How strong is DBS Shisami?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
He's strong enough that Kuririn seemed intimidated by him and Piccolo was wary of Gohan facing him at first, which really depends on how much weaker Piccolo believed Gohan to have become. I'd probably go with him at least above Base Gohan from the Cell Games and Boo Arc seeing as how Gohan makes note of not being a kid anymore and it'd seem like a huge stretch for Piccolo to assume an out of shape Gohan had become weaker in the 4 or so months where he'd still been able to access his unleashed potential than his self from 7 years of slacking off.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
He's strong enough that Kuririn seemed intimidated by him and Piccolo was wary of Gohan facing him at first, which really depends on how much weaker Piccolo believed Gohan to have become. I'd probably go with him at least above Base Gohan from the Cell Games and Boo Arc seeing as how Gohan makes note of not being a kid anymore and it'd seem like a huge stretch for Piccolo to assume an out of shape Gohan had become weaker in the 4 or so months where he'd still been able to access his unleashed potential than his self from 7 years of slacking off.

But Sorbet was surprised that Tagoma had a power level higher than the Ginyu Force, implying that Shisami didn't.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Did Sorbet check Shisami's battle power with his scouter though? If not, I'd chalk this up to the same kind of out of place statement as Freeza being surprised someone stronger than Ginyu could exist when those who can sense Ki such as Kuririn and Piccolo are far more reliable judges.

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