How strong is Gogeta? (manga)


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
He was trying not getting hit on by Trunks, when he started, Vegeta was sweating and struggling and decided to punch him, afterwards, he was surprised hearing Goten's just little weaker.

You can’t take this too literally. Zarbon had almost the same PL as Vegeta but Vegeta was running circles around him. Trunks is obviously not ~90% of Vegeta.

How strong you think the boys are? I can see them stronger than Cell Jrs and nearing CG Goku, but by your arguments it sounds like you have them stomping Goku.

I can understand what you're saying but Vegeta by this point of series doesn't have much respect for even Cell and Cell didn't respect Trunks nor Vegeta's power during Cell Games. Everyone minus Gohan on Cell Games wouldn't work for him training, he just have gotten way strong.

He wanted to see how strong Trunks was, not serious training.

Super manga's full of nasty and horrible writing. Yes, but had he seen SSJ Kid Trunks? He doesn't need confirm Future Trunks capable of transforming since he saw him already more than once. 17 statement could make Base Kid Trunks = SSJ Future Trunks (Androids) or SSJ Future Trunks (Cell Games), both options are flawed.

So is the normal series lol. This is just a power comparison, and one that makes a ton of sense. They’re very strong, but not = the adults.

Vegeta is literally telling 17 how strong Kid Trunks is… You’re just missing the point on purpose to say the statement is wrong.


Low Class Warrior
Jan 24, 2025

On my outdated list, I have:

Goten - 90
Kid Trunks - 93
Vegeta - 100

Kids upon this are stomping CG Goku. But Vegeta's placement's also weird considering he was saying he's stronger than Gohan before was revealed he had SSJ2.

Talking about mini Cells, well I know they are CG SSJ Vegeta/Trunks level. And aren't Goten/Trunks fighting multiple of them while CG Vegeta/Trunks were struggling and barely holding their own fighting just one?

Why should Vegeta's statement outweight that fact? Yes, I have re-read Early Buu Arc (or even Buu Arc in general) for getting better comprehension.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017

On my outdated list, I have:

Goten - 90
Kid Trunks - 93
Vegeta - 100

Kids upon this are stomping CG Goku. But Vegeta's placement's also weird considering he was saying he's stronger than Gohan before was revealed he had SSJ2.

Talking about mini Cells, well I know they are CG SSJ Vegeta/Trunks level. And aren't Goten/Trunks fighting multiple of them while CG Vegeta/Trunks were struggling and barely holding their own fighting just one?

Why should Vegeta's statement outweight that fact? Yes, I have re-read Early Buu Arc (or even Buu Arc in general) for getting better comprehension.

90-93 is a bit too close. The boys are weaker than Gohan and Vegeta thought Gohan was utter trash.

Yeah they fight for a bit, but it’s all very quick and the Jrs stop.

Because it’s not a fact. The boys being strong does not equate to them being on the same level as the adults. They still have a long way to go.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
Well, when saying "SSJ3 Goku's good, oh, but Trunks used being good too!" It can exist. Both are powerful characters even when they're not remotely comparable.
Give me an example of where this would make sense context wise.

Btw in the japanese text Vegeta flat out says Trunks is “just as strong” as his future self. Idk why P didn’t tell you that instead of going semantica of “just as good”.
Didn't know. That should end the debate with him, right? Eh, he'll probably come up with some new crap, right?

Well, if comes from Super manga doesn't hold much value. Plus, haven't 17 just viewed Base Kid Trunks and SSJ Future Trunks?
Knew it! Look at this embarrassing pivot @GreatSaiyaman123

Super manga's full of nasty and horrible writing. Yes, but had he seen SSJ Kid Trunks? He doesn't need confirm Future Trunks capable of transforming since he saw him already more than once. 17 statement could make Base Kid Trunks = SSJ Future Trunks (Androids) or SSJ Future Trunks (Cell Games), both options are flawed.
The cope is strong with this one.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
So is the normal series lol. This is just a power comparison, and one that makes a ton of sense. They’re very strong, but not = the adults.
Yeah, honestly this is one of the more reasonable takes Super did. We all had the boys a bit stronger, but not tremendously so. It was nice to have some confirmation from a source material on this issue.

Remember weirdos would be arguing for them being piss weak, like Freeza level lol. At least that ended.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Yeah, honestly this is one of the more reasonable takes Super did. We all had the boys a bit stronger, but not tremendously so. It was nice to have some confirmation from a source material on this issue.

Remember weirdos would be arguing for them being piss weak, like Freeza level lol. At least that ended.

That Gogeta guy from Neo still thinks they’re 1st form Freeza level lol


Low Class Warrior
Jan 24, 2025
90-93 is a bit too close. The boys are weaker than Gohan and Vegeta thought Gohan was utter trash.

Yeah they fight for a bit, but it’s all very quick and the Jrs stop.

Because it’s not a fact. The boys being strong does not equate to them being on the same level as the adults. They still have a long way to go.
Gohan's 96% of Vegeta's power. Basically they made one triangle, Goten = 90, Trunks = 93, Gohan = 96.

If many of them come from Vegeta and Trunks and they decided grouping them, how things would go?

How's they blocking their hits not fact? Lol.

Give me an example of where this would make sense context wise.
Are SSJ3 Goku and Trunks good guys who protect world from evil? Because if you're thinking "good" only relies on power you are obstaculizing yourself on making one option being desired one.
Didn't know. That should end the debate with him, right? Eh, he'll probably come up with some new crap, right?
Well, you could start using this:
Instead of asspulling things.
Knew it! Look at this embarrassing pivot @GreatSaiyaman123

The cope is strong with this one.
If you have something better than giving Super manga, actual evidence should be accepted. Not something Toyotaro pulled from his ass.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
Toyo has the authority to change things, not you.

You can relegate your interpretation to Z only but you have to submit to Super’s authoritative takes.


Low Class Warrior
Jan 24, 2025
Toyo has the authority to change things, not you.

You can relegate your interpretation to Z only but you have to submit to Super’s authoritative takes.
I could see your point, but Toyotaro's simply one more fan like us are. On his work, he could extend, add elements, change things or create new concepts, but never contradict facts. That's not what literature relies on.

If Toyotaro have Beerus saying SSJ2 Goku was who defeated Freeza, that doesn't retroactively changes how things were. On other hand, if work have Beerus ordering Freeza destroying Planet Vegeta, that on itself becomes one retcon because was said on screen, but you can't apply that on non-canon.

Similar of how would always be one mystery who sealed Old Kaioshin just by 90's material, and also remains on non canon like one mystery.

If you want your position work, gotta work on all-mediums and not half-measures.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
Lol, nah man. Toyotarou is definitely not a fan just like us, bro. That’s one of the wildest statements I ever heard.

It’s not about me adapting my position it’s about you adapting yours. If you want to have a Z-only opinion, that’s fine, but you have to qualify and accept that it is based on specs that take away from the totality of the source material. That’s how this works.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I hope Toyotarou gets fired now that AT is gone and can't babysit his ass


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Maybe he was an elite writer who AT was holding back and now he will finally spread his wings. Don’t ruin my hope, boy.
I'd rather have a schizophrenic write for Super than Toyo. Almost all his changes from the anime were phail in the ToP arc and it just got worse in the 3 arcs after.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
Yep, you ain’t lying. He hasn’t had an original thought in his life. Not sure why they hired him in the first place. There had to have been someone better.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I liked some small few ideas he used like Zamasu using his Glind psychic powers to fight rather than just pure Ki and melee combat, it's too bad those good ideas are drowned out in a tsunami of horrid writing.

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