Spiral-Force said:
ahill1 said:
But was Gohan still his enraged self when Freeza was wrecking his head? Quite frankly he could have gone back to his pre Kuririn-rage mode.
What makes you think he might have? Gohan was completely defenceless when Frieza had his foot on Gohan's head.
Well, if Gohan didn't drop in power then Freeza's power up in his 2nd form should have been really big, no? He was kicking the ass of someone who could press him back before.
Not that this is wrong, but Gohan seemed to be kind of exhausted after launching those attacks on Freeza:
Not to mention that Gohan's rage boosts are generally fast increases of power, although yeah, it seemed to last for a good while against Vegeta.
EDIT: By wrecking his head I meant more throughout the 2nd round against Freeza. When Freeza decided to increase his BP and battle Gohan.