I'd give precedence to Freeza's statement when considering Kaio probably wouldn't be aware of Freeza's fight with Cold when considering he was too lazy to even keep an eye on what was happening on Earth with Cell, not to mention Freeza's contradictive statements could just mean their fight was before Freeza started using suppression forms.

That wouldn't necessarily mean 3rd form Freeza > Giant Slug would have to be an absolute as the difference between 2nd and 3rd form is relatively low compared to the other forms, but it would rule out the plausibility of Slug being able to go up against the likes of 50% Freeza or higher.
As far as this battle goes, what comparisons we have are pretty arbitrary to say one is stronger than the other, so I'll say Slug's lack of speed increase causes Freeza to avoid his attacks and gradually wear him down enough to win. I would personally say Slug would be far stronger though via-scaling from False SSJ Goku if assuming the boost was still above 20x and if believing M4 Goku was his 90k self, but all that's far too subjective.

Pakl said:
You know what's funny? The preview of episode 177 just before M8 release didnnt even spoil us Gokus power up vs C3ll but only their warm up fight.

Yet, a minority spouts that M8 is as strong as he was when he went all out vs Cell. Laughable.
Which is far from relavent when Goku had already made it apparent to the audience what he'd displayed thus far was only 50%, not to mention the meta argument of audience perspective doesn't change anything in-universe.

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