How would you fix GT?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GT is bad, that much is a given. Not anywhere near as much as Super in my opinion, but still a work of very poor quality that's cemented it's place as a contentious topic. That said, what would you do to change the story for the better?

As for my scenario...

I liked the concept of turning Goku into a child due to it being a way of nerfing him so he couldn't solo any threat with SS3, but that was made redundant fast when even the strongest foes prior to Baby only forced him to go SSJ and he got Toei haxes to his base form anyway. That said, it'd be a far better idea to simply kill Goku off. Have Pilaf say something such as "I wish you never existed! I could have conquered the world long ago if not for you." Goku is then sent to a realm of nothingness between the mortal Universe and Otherworld whilst Dende kicks the Pilaf gang off the temple and telepathically informs Vegeta due to him being the most reliable fighter left.
The expedition into space goes ahead with Vegeta forcing Trunks to go and Pan sneaking aboard. However, the leader would be changed to Piccolo. Big Green would explain that he reactivated the Ultimate Dragon Balls some time after the Cell Games as a last resort against a powerful foe, yet found there to be no positive that could come from using them against Boo due to the additional threat it would provide the Earth. Them surpassing the power of their creator was due to Piccolo being the combination of three Namekians making him a very special case. There, plot hole plugged. As such, Piccolo feels responsible for everything that just happened and wants to fix his problem personally. As to why Vegeta doesn't go, I'd say his protective paternal nature towards Bra would cause him to stay on Earth to protect his family from any unseeable threat such as Boo, as well as not wanting to coddle Trunks. Gohan is also busy as a scholar, though has balanced his role as a scholar and fighter much as the GT Perfect Files told but didn't truly show.
The events on Imegga can stay the same, but with Piccolo defeating Redjic. A good deal of time would be spent on Pan's character development as Piccolo acts as a mentor figure for her and allows her to grow past her bratty nature far quicker. I'd change Zunama's character to anything but an Oolong knockoff, but the general path into the Lood battle would be relatively the same, except with Lood's durability instead being a technology that reflects the plasma energy of Ki. One detail I would add would be Trunks offering a Capsule case as a gift to both the natives of Imegga and the planet Zunama was on. Also, I'd completely remove the skinny :withheld monkey that was Dolltaki.

Moving onto the Baby Arc, the beginning with Gill's betrayal would remain the same, though I'd completely change the Mega Cannon Sigma. Instead of surpassing previous opponents of the last arc, they'd instead rely on their teamwork to hold their own against the trio and eventually find an opening to paralyse Trunks after ganging up on him when analysing him to be the biggest threat. Pan and Piccolo infiltrate the base on M2, as Pan destroys Nutt as in the main timeline whilst Piccolo fights the rest of the Mega Cannon Sigma. The Sigma combine and can fight Piccolo very well due to their data, but ultimately lose. Trunks is freed, but then the trio have to fight against Rild. They get stomped by Rild's power and ability to manipulate metal, though after being fed two of the Senzu the group brought with them, Trunks unlocks SS2 whilst Pan unlocks SSJ and are able to put up a fight against Rild until he starts manipulating all of the planet's metal and events transpire in a similar manner to in the series, except with Gill's strategy being done with Piccolo rather than Trunks. The events with Baby go pretty similarly, but things change drastically after the events on M2. With months having passed since Imegga, Mu would have had time to expand his reach to Imegga and learn of Capsules, adding his upgrades to allow living organisms to be contained in them. Baby uses this to get to Earth in a far more logical way by overhearing most information about Earth and it's co-ordinates by hiding in a Capsule on the ship. Also, as far as Baby's abilities go, I'd change his mind control to simply controlling someone's body. There's no room for character development with mind control, whilst controlling their physical actions against their will is a different story.
Things go pretty similarly, except that rather than controlling Goten, then Gohan, then Vegeta, I'd have Gohan remain the top dog and have Baby's ability to control others diminish the more his Ki and body grew. He'd be an adult by the time he reaches Earth and to make him less of a joke, I'd have him start calling himself Tsurufurian King by that point. Vegeta actually fighting him would allow the Saiyan to confront the demons of his ancestry and for once have a villain somewhat justified in their goals. The King would be outmatched, especially once Gohan arrives and would retreat as the arc turns into a chase much like with 1st form Cell and using both Mu's knowledge and the Tsufururians' advanced technology such as that used against Lood, he eventually gains enough of an upper hand to overpower Vegeta but still no match for Gohan, uses his powers to merge with Vegeta's body, this being the only instance in which it also affects the host's mind. I'd also make his appearance identical to his second transformation, as having a transformation in the first place when he was already the strongest guy around was highly unnecessary. He then stomps Gohan and almost kills him if not for Kibitoshin using Kai Kai to save him as he did Galu.
Thus, the Tsufurian King's takeover of Earth commences. However, this isn't done through fear or mind control, but by showcasing his power to the populace and sharing Tsufurian technology with them, thus swaying all but the Dragon Team to his side. Kibitoshin informs Piccolo of what has happened, with the group agreeing it's best to be teleported to the Kaioshinkai to train, especially after hearing Gohan is there. However, when bringing the Dragon Balls, they notice one is a fake. Baby managed to envelop one inside his body and replaced it with a fake, thus prompting a conflict with him all the sooner. Gohan goes through the same tail growth training Goku did whilst Pan and Trunks have their potential unlocked over a series of days. Piccolo chooses not to as he knows the Saiyans far surpass him and has his own plan for battle; the Mafuba.
Meanwhile, the King is having an identity crisis as the personalities of himself and Vegeta conflict and merge, with his memory becoming jumbled between the identity of the two individuals. He even starts to consider that perhaps the Saiyans have changed somewhat. Nevertheless, he stays resolute in his goal to bring back the Tsufurian race, wiping out the resistance lead by Goten and taking Dende as a prisoner. Oob eventually fights against him and fuses with Boo as in the original and the battle concludes in the same manner. It's then that Pan, Piccolo and Trunks arrive to fight the King for the Dragon Balls. Despite putting up a good fight and their efforts overpowering King Tsufuru, he manages to win through his Plasma Reflective armour and discovering a new ability he used when attempting to quell Vegeta's personality. Spreading himself onto both Trunks and Pan for a moment each, he manipulates their minds in a manner not to control them, but to awaken the irrational fighting instinct of a Saiyan's Oozaru form and cause the two to defeat each other. Piccolo attempts to use the Mafuba, but the King sees through his plan due to the suspicious nature of the bottle and destroys it before taking Piccolo hostage. He then makes his wish for the Tsufurian/Saiyan homeworld to be restored near Earth and moves his followers there, with the majority of humanity complying as the Dragon Team are left beaten on Earth.
Not long afterwards, Gohan's tail regrowth is complete as he travels to Planet Tsufuru and faces it's King, going Golden Oozaru. Pan reveals herself to have snuck aboard a ship and pleads with her father to regain his rationality before being killed by King Tsufuru, thus prompting Gohan to go Super Saiyan 4. It's revealed Elder Kaioshin found out about it after spending a decade and a half researching Saiyan history and biology due to the power of Goku and Gohan having made him curious, so another plot hole plugged. The Tsufuru King would realise the form is the answer and counter to his critique of the Saiyans being controlled by battle frenzy as it's entirety is now brought out externally but with the control and rationality of their SSJ form. Gohan proceeds to defeat the King even without Oob's internal attack and he relinquishes control of Vegeta. The King realises that the Saiyans have truly evolved past the killers of his race and that he was wrong, hoping to instead restore his race on his own. However, the Earth is in danger as the quest to return the Ultimate Dragon Balls was a failure and humanity is moved to the Tsufuru planet, other than Piccolo staying behind to atone for his sin as trying to find the Ultimate Dragon Balls to deactivate them and bringing even more unknown threats to humanity can't be done. Thus, the arc ends on a mixed tones as not only do we have some actual character development for Baby, but both Piccolo and Goku are permanently dead.

As for how I'd change the next two arcs, I'll go into that in the next post. Feel free to share your own ideas or scenarios in improving GT.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
The idea of removing Goku from out of existence is neat similar to AF where Goku is stuck on Shenron realm and can't save the Earth while the others did their best to stop Xicor. Without Goku, then there would be no instant transmission but still Kibito Kai is available so the whole trip with the spaceship is just a waste of time if Kibito is there. I would make the BS DB to be undetectable from dragon radar in order to make it harder to find it even with the help of Kaioshins and the DB are spread to the whole universe and not just a galaxy. So far that's the best way of my shitty brain to come up with a harder way to make DB least interesting. :troll

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fearless Instinct said:
but still Kibito Kai is available so the whole trip with the spaceship is just a waste of time if Kibito is there.
It was established in the Boo Arc that Kai Kai is a far more draining technique than Shunkan Ido. Hardly something that would be useful when needing to home in on the object's signal with the Dragon Radar to find it in the first place.

I would make the BS DB to be undetectable from dragon radar in order to make it harder to find it even with the help of Kaioshins and the DB are spread to the whole universe and not just a galaxy.
Not only does that make things become impossible, but there's no reason the Ultimate Dragon Balls would be immune to the signal when it works just fine on the original Namekian Dragon Balls.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Besides this, I'd also flesh out more of Baby's character to make him somewhat more sympathetic, with lines such as him feeling sorry for S17 for having to be modified twice against his will and enslaved by an evil tyrant similar to what his people went through at King Vegeta's hands when he possesses 17's body, yet with each transformation and as his anger against the Saiyans build he loses more and more of his sympathetic qualities and becomes the ruthless tyrant he later is by the time he possesses Gohan. Didn't write that out as planning the battles while I'm half drunk was enough of a task tho :Paladin

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Mr. Giraffe said:
But would Toei's writers be able to resist their urge to bring :galu :galu back for that long?! :alex2
Hence why this thread isn't called "How should Toei have fixed GT?" :troll

Very good concept there. If I had one critique, there seems to be a bit too much of a dependency on the space-time rift for most of the plot's events, though considering the series had already brought in the bane of writing quality that is time travel, it's fairly excusable at that point.

As for the rest of my scenario...

The Super #17 Arc wouldn't be anything close to what it was even in premise, given that aside from giving #18 something to do and executing the fanservicey nature of previous villains coming back to life better than Fusion Reborn, there was absolutely nothing worth defending the arc for with it's numerous retcons and character idiocy.

Instead, we start off with the destruction of Earth turning humanity primarily against the Dragon Team as well as some of King Tsufuru's loyalists against him due to his vicarious responsibility in this. To fix things, Gohan has Kibitoshin ask to Kaio to discern the co-ordinates for New Namek and has the Brief family and Yamcha (because he needs a little more than a cameo) make the trip there. Using the Namekian Dragon Balls, they restore the Earth and all of King Tsufuru's victims, as well as try and fail to bring Goku back. With this, many are swayed into returning to Earth and treating the Ki users as gods or kings. This prompts Gohan to write the book "Groundbreaking Science" and thus Ki control becomes widespread as in DBO through the Shin Kame and Tsuru schools. Still, many remain hostile to them and choose to live under Tsufuru rule, whilst some some abandon both planets entirely. With the search for the Ultimate Dragon Balls and the connections Mu had across the Universe, many alien worlds become aware of Earth and travel to that part of the Galaxy. This new force emerging is one lead by a former member of the Freeza Force who has trained to surpass his old master and now leads a Republic of worlds he liberated after Freeza's death under the name the Free Worlds Republic. For the sake of simplicity, let's just call him Tagoma. Redjic is also now working for him and Tagoma takes humans who want to flee both worlds under his wing. Thus, three main factions are formed and despite Tsufuru wanting peace between them, the hostility of his subjects to the Earthling faction causes quite a tense, Cold War-esque situation in which each side attempts to build up both their Ki user military and technology.

After a four year timeskip, we are shown Vegeta within Bulma's Artificial Bruits Wave machine achieving SS4 to surpass his current limit in an attempt to match the other planet's King. Trunks and Goten are both living normal lives like their original selves, whereas Pan has been diligent in her training and has took to wearing clothes similar to Piccolo's as her father did and having mastered SS2. The Kame Sennin-ryu school is being ran by Yamcha, with Kuririn acting as a supervisor despite his superiority due to wanting to retire from battle like his GT self and Roshi being another supervisor due to his superior skill, whilst the Shin Tsuru Sennin-ryu school is obviously ran by Tenshithands. On Planet Tsufuru, the King has gained a minister of scientific studies. This man was a Capsule Corp. employee before becoming a RRA scientist and now someone following in the footsteps of Gero and replacing Mu's role in this arc. Just as a joke, let's call him Mutwo. :troll Mutwo has used blueprints for #17 and #18 he found on Earth to construct an Infinite Energy-type Android of his own and combined it with the absoprtion functions. With the help of the King's technological expertise gained from Mu, they create the Super #17 equivalent who I'll rename it Machine Mutant #17 and install the Ki reflecting armour onto it's body. After testing out #17's capabilities in a spar, the King is confident it will make the perfect defence against the Earthlings, though Mutwo chooses to declare war against Earth against his King's wishes. Seeing no alternative now, especially when Tagoma persuades him that a display of Tsufuru's security will allow many within the FWR to flock to their cause, he concedes to following the declaration.

Within the war, things quickly turn in the Earth forces' side as Vegeta and Gohan steamroll all the main army and the reinforcements from the FWR. We can give Trunks some action by having him face Redjic who has continued training in a battle in which he reawakens his fighting spirit and is forced to kill Redjic. As Vegeta and Gohan arrive at the royal stronghold, however, they are met by MM#17, who's broken skillset manages to defeat the pair and force them to retreat. Realising that Ki users and raw power will be ineffective against this new threat, Bulma comes up with the idea of having those who's attacks can't be absorbed be a special force against it; #17 and #18 along with Kuririn for his Kienzan, Oob for his Chocolate Beam and Roshi for his Mafuba. She also recreates the Micro-Band to have Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten and Pan hide upon this task force and see if they can get a chance to catch MM17 off-guard. Seeing that chances are still slim, Bulma reinstalls bombs inside both #17 and #18, as well as a powerful reactor core for their artificial energy that will offer them a power up in exchange for their life force.
Meanwhile, the King becomes paranoid that Mutwo may use MM17 to overthrow him, as well as concerned about the instincts that have been installed in it to pursue further power. He kills Mutwo, but this act of tyranny forces many of his supporters away into either Earthling or FWR territory. It's not long after #17 does indeed attempt to overthrow him and, backed into a corner by his creation, the King attempts to merge with it. However, the alterations provided to it by Mutwo make it far from the ease of controlling someone such as Rild and instead, the King's mind becomes subservient to the creation's body. This new #17, however, is now filled with true sentience and with the King being a Machine Mutant at their core, the two minds quickly meld into one as they are filled with a new purpose; to prove the superiority of Machine Mutants over other lifeforms and bring forth the new apex race of the Universe.
Quickly assaulting the FWR, the newly dubbed Machine Mutant Ultimate kills Tagoma and forces the worlds to yield under the Machine Mutant Empire. Not long after, the anti-Ki task force arrive to stop him. Kuririn's Kienzan proves capable of slicing off one of Ultimate's arms, but he is quickly killed. #17 and #18 are able to fight somewhat well by using up the entirety of their reactor, but their life force quickly burns out. Roshi gets the opportunity to use the Mafuba and succeeds in trapping the Machine Mutant. However, weary of the technique, the Tsufuruian King managed to escape his host at the last second and let Roshi use up his life needlessly. After this, the five main warriors reveal themselves, only for the King to destroy the Denshi Jar and quickly regain his Ultimate persona. Still, the damage dealt to this body is enough that the five can strike several weak points that have arose and cripple the Ultimate Machine Mutant, with Oob still being capable of joining in the battle. Having little to say other than congratulations at the Earthlings' strategy and tells them to kill their defeated opponent. Vegeta then fulfills their request and with the desire to reverse all the damage done with the Dragon Balls, the Evil Dragons Arc opens up.

In terms of initial structure, there's very little that needs changing in concept. I'd instead have the Dragons spread out across the solar system rather than contained on Earth since at this point, an Earthly conflict with it's climax in a city is very underwhelming. The designs, powers and origins of the Evil Dragons can remain the same, except for maybe Qi Xing Long starting off in the appearance he got when absorbing Pan as well as Liang and Wu being made a bit more intimidating. Instead of Galu and Pan, we'd have the five Saiyans and Oob taking down the Evil Dragons and each one having a massive impact on the solar system. For instance, Liang Xing Long's poison could quickly make the Earth uninhabitable. We'd also have a few main character deaths to drive home the stakes, such as Gohan being forced to kill Pan after Qi Xing Long absorbs her or Vegeta being killed by Yi Xing Long. Super Yi Xing Long then kills Gohan, who offers his brother and Trunks the time they need to fuse. Gotenks is capable of wearing down Yi Xing Long quite a bit, but the fusion ends before the battle can be concluded. However, Oob manages to stop the fatigued Yi with Chocolate Beam and eradicates him with a Ki blast. The damages are restored with the Dragon Balls, which then disappear as in the end of GT with it's cast vowing to defend the Earth with their own power and having proven that they have grown beyond relying on Goku. No farewell on Shenron's back, 100 year timeskip or unexplored Shenron realm required.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Only foolproof way to avoid him being brought back as the hero he should no longer be.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Nothing is impossible when :toei :toei and their Galu boner are involved in the writing process


Jun 19, 2015
I don't remember many details of that series, but here is how I would rewrite it...
-First of all, I'd make Goku's gains more reasonable. During the fight with Adult Ubb in Episode 1, he's fighting as
SSJ2 and, after the fight, says something like: 'You progressed a lot, Ubb. You have brought out almost all the
power you had in your previous incarnation.'
-When Goku reverts to a child, it is stated that his power level has dropped a lot (by how much exactly, that is left
to the forums debaters to argue about). Also, he realizes he cannot even go SSJ1 anymore.
-The team to search for the black star dragonballs are Goku, Ubb and Pan.
-Pan is the one to fight the unimportant battles during the saga (giant beasts, worms etc). Her power level is never
stated or implied, so no one gets the idea that random creatures stronger than Freeza are running around in the
universe. Also, this gives Pan some time to shine.
-When they arrive at Ledgic's planet, Goku says something like: 'If Freeza's empire was still around, they wouldn't
dare do such things.', which will imply that Ledgic (and, probably, Base Saiyans too) is weaker than Freeza.
Although Ubb can easily defeat him, Goku wants to enjoy a good battle and begs Ubb to let him fight. Base Goku
and Ledgic are even for a while, until Goku manages to unlock SSJ during the battle and stomps.
-On the planet with Sigma/Rildo, Ubb takes Goku's place in the important fights. Goku's statement about Rildo
being as strong as Buu remains, but Ubb being even with him makes it obvious that Goku is referring to Kid
-No Majuub.
-Gohan has retained his ultimate form (no SSJ for him) and remains the top dog. Baby possesses him instead
of Vegeta. Goten and Trunks fuse and have the upper hand but find a way to lose. Vegeta reveals that he opted
to never go SSJ3 because he had seen the weaknesses of the form. Instead, he mastered SSJ2. He puts up
somewhat of a fight but seems doomed. Then, his tail suddenly regrows. Vegeta is like: 'Weird. I thought tail
does not regrow once someone surpasses the cap of Oozaru's power in his base form' (which closes the plot hole
about why his tail never grew back in DBZ). MSSJ2 Vegeta creates an artificial moon to see what will happen.
He goes Golden Oozaru and, then, SSJ4, in the same manner as Goku in the series.
-Baby does not make a wish to the black star dragonballs. After the saga, they are kept back in the temple.
Finally, Kibitoshin discovers a planet where ageing is accelerated and Goku is taken there for a few days.
-During Goku's absence, Super 17 saga takes place. After the small fries are beaten, Vegeta takes charge.
He fights as MSSJ2 and performs as well as SSJ1 Goku in canon. Finally, he goes SSJ4 and Super 17
eventually surpasses him by absorbing power, in the same way as it surpassed SSJ4 Goku in the series.
-Goku shows up during the fight, once more an adult, and reveals he has accessed SSJ4 as well. Goku and
Vegeta fight as a team. When they discover Super 17's weakness, they make a plan. Vegeta will intentionally
give him energy to absorb and, at that moment, Goku will attack with an amplified attack or something
and destroy him.
-Not all seven evil dragons are haxed. The Z team scatters around the planet and the fights take place
simultaneously. Pan, Goten, Trunks and Ubb take one of the unimportant gag dragons each. (I don't
remember all the dragons, but you can decide who takes whom.) Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta find the
fire/ice shenrons. Goku takes the fire shenron and Vegeta the ice one.
-Goku defeats Fire Shenron but decides to spare his life. Fire Shenron appreciates this. Then, Goku
realizes that Vegeta has been frozen and immobilized by Ice Shenron, so he takes his place. Since he
has become aware of the freezing attack (because of what happened to Vegeta), he dodges those
attacks and beats Ice Shenron. Vegeta is released and whines that he'd have been able to win too if
he had known about that attack beforehand. Goku laughs.
-Syn Shenron shows up. He is defeated in about the same way as in canon.

Mod edit: removed pedophilia jokes

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
[mention]withheldforprivacy[/mention], keep your pedophilia bullshit out of this section of the forum. If you really have to post it then keep it in the spam section.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
[mention]Kenshi[/mention] I'd honestly say this rewrite is a lot weaker than the previous one. There were elements I liked such as the DBO callbacks and the satisfying ending, not to mention the aftermath of the situation being something DB doesn't often tread into, but there were several questionable plot points:

- Goten's actions being compelled by a prophetic dream comes off as contrived with how this was an element completely absent from the series prior and, as with Beerus' dream about Super Saiyan God, destined events and fatalism shouldn't even be a thing in a series where continuity can be changed by time travel. This is a pretty different case from the Bardock TV Special, in which his visions were of ones that were impossible for him to alter. Meanwhile, Goten's nightmare coming to fruition was primarily due to him acting upon it. This can be fixed, however, as an addition that Yi Xing Long's essence was manipulating ( :autism ) Goten's subconscious.
- Shouldn't Goten know how the afterlife works considering he's already died once and should know Goku's past victims aren't in any position to curse anyone? Beyond that, why didn't it occur to him to fact-check with Dende or Piccolo, the most experienced wells of knowledge on the afterlife that can be found on Earth, before heading to New Namek?
- Shouldn't the Pilaf gang have gotten their wish when Porunga had been made capable of accepting wishes in the universal standard language by the time of the Boo Arc? Can't remember if you addressed this in the previous part of the rewrite though, so I may simply be missing something.
- Goten's surprise Taiyoken against Yi Xing Long plays off way too similarly to Piccolo getting Shello to do his infodump. Also, Yi's explanation of karmic balance is a lot harder to accept than the more simple explanation in GT when considering the amount of selfless wishes in the series (reviving victims of murders and the like) far outweigh the selfish wishes (of which primarily boil down to just Oolong wishing for panties and Piccolo Daimao restoring his youth).
- Considering that Shunkan Ido only works by focusing on a Ki to get to a location, shouldn't Goten's Ki sensing have been heightened to the point he'd immediately realise Yi Xing Long was following him on the ship, or is it meant to be that Yi was so ridiculously fast he could keep up with its movements?
- With how the Genki-Dama was shown to work in the Freeza and Boo Arcs, shouldn't the act of Vegetto diffusing and nobody actively holding up the Genki-Dama for a significant time cause it to come crashing down?
- #17 and #18 using their infinite energy reactors to power up the Genki-Dama seems like a pretty big asspull in all honesty, considering how they weren't able to just spam energy donations for the one in the Boo Arc.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
@Kenshi I'd honestly say this rewrite is a lot weaker than the previous one. There were elements I liked such as the DBO callbacks and the satisfying ending, not to mention the aftermath of the situation being something DB doesn't often tread into, but there were several questionable plot points:

Yeah, I also felt that the previous rewrite was better, which was part of the reason I went more in detail with this one to be as thorough as possible with it. However, it's also notable that the Evil Dragons arc was basically a beat 'em up game where Galu killed 4 dragons uneventfully until coming across the more powerful three (and it still devolved into a Boo arc rehash in the end anyway), so I had less to work with here.

- Goten's actions being compelled by a prophetic dream comes off as contrived with how this was an element completely absent from the series prior and, as with Beerus' dream about Super Saiyan God, destined events and fatalism shouldn't even be a thing in a series where continuity can be changed by time travel. This is a pretty different case from the Bardock TV Special, in which his visions were of ones that were impossible for him to alter. Meanwhile, Goten's nightmare coming to fruition was primarily due to him acting upon it. This can be fixed, however, as an addition that Yi Xing Long's essence was manipulating ( :autism ) Goten's subconscious.

I was somewhat going for the Greek mythology-like irony factor in that Goten's actions were the primary factor in Yi Xing Long's resurrection, I didn't think that deeply into it. Though the time travel factor wouldn't deter from Goten having prophetic nightmares anyway, since time travel wasn't used at all in this arc I wrote. Guess the manipulation :autism is a point taken, I will edit that in at some point.

- Shouldn't Goten know how the afterlife works considering he's already died once and should know Goku's past victims aren't in any position to curse anyone? Beyond that, why didn't it occur to him to fact-check with Dende or Piccolo, the most experienced wells of knowledge on the afterlife that can be found on Earth, before heading to New Namek?

Goten's read about the Mazoku and how they can cause their victims to become vengeful spirits, so I guess he went with something similar here. It's also notable he wasn't thinking all that clearly due to his paranoia.

- Shouldn't the Pilaf gang have gotten their wish when Porunga had been made capable of accepting wishes in the universal standard language by the time of the Boo Arc? Can't remember if you addressed this in the previous part of the rewrite though, so I may simply be missing something.
Nah, Dende could communicate with the dragon without talking to him in Namekian, but the wishes had to be spoken in Namekian regardless.

- Goten's surprise Taiyoken against Yi Xing Long plays off way too similarly to Piccolo getting Shello to do his infodump. Also, Yi's explanation of karmic balance is a lot harder to accept than the more simple explanation in GT when considering the amount of selfless wishes in the series (reviving victims of murders and the like) far outweigh the selfish wishes (of which primarily boil down to just Oolong wishing for panties and Piccolo Daimao restoring his youth).

I was going for the explanation that negative energy is produced in karma whenever positive wishes are made :p

- Considering that Shunkan Ido only works by focusing on a Ki to get to a location, shouldn't Goten's Ki sensing have been heightened to the point he'd immediately realise Yi Xing Long was following him on the ship, or is it meant to be that Yi was so ridiculously fast he could keep up with its movements?

Piccolo could suppress his ki down to zero while possessed by Yi Xing Long, so Yi can do that himself as well.

- With how the Genki-Dama was shown to work in the Freeza and Boo Arcs, shouldn't the act of Vegetto diffusing and nobody actively holding up the Genki-Dama for a significant time cause it to come crashing down?

The Genki-Dama didn't come crashing down while Freeza was beating Goku's ass and it was just floating in space, so no.

- #17 and #18 using their infinite energy reactors to power up the Genki-Dama seems like a pretty big asspull in all honesty, considering how they weren't able to just spam energy donations for the one in the Boo Arc.
Well, there's only one panel of them raising their hands, and with the retcon in Super of them being primarily organic with superhuman cellular enhancements, they can probably donate as much ki as they can donate whatever energy they use.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
Goten's read about the Mazoku and how they can cause their victims to become vengeful spirits, so I guess he went with something similar here. It's also notable he wasn't thinking all that clearly due to his paranoia.
It would seem a bit strange that Galu would document that yet not make mention about how all their victims from the Piccolo Daimao Arc were revived though.
I'd say Goten's paranoia would also be kind of a weak way to make him irrational, given he was never presented as going to such huge leaps in logic prior.

The Genki-Dama didn't come crashing down while Freeza was beating Goku's ass and it was just floating in space, so no.
It was implied to have somewhat lowered when Galu momentarily teleported away from Pure Boo's Ki blast, given it was hovering several inches above his hands before as opposed to his palms almost touching it after (at least viewing it from the framing of the panels) and that was a Genki-Dama far smaller than the one described here.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Kenshi said:
Goten's read about the Mazoku and how they can cause their victims to become vengeful spirits, so I guess he went with something similar here. It's also notable he wasn't thinking all that clearly due to his paranoia.
It would seem a bit strange that Galu would document that yet not make mention about how all their victims from the Piccolo Daimao Arc were revived though.
I'd say Goten's paranoia would also be kind of a weak way to make him irrational, given he was never presented as going to such huge leaps in logic prior.

I mean they were, but nobody Galu killed was ever revived, so with all the fucked up dreams everyone related to Galu was having, Goten probably thought the two were somehow related.

Goten also had no personality of his own at all in the Boo arc though. In the EoZ and GT, he was just presented as Goku's power boost tool #3, and had nothing going for him beyond chasing girls. Besides which, I established Goten was being irrational when he forgot he could literally teleport to Capsule Corp. and flew there instead.

The Genki-Dama didn't come crashing down while Freeza was beating Goku's ass and it was just floating in space, so no.
It was implied to have somewhat lowered when Galu momentarily teleported away from Pure Boo's Ki blast, given it was hovering several inches above his hands before as opposed to his palms almost touching it after (at least viewing it from the framing of the panels) and that was a Genki-Dama far smaller than the one described here.

I doubt AT paid that much attention to that plot detail. :mikey


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I made some slight adjustments to explain that Yi Xing Long did indeed manipulate Goten with the prophetic nightmares, as well as had Trunks wonder why Goten didn't consult an afterlife expert like Baba or Piccolo before embarking on his goose chase.

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