Gohan (Enraged vs 2nd form Freeza) vs Gohan (2nd form Freeza Zenkai)


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Spiral-Force said:
So overall, you think Gohan's anger boost may have stayed up until Frieza had him helpless on the ground, or that he may have gone through another anger boost whilst fighting Frieza after the latter recovered from his onslaught?

I think he was just rage boosted while landing those blows on initial 2nd form Freeza. When Freeza powered up I don't think he was under a boost caused by the rage and was rather at his 'normal' BP.

You think Gohan was still under the rage boost when 2nd form Freeza, upon powering up, was beating the crap out of him? If so, what do you have (pl wise):

Gohan (pre Zenkai)
Gohan (enraged)
Gohan (post Zenkai)
Freeza 2nd form (initial)
Freeza 2nd form (powered up)



High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
ahill1 said:
I think he was just rage boosted while landing those blows on initial 2nd form Freeza. When Freeza powered up I don't think he was under a boost caused by the rage and was rather at his 'normal' BP.
Ok, I see. When you mentioned Gohan (pre Krillin rage mode), the way you worded it made me think you were attempting to refer to rage mode Gohan instead of base Gohan.

ahill1 said:
You think Gohan was still under the rage boost when 2nd form Freeza, upon powering up, was beating the crap out of him? If so, what do you have (pl wise):
Nah, I think it vanished after he finished his aggressive attacks on Frieza. I can't be bothered to post numbers right now.


Jun 19, 2015
Pakl said:
Gohan was not enraged when Freeza beat him and he seemed tired... Gohan is overrated... If he was really so strong he would be close to Freeza but he was not... The anime makes it clear too.. Vegeta just said the luck is back because they were all fine and since Gohan got stronger so thats surely a little bit better.. Plus he can get enraged... Vegeta didnt seem to think Gohan surpassed him... I would say he equals him at most

Vegeta didn't say that Enraged Gohan surpassed him either.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
withheldforprivacy said:
Pakl said:
Gohan was not enraged when Freeza beat him and he seemed tired... Gohan is overrated... If he was really so strong he would be close to Freeza but he was not... The anime makes it clear too.. Vegeta just said the luck is back because they were all fine and since Gohan got stronger so thats surely a little bit better.. Plus he can get enraged... Vegeta didnt seem to think Gohan surpassed him... I would say he equals him at most

Vegeta didn't say that Enraged Gohan surpassed him either.

He doesnt need to... Vegeta being terrified of his power when he was enraged tells you everything...

As for Gohan being ready to fight Freeza... That's bull because they were still no match for him.. The anime makes it clear

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