How the movie releate to the manga and the anime


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Well, I will post something here regarding to the movies. I am going to post each manga chapter that was released exactly 3 months prior to a movie's release. I want you guys to guess what is the connection of each chapter with each movie. I use the chapter that was released 3 month prior to each movie because it's been proven that Toei starts the production of each movie 4 months prior to it's release, after taking a month prior writing the script.

NOTE: some of the manga chapters released 3 months prior to some movies don't indicate much due to a larger time gap between the manga and the anime and due to no progression in the series in terms of power (which is why there were a lot of filler episodes in between), especially in the begining of Dragon Ball Z

So here we go:

Movie 1 ( Return My Gohan!!) Premiere Date: 15 July 1989


Movie 2 (The World's Strongest Man) Premiere Date: 10 March 1990


Movie 3 (A Super Decisive Battle For Earth) Premiere Date: 07 July 1990


Movie 4 (Super Saiyan Son Goku) Premiere Date: 09 March 1991


Movie 5 (The Incredible Strongest vs Strongest) Premiere Date: 20 July 1991


Movie 6 (Clash!! 10,000,000,000 Powerful Warriors) Premiere Date: 7 March 1992


Movie 7 (Extreme Battle!! The Three Great Super Saiyans) Premiere Date: 11 July 1992


Movie 8 (Burn Up!! A Red-Hot, Raging, Super-Fierce Fight) Premiere Date: 06 March 1993


Movie 9 (The Galaxy at the Brink!! The Super Incredible Guy) Premiere Date: 10 July 1993


Movie 10 (The Dangerous Duo! Super-Warriors Can’t Rest) Premiere 12 March 1994


Movie 11 (Super-Warrior Defeat!! I’m the One Who’ll Win) Premiere Date: 09 July 1994


Movie 12 (The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta) Premiere Date: 04 March 1995


Movie 13 (Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Won’t Do it, Who Will?)

Premiere Date: 15 July 1995

you can see that the movie villian is around the level of the strongest character of the manga 3 months prior to the movie (in the anime the movie villian is as strong as the character who appears 2-3 episodes after the movie realese.

For example:

Movie 6: the strongest character 3 months prior in the manga was Android 18. Metal Coola ~ Android 18

Movie 7: the strongest character in the manga 3 months prior to the movie is Imperfect Cell (post humans) Super 13 ~ Imperfect Cell

Movie 8: the strongest character in the manga 3 months prior to the movie was suppressed Perfect Cell vs Goku. Movie 8 Broli ~ Suppressed Perfect Cell vs Goku

Movie 4: the strongest character in the manga 3 months prior to the movie was Initial Final Form Freeza with "Super Saiyan" Vegeta.

Movie 4 False SSjin Goku ~ "SSjin Vegeta" (last Zenkai)

Giant Slug ~ Initial Final Form Freeza

Fits perfectly as both "SSjins" were no match for the villian.

Movie 3: strongest base power level in the manga was 30k Vegeta. Tullece before eating the fruit was also implied to be 30k and so was stated Goku.

Movie 5: the last manga chapter 3 months prior the movie release was SSjin Goku fighting against 100% Freeza and movie 5 is based on that fight though Cooler is stronger than Freeza (there was no progression Between Goku and Frieza till the very late Trunks arc in the anime)

movie 10: the chapter in the manga, 3 months prior to the movie was Goku using SSjin 2 vs Yakon.

Movie 10 Broly ~ SSjin 2 Goku

Movie 11: the chapter in the manga, 3 months prior to the movie release qas Fat Boo kicking Majin Vegeta's ass. Movie 11 villian should of been as strong as Fat Boo if it was not for the issus that Toei could not use Goku in this movie because his SSjin 3 still did not exist.

Movie 12: the last chapter 3 months prior to the movie release was Ultimate Gohan kicking Evil Boo's ass. Considering the fact Super Janemba was clearly implied to be Evil Boo level, we can conclude that Janemba rivals Evil Boo while Movie 12 SSjin Gogeta ~ Ultimate Gohan.

In short, the intention of the movie villians was to have the viallian comparable to the main canon villian/sometimes character.

Let's take the Freeza Saga, Cell Saga and Boo Saga for example

Movie 3 based on the Namek Arc

Initial Tullece comparable to Vegeta (Post Zarbon). Tullece (post fruit) comparable to First Form Freeza

Movie 4 based on the Ginyu Arc

Slug ~ Initial Final Form Freeza

Cooler compared to 100% Final Form Freeza thogh even stronger.

Movie 6 based on Androids Arc

Metal Coola comparable to Androids Arc SSjins.
Metal Coola (repaired) ~ Android 18

Movie 7 based on the Imperfect Cell Arc

Android 13 ~Imperfect Cell (Ginger town)
Super 13 ~ Imperfect Cell (post humans)

Movie 8 based on the Perfect Cell Arc

RSSjin Broli comparable to the suppressed Perfect Cell who fought SSjinG 2 Vegeta
LSSjin Broli comparable to the suppressed Perfect Cell who fought Goku

Movie 9 based on the Cell Games

Bojack comparable to the suppressed Perfect Cell who fought Goku and Gohan.
Super Bojack comparable to FP Perfect Cell

Movie 10 based on the Great Saiyaman Arc

LSSjin Broli ~ SSjin 2 Goku

Movie 11

the villian should of been comparable to Fat Boo but the movie could not use Goku as gis strongest form still did not exist so it's an exception.

Movie 12 based on the Majin Boo Arc

Fat Janemba comparable to Fat Boo
Super Janemba comparable to Super Boo

Movie 13 based on the Fusion Arc

Hirudegarn comparable to Gohan-Boo


Notice how the movies are similiar?

every movie is based on a specific arc and the viillians are comparable to the arc they follow.

Movie 3 is the first movie of the Freeza Saga and Tullece is comparable to the First Form Freeza.

Movie 4 is the second Freeza Saga movie and Slug is comparable to initial final form Freeza

Movie 5 is the last Freeza Saga movie and Coola is comparable to Frieza's max final form

Movie 6 is the first movie of the Cell Saga and Metal Coola is comparable to Android 18

Movie 7 is the second movie of the Cell Saga and Super 13 is comparable to Cell's first form (like movie 3)

Movie 8 is the third Cell Saga movie and Broli is comparable to suppressed Perfect Cell vs Goku (like movie 4

Movie 9 is the last Cell Saga movie and Bojack is comparable to Perfect Cell at his full power (just like movie 5)

Movie 10 is first Boo Saga movie. Broli should be comparable to someone before the main villian Boo who still did not exist in the series (similiar to movie 6 when Metal Coola was comparable to Android 18 because Cell still did not exist in the series)
The logical choice for Broli to be compared to is Dabura. However since Datura was only fighting SSjin Teen Gohan in the manga and he is clearly a lot weaker than the SSjin 2s then it's not possible. All Broli needs to be is surpassing SSjin 2 Kid Gohan and SPC and he did as he is comparable to SSjin 2 Goku which is why the chapter in the manga 3 months before the movie got released was Goku going SSjin 2 vs Yakon.

Movie 11 is the second movie of the Boo Saga. The villian should of been comparable to the first form of Boo who was Fat Boo (like in movie 7). However since this movie is an exception due to Toei not being able to use Goku for this movie as explained before, Bio Broli is irrelevant.

Movie 12 is the third movie of the Boo Saga. Janemba is comparable to Super Boo who is kind of intermidiante of the Boo. Stronger than the first form of Boo but weaker than the strongest who will come in the future. (similiar to movie 4 and movie 8)

Movie 13 is the last movie of the Boo Saga and Hirudegarn is comparable to Gohan-Boo who was the strongest Boo at that point. Like in every ending movie of the other sagas.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
The way I'm seeing it, movies just assume the status quo will be maintained after a current saga ends.

Movie 1 is the odd one out and plays like some alternative Raditz Saga given Goku and Piccolo have they "so you're using weights huh" talk. The anime fits it as a Pre Raditz canon though, and it works since the contradictions are pretty minor and the anime has a lot of contradictions anyway.

Movie 2 and 3 were produced during the early Namek Saga. Movie 2 seems to pluck Goku, Kuririn and Gohan from that era, and movie 3 has everyone stronger because some time has passed. So in this version the Namekian Dragon Balls were gathered without a lot of fights and asspull power ups.

Movies 4 and 5 were done during the Freeza fight, and they are clearly post Freeza since he's mentioned in both movies. Super Saiyan looks different in Movie 4 because the outlook, but that's supposed to be Super Saiyan and this is Goku after the Freeza fight. Movie 5 could be fit in canon though, with the small contradictions like Gohan's hair or Goku not using SSJ until the end being standard anime contradiction.

Movies 6 and 7 are from the Android Saga era. Maybe the remote control was used?

Movies 8 and 9 exist in the post Cell Games days, with M8 being early enough that the producers thought Goku would survive the Cell Games. Gohan looks fairly younger than his CG self, but like with False SSJ I supposed the animators just didn't know what he'd look like.

Movie 10 and 11 were produced and released in the early Boo Saga days. They happen either before, when Gohan and co. were training, or after, but with the producers again assuming Babidi and Boo would be defeated quickly. M11 is probably after since Satan owes 18 some money.

Movie 12 was done in the Super Boo era. Goku and Vegeta were dead so the producers ran with it: Majin Boo was probably killed by Goku or Gotenks. It could be argued Gotenks is Post Rosat since he has the Kamikaze Ghosts technique, but I suppose he'd have come up with that technique sooner or later.

Movie 13 is post Boo Saga.

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