Mr. Satan isn't able to gain any fame from the Cell Games, but would instead try and persuade Goku to become his pupil. He'd decline, though Chichi would likely convince him to get close to Satan due to him still being pretty rich. This friendship between the two would also mean Gohan and Videl meet a lot earlier, with both Chichi and Satan pushing to have them become a couple, so that happens a lot earlier than in canon.
Goku also has to fulfill his promise to have Gohan stop fighting, so he focuses on training Goten when he's old enough.
The wishes made with the DBs are the same. Since #18 wouldn't be at Kami's Temple, her love for Kuririn wouldn't spark straight away. I'm going to say it still happens, but far later than in canon. By the time of the Boo Arc, Marron's probably just a baby.
When the Boo Arc happens, the Great Saiyaman events don't happen due to Gohan already being too famous as the son of the man who killed Cell to make hiding his identity matter. Videl asks him and the Son family to participate in the Tenkaichi Budokai, rather than blackmailing Gohan and would probably be far stronger than in canon due to getting proper training from both Gohan and Goku.
Things proceed the same up until Videl VS Suppressed Lord :bitch, in which Videl easily wins. Because of this, Gohan isn't angry and only goes SSJ against Kibito, meaning Babidi receives only about 1/4 of the energy required for Boo's revival from Lord :bitch and Bottom Bitch Yamu. Things go pretty much the same until Babidi attempts to possess Vegeta. Due to Galu not getting Other World training, I believe he and Vegeta would be equals at this point, meaning Vegeta has no need to let Babidi possess him. The plan fails, Goku or Vegeta kills Dabura,

kills Babidi and Boo isn't revived. The Boo Arc ends before it really began.
As for Super (going to talk purely about the manga due to it being a less nonsensical story), Beerus doesn't have a reason to get mad since Boo isn't around, though he still gets bored and threatens to destroy the Earth if he doesn't find the Super Saiyan God. Things proceed the same from there until the FnF Arc, where Gohan being far weaker means he and Piccolo get killed by Ginyu.
As for the Universe 6 Arc, since without Boo, someone would have to fill his place, so the only real difference is Gohan getting oneshotted by Botamo. I do believe Gohan would become far stronger though. In preparation for the tournament, Shin would likely tell him to try removing the Z-Sword, with the training eventually leading to the Elder Kaioshin being released and Gohan becoming Ultimate just in time for the tournament. Future Trunks Arc and the current events of the ToP go exactly the same as in the manga, beyond Goku not going SS3 against Trunks.