How big is the difference between DragonBall Z top-tiers and current DragonBall Super top-tiers?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
In terms of energy values, the difference between Solar System Busters and Universe+ (Universe + Space-Time Continuum) busters when not including Zen-Oh, in which case it becomes solid Multiverse territory. Either way, that's quintillions of times in difference. The difference is lower for the anime if taking into account some Multi-Solar System level feats in the Boo Arc such as Pure Boo ravaging a galaxy in the past, non-canon feats such as Goku's Galaxy level SS3 transformation in M12 or implied Universe level feats such as Pure Boo being assumed capable of destroying all of Otherworld, though the M12 not being part of Super's canon shouldn't be taken into account and the latter feat would contradict Beerus and SSG Goku's punches being presented as an entirely different tier of power.

Judging it on battle powers or Ki measurements is far more vague and assumption-based when the latter stop being taken into account after the Freeza Arc (unless taking Nakao's 100 quintillion pun seriously for FnF Freeza or doing the same for laughable statements such as the infamous 1.3 million statement) and have little with which to back up their validity. It's also difficult to do when trying to quantify the gap between Solar System and Universe busters in a series where it apparently only takes give or take a hundred units of Ki to go from City level (Piccolo Daimao) to Moon/Small Planet level (BoZ Piccolo) and far more to go from Planet level to Star level; not exactly consistent.
If having to work with pure assumptions and battle power lists just to find such an answer though and go entirely subjective, then I'd take GT into account as a scaling baseline to bridge the gap. With that said, if SSJ Vegetto is a 1, then Broly would be closing in on 400,000 from a DBS Manga list. Not even going to attempt an anime one.


May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
In terms of energy values, the difference between Solar System Busters and Universe+ (Universe + Space-Time Continuum) busters when not including Zen-Oh, in which case it becomes solid Multiverse territory. Either way, that's quintillions of times in difference. The difference is lower for the anime if taking into account some Multi-Solar System level feats in the Boo Arc such as Pure Boo ravaging a galaxy in the past, non-canon feats such as Goku's Galaxy level SS3 transformation in M12 or implied Universe level feats such as Pure Boo being assumed capable of destroying all of Otherworld, though the M12 not being part of Super's canon shouldn't be taken into account and the latter feat would contradict Beerus and SSG Goku's punches being presented as an entirely different tier of power.

Judging it on battle powers or Ki measurements is far more vague and assumption-based when the latter stop being taken into account after the Freeza Arc (unless taking Nakao's 100 quintillion pun seriously for FnF Freeza or doing the same for laughable statements such as the infamous 1.3 million statement) and have little with which to back up their validity. It's also difficult to do when trying to quantify the gap between Solar System and Universe busters in a series where it apparently only takes give or take a hundred units of Ki to go from City level (Piccolo Daimao) to Moon/Small Planet level (BoZ Piccolo) and far more to go from Planet level to Star level; not exactly consistent.
If having to work with pure assumptions and battle power lists just to find such an answer though and go entirely subjective, then I'd take GT into account as a scaling baseline to bridge the gap. With that said, if SSJ Vegetto is a 1, then Broly would be closing in on 400,000 from a DBS Manga list. Not even going to attempt an anime one.

If we talk about the energy needed to destroy a Universe, is an energy of 40 Yotta Foe minimum?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
SIAD said:
If we talk about the energy needed to destroy a Universe, is an energy of 40 Yotta Foe minimum?
In terms of TNT values, roughly so, yes.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I have Base Goku from FnF around Super Vegito level so the gap will be like from Saiyan to Freeza arc.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Not that much if Fat Boo and Grand Kaioshin are relevant tier now. :troll


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
SSJB Goku is probably Gohan-Boo tier at best. Good Boo is still relevant.

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