How high is Movie 10 Gohan?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
How high do you think he is?

I think, I go more with the idea that he is as high as Gohan from the Cell-Games, now. Like Trunks and Goten re-action and all.

What do you think? Do you think he is equal to his canon-self or stronger (like CG power maybe)?

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
I think he is stronger than Gohan from the Boo Saga Tournament. I always got the impression that this was Gohan if he never stopped training after the Cell Games. We see him flying in his dogi, ready for action when he first appears. He is also serious, sure of himself and gets down to business.

I'd put him up there with Majin Vegeta or SSJ2 Goku, give or take.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
That's what I was thinking at first, too. I think when Toei started working on the movie, they didn't know Gohan got weaker, so they had him train and actually become stronger.

However with that being said, I wouldn't know where to put him he'd probably be way above Goku/Majin-Vegeta, if he did train. Toei implied SSj Broly (Movie 10) ~ LSSj Broly (Movie 8) > Base Gohan >>> SSj Trunks & Goten, in the movie. which seems like hax, and way too strong, in my opinion.

So I'm not sure, l0l.

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
How is Base Gohan >>> SS Kids in the movie? SS Goten seemed relevant to the beam struggle at the end of the movie.

Gohan's fight against SS Broly in base is no different than Base Gohan fighting Dabra, Base Saiyans fighting the Androids in M7, or Base Goku fighting Janemba in M12 (after explicitly calling Janemba the greatest Ki he's ever felt.)

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
SSJ Vegetto said:
How is Base Gohan >>> SS Kids in the movie? SS Goten seemed relevant to the beam struggle at the end of the movie.

Gohan's fight against SS Broly in base is no different than Base Gohan fighting Dabra, Base Saiyans fighting the Androids in M7, or Base Goku fighting Janemba in M12 (after explicitly calling Janemba the greatest Ki he's ever felt.)
I can't explain the end of the movie, but Gohan definitely did put on a better performance against Broly than either Trunks or Goten did. Even his dialogue seems to imply that he expected to get the win in base. Which is ridiculous, but it does show he was strong. In Movie 7, it was obvious it was the Base Saiyan thing, Toei always does, but in this Movie, they seemed to want to imply that Gohan indeed was stronger than them in only base. Even their re-action to Base Gohan fighting Broly implies, they look awed and Trunks even says, "amazing" or something.

EDIT: Trunks says: "Awesome..."

Lord Brofist

Low Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
Probably more or less around the level he was at during the Cell Games. Unlike the Boo Arc, Movie 10 Gohan isn't brought up as weak and unskilled as he was in canon. There's even lines in the movie that indicates Gohan has gotten stronger though translation of what that means may vary.

The simple point is though that Gohan in movie 10 isn't treated as the lackluster piece of cardboard he was in the Boo Arc. Plus considering Broly's creators love for his own creation, I find it hard he'd personally want his lovable Broly fighting such weak opponents.

Heck I wouldn't be surprised if that's why he went all Base Gohan on us and had lines like "I'm even stronger than I was before" being sprouted.


Low Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
How is Base Gohan >>> SS Kids in the movie? SS Goten seemed relevant to the beam struggle at the end of the movie.
In Toei land, Super Saiyan is pretty much decorative.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
That's what I was thinking at first, too. I think when Toei started working on the movie, they didn't know Gohan got weaker, so they had him train and actually become stronger.

However with that being said, I wouldn't know where to put him he'd probably be way above Goku/Majin-Vegeta, if he did train. Toei implied SSj Broly (Movie 10) ~ LSSj Broly (Movie 8) > Base Gohan >>> SSj Trunks & Goten, in the movie. which seems like hax, and way too strong, in my opinion.

So I'm not sure, l0l.
I agree with the first part of what you said totally. They likely assumed Gohan would be a badass. And who better to pit him against than maxed out Broli.

Didn't think about that other part. Gohan would be possibly huge in his battle power, way above the the Boo saga SSJ2s. He would have continued training and been a total boss. All I can say is that I'll choose to believe that maybe most of his power was in base, and with a lower multiplier, for reasons others have said about Toei.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd place him somewhat stronger than his Cell Games self, or around equal. From what his performance in Movie 8 implied, M8 Gohan likely wasn't as strong as his canon self, with even being equal to CG Gohan by M10 being an improvement. Overall, I wouldn't go by the logic of M10 Gohan = Post-Z Sword Gohan, considering the latter likely isn't much weaker than Fat Boo and you'd have to work with trying to work with Fat Janemba > M10 LSSJ Broly >> Fat Boo if so.

As for the Base Gohan > SSJ Goten thing, I don't see that as meaning much even if we take it seriously. Toei often nerf the kids far beyond what the canon implies, with filler showing #18 fighting with SSJ Goten/Trunks fairly evenly.


Super Elite
Jun 10, 2015

in my opinion I would place him stronger than his cell games self but perhaps around Goku Buu saga's level given the fact that this was before the idea of him not training took place. Which would make sense considering Broly is someone who should be stronger than Goku. Anywhere from cg to Goku Buu saga would work.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
I'd put M10 Gohan on the same level as his Buu arc counterpart at best or at the very least inbetween where he was at the beginning of the Buu arc to where he was during the Budokai. Imo he's still training for the Budokai.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
As for the Base Gohan > SSJ Goten thing, I don't see that as meaning much even if we take it seriously. Toei often nerf the kids far beyond what the canon implies, with filler showing #18 fighting with SSJ Goten/Trunks fairly evenly.
Yeah, I know. Toei likes to nerf Goten & Trunks a lot, but nothing really in the movie indicates that they were nerfed in this specific instance. Either way, I don't think that anyways, so it's not a problem for me. What I believe is in the 1st post.

Lord Saiyajin said:
Gohan is as strong as his Boo Arc counterpart imo.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007 said:
I'd put M10 Gohan on the same level as his Buu arc counterpart at best or at the very least inbetween where he was at the beginning of the Buu arc to where he was during the Budokai. Imo he's still training for the Budokai.
Why are Goten and Trunks so happy that Gohan arrives; when in the manga (in my opinion) they are all around the same level? It's almost like, he's seen as way above them in the movie, even-though that might have to do with how you view the movie.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Why are Goten and Trunks so happy that Gohan arrives; when in the manga (in my opinion) they are all around the same level? It's almost like, he's seen as way above them in the movie, even-though that might have to do with how you view the movie.]
Gohan is going to save the day. It is similar to BoG where Gohan was happy when Goku arrived in the battlefield even after witnessing Vegeta who surpassed Goku by his strange rage boost but still happy to see him.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Lord Saiyajin said:
Why are Goten and Trunks so happy that Gohan arrives; when in the manga (in my opinion) they are all around the same level? It's almost like, he's seen as way above them in the movie, even-though that might have to do with how you view the movie.]
Gohan is going to save the day. It is similar to BoG where Gohan was happy when Goku arrived in the battlefield even after witnessing Vegeta who surpassed Goku by his strange rage boost but still happy to see him.
Then why were they both, Trunks & Goten, left both methaporically and literally in the dust?

Also the movie seems to imply it was because Gohan was above them, way above the, unlike BoG, I think.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Captain Cadaver said:
As for the Base Gohan > SSJ Goten thing, I don't see that as meaning much even if we take it seriously. Toei often nerf the kids far beyond what the canon implies, with filler showing #18 fighting with SSJ Goten/Trunks fairly evenly.
Yeah, I know. Toei likes to nerf Goten & Trunks a lot, but nothing really in the movie indicates that they were nerfed in this specific instance. Either way, I don't think that anyways, so it's not a problem for me. What I believe is in the 1st post.

Lord Saiyajin said:
Gohan is as strong as his Boo Arc counterpart imo.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007 said:
I'd put M10 Gohan on the same level as his Buu arc counterpart at best or at the very least inbetween where he was at the beginning of the Buu arc to where he was during the Budokai. Imo he's still training for the Budokai.
Why are Goten and Trunks so happy that Gohan arrives; when in the manga (in my opinion) they are all around the same level? It's almost like, he's seen as way above them in the movie, even-though that might have to do with how you view the movie.
I credit that to Goten and Trunks knowing Gohan is stronger than both of them and they figure he'd be able to handle Broly better than they could. But Lord Saiyajin said it best. Gohan was happy to see Goku when Vegeta surpassed him for a split second.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Super Saiyan Overlord1007 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Captain Cadaver said:
As for the Base Gohan > SSJ Goten thing, I don't see that as meaning much even if we take it seriously. Toei often nerf the kids far beyond what the canon implies, with filler showing #18 fighting with SSJ Goten/Trunks fairly evenly.
Yeah, I know. Toei likes to nerf Goten & Trunks a lot, but nothing really in the movie indicates that they were nerfed in this specific instance. Either way, I don't think that anyways, so it's not a problem for me. What I believe is in the 1st post.

Lord Saiyajin said:
Gohan is as strong as his Boo Arc counterpart imo.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007 said:
I'd put M10 Gohan on the same level as his Buu arc counterpart at best or at the very least inbetween where he was at the beginning of the Buu arc to where he was during the Budokai. Imo he's still training for the Budokai.
Why are Goten and Trunks so happy that Gohan arrives; when in the manga (in my opinion) they are all around the same level? It's almost like, he's seen as way above them in the movie, even-though that might have to do with how you view the movie.
I credit that to Goten and Trunks knowing Gohan is stronger than both of them and they figure he'd be able to handle Broly better than they could. But Lord Saiyajin said it best. Gohan was happy to see Goku when Vegeta surpassed him for a split second.
To be honest, he knew Vegeta's power wouldn't come-back, so yeah there's that. Also here it seemed a different kind of "I'm happy to see you", than in BoG.

Disasters GoOn

Low Class Warrior
Jun 7, 2015
The drawings in the Daizenshuu seem to indicate that Movie 10 SSj2 Gohan has basically the same design as Boo Arc SSj2 Gohan.

So, in other words, Movie 10 Gohan seems to have some of Boo Arc Gohan's designs, so I say that Movie 10 Gohan is World Tournament/Boo Arc Gohan.

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