Goku and Vegeta can turn their god ki off?


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
It seems like the most logical theory than to assume all these characters that give SSJ1 or SSJ2 Goku a good fight are automatically stronger than BOG SSJG Goku. One signficent piece of evidence for this is Base Goku (who's on par with Third Form Frost) injuring Hit (who's SSJB tier).


High Class Warrior
Jul 26, 2015
base Goku hurt him more than SSJB Vegeta did. We know from the purple Vegeta arc that they're equal in equal forms. base Goku just got plot armor


May 30, 2015
xmysticgohanx said:
base Goku hurt him more than SSJB Vegeta did. We know from the purple Vegeta arc that they're equal in equal forms. base Goku just got plot armor

Out of curiosity, how many times have stronger Golden Freezer (FP) on Goku SSJG (BoG)?

How often have the strongest SSJB on SSJG?


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
xmysticgohanx said:
base Goku hurt him more than SSJB Vegeta did. We know from the purple Vegeta arc that they're equal in equal forms. base Goku just got plot armor

Well to be fair Vegeta didn't know about Hit's trick or develop a strategy to counter it like Goku did otherwise SSJB Vegeta would have beat up on 0.1 second Hit as easily as SSJB Goku did. Goku and Vegeta are equal in equal forms because they can both turn their god ki off and on when the situation calls for it.

For Base Saiyans to be stronger than BOG Goku then that would require SSJB Saiyans to be thousands of times stronger than SSJG Goku which I find to be very far-fetched, add to that the ridiculously large gains that would require characters who were previously on par with Cell Juniors like Future Trunks and Piccolo to make ridiculously, monstrous gains with insufficental training and it all starts to make sense.


High Class Warrior
Jul 26, 2015
SIAD said:
xmysticgohanx said:
base Goku hurt him more than SSJB Vegeta did. We know from the purple Vegeta arc that they're equal in equal forms. base Goku just got plot armor

Out of curiosity, how many times have stronger Golden Freezer (FP) on Goku SSJG (BoG)?

How often have the strongest SSJB on SSJG?
I have Golden Freeza 34.453333x times stronger.

I don't know what my SSJ god and SSJB gap is

Animelover5487 said:
xmysticgohanx said:
base Goku hurt him more than SSJB Vegeta did. We know from the purple Vegeta arc that they're equal in equal forms. base Goku just got plot armor

Well to be fair Vegeta didn't know about Hit's trick or develop a strategy to counter it like Goku did otherwise SSJB Vegeta would have beat up on 0.1 second Hit as easily as SSJB Goku did. Goku and Vegeta are equal in equal forms because they can both turn their god ki off and on when the situation calls for it.

For Base Saiyans to be stronger than BOG Goku then that would require SSJB Saiyans to be thousands of times stronger than SSJG Goku which I find to be very far-fetched, add to that the ridiculously large gains that would require characters who were previously on par with Cell Juniors like Future Trunks and Piccolo to make ridiculously, monstrous gains with insufficental training and it all starts to make sense.

1. base Goku still hurt him more with his punches than SSJB Vegeta did

2. I currently have post-god BoG SSJ = SSJ god. base = SSJ god works too but the 2 base theory doesn't. Ridiculous gains is DB's middle name. That isn't a good argument.

If the evidence leads towards the ridiculous gains conclusion then I'll follow it


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
xmysticgohanx said:
SIAD said:
xmysticgohanx said:
base Goku hurt him more than SSJB Vegeta did. We know from the purple Vegeta arc that they're equal in equal forms. base Goku just got plot armor

Out of curiosity, how many times have stronger Golden Freezer (FP) on Goku SSJG (BoG)?

How often have the strongest SSJB on SSJG?
I have Golden Freeza 34.453333x times stronger.

I don't know what my SSJ god and SSJB gap is

Animelover5487 said:
xmysticgohanx said:
base Goku hurt him more than SSJB Vegeta did. We know from the purple Vegeta arc that they're equal in equal forms. base Goku just got plot armor

Well to be fair Vegeta didn't know about Hit's trick or develop a strategy to counter it like Goku did otherwise SSJB Vegeta would have beat up on 0.1 second Hit as easily as SSJB Goku did. Goku and Vegeta are equal in equal forms because they can both turn their god ki off and on when the situation calls for it.

For Base Saiyans to be stronger than BOG Goku then that would require SSJB Saiyans to be thousands of times stronger than SSJG Goku which I find to be very far-fetched, add to that the ridiculously large gains that would require characters who were previously on par with Cell Juniors like Future Trunks and Piccolo to make ridiculously, monstrous gains with insufficental training and it all starts to make sense.

1. base Goku still hurt him more with his punches than SSJB Vegeta did

2. I currently have post-god BoG SSJ = SSJ god. base = SSJ god works too but the 2 base theory doesn't. Ridiculous gains is DB's middle name. That isn't a good argument.

If the evidence leads towards the ridiculous gains conclusion then I'll follow it

Vegeta never punched Hit.....

True but never to that extent, especially with the kind of training they were doing. All Piccolo did was some sparring with a Rusty Gohan. Future Trunks only did a little training with the Future Kaioshin who is piss weak compared to BOG Goku.


May 30, 2015
xmysticgohanx said:
SIAD said:
xmysticgohanx said:
base Goku hurt him more than SSJB Vegeta did. We know from the purple Vegeta arc that they're equal in equal forms. base Goku just got plot armor

Out of curiosity, how many times have stronger Golden Freezer (FP) on Goku SSJG (BoG)?

How often have the strongest SSJB on SSJG?
I have Golden Freeza 34.453333x times stronger.

I don't know what my SSJ god and SSJB gap is

How powerful you have to Golden Frieza. Goku think SSJG (BoG) is the least powerful character who is able to destroy the entire universe and in one fell swoop. Anyway I have: Goku / Vegeta SSJB (Universal Tournament)> Golden Freezer (FP)> Goku / Vegeta SSJB (FnF)> Golden Freezer (Deleted)> Goku SSJB (Cancelled against Golden Freezer) >>> Goku SSJG (BoG) .

Jeff Styles

May 31, 2015
I don't think they can. I can't recall one fight when neither of them couldn't be sense while in base or SSJ. When Goku transform to SSJB, Kuririn couldn't no longer sense him. Their opponents just have ridiculous massive gains.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Not at all. Base Goku doesn't have god ki and his SSj transformation since Trunks can sensed him. He need to be as SSJB in order to have a God ki.


High Class Warrior
Jul 26, 2015
SIAD said:
xmysticgohanx said:
SIAD said:
Out of curiosity, how many times have stronger Golden Freezer (FP) on Goku SSJG (BoG)?

How often have the strongest SSJB on SSJG?
I have Golden Freeza 34.453333x times stronger.

I don't know what my SSJ god and SSJB gap is

How powerful you have to Golden Frieza. Goku think SSJG (BoG) is the least powerful character who is able to destroy the entire universe and in one fell swoop. Anyway I have: Goku / Vegeta SSJB (Universal Tournament)> Golden Freezer (FP)> Goku / Vegeta SSJB (FnF)> Golden Freezer (Deleted)> Goku SSJB (Cancelled against Golden Freezer) >>> Goku SSJG (BoG) .
From what I can remember, base Goku nullified Beerus' universal blast. I have Goku/Vegeta SSJB (U6 Tournament) >= Golden Freeza > Goku/Vegeta SSJB (RoF) > Golden Freeza (tired) > Goku SSJB (tricked) >>>>>> SSJ god GOKu (BoG)

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