If you were to design an LoG-styled GT game


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Let's say you took it upon yourself to create an RPG styled GT game series akin to the LoG series. How would you structure it?

I would probably fill in the lack of volume caused by GT's short length by featuring that Paradise Plant filler hallucination plot point, and having Oob and Goku train against illusions of past villains including the Ginyu Force, Freeza, Cell, Dabura and Kid Boo, with Oob at the end of it learning to control all of his hidden power. Afterwards, the control would then shift to Goku (Oob being only a temporary character for this mission similar to Videl and Satan from Buu's Fury). Upon the completion of Goku fighting Oob, the Pilaf crew would then show up in robot suits and be summarily defeated as round 1 bosses similar to that illusion of Freeza from LoG II or Paikuhan. After this, a small parts gathering quest would ensue to gather machine parts for the spaceship after Goku is turned to a child, and Pan would be unlocked once those criminals who kidnapped Goku in episode 2 ar dealt with.

For Imegga, Trunks would not be playable since he barely does anything, and would just be a side character like Gill, and at the end of the Imegga quest, Goku would unlock the ability to use the SSJ form, it being used to defeat Redjic. Upon the completion of this quest, the rest of the BSDB arc would play out with relatively small maps similar to the short missions in the Dragon Ball chapter of the third LoG game, and Trunks would be made playable against Mutchi and later Lood. After Rudeeze, the game would then shit the focus onto Pan with Pan defeating not only Nutt but the rest of the Sigmas as well since she barely did anything in the original M2, and unlike in the actual GT, Rild in Meta-form would be possessed by Baby and be the final boss of this map, with the completion of M2 conferring a Dragon Ball unlike in GT since the DB gathering quest dragging on for as long as it did in the actual GT would suck ass.

After this, the narration would read that Baby has escaped, with Baby-egg-possessed enemies now appearing on the map on each of the remaining planets that they gather the remainder of the DBs in similar to the fodder that were possessed by Garlic Jr.'s mist in LoG II. When Baby makes it to Earth, Goten would be made playable, but with a twist: when he loses to Baby and is possessed, instead of the scene cutting to Goku's perspective, the player would instead be playing as Baby-possessed Goten, who is permanently in SSJ form with black outlines on his eyes similar to Majin Vegeta, and Gohan would be made playable as well in a similar fashion afterwards and the player would then fight against SSJ Vegeta, with the focus finally shifting to Goku and co. when Vegeta is successfully possessed. Rather than that gay assed base Goku vs. Gohan and Goten fight, Trunks would reveal he was possessed far quicker in this version and be the first mini-boss that Goku would have to fight, after which he would have to battle a triple threat of Goten, Gohan and Bra before Baby himself shows up, prompting Goku to turn Super Saiyan 3 with his sheer power.

Since SSJ3 hardly saw any use in GT anyway, it would only be a temporary transformation similar to Vegetto or SSJ2 in LoG II, and it would drain energy rapidly yet not wear off until Vegeta-Baby's health bar has been sufficiently lowered, after which SSJ3 would wear off and base Goku's challenge would instead be to survive for a full minute similar to Vegeta in the final Kid Boo fight in Buu's Fury, and at the end of this boss battle Baby would transform into his third form, seemingly killing Goku. The map would then shift to the Kaioshinkai, where Goku would be required to train with a repaired Z-sword in preparation for the final battle, and when enough boulders have been cut with it, Goku would have his tail pulled out, after which Goku would teleport to the restored Planet Plant, where upon Goku making it to where Baby is, a cutscene where Oob is defeated both in regular form and his Majuub form would be played similar to SSJ Goku fighting #19 in LoG II.

The player would then battle Super Baby 2, but with a non-Ki draining SSJ3 form, where Baby would be invulnerable similar to Fat Boo against Majin Vegeta unless he is lured to the point where Oob was turned to chocolate, and eats it and gets a stomachache similar to the one he suffered in GT as a Golden Oozaru. When Baby's health is sufficiently lowered, he would then knock Goku out of SSJ3, and the cutscene of Goku looking upon Earth and becoming an Oozaru would play out, with him then turning Golden with a roar.

In order to betray the typical expectation of a one-time giant form playable character doing nothing but smashing stuff, the player would then need to play as Pan, with her task being to grab Oozaru Goku's tail and calm him down, after which Goku would be made playable again, this time in SSJ4 form, and would then battle Baby in both his Super Baby 2 and Oozaru states, with Baby being defeated in a beam struggle between his Revenge Death Ball and Goku's 10x Kamehameha, with the other Saiyans attacking Baby from behind a la Vegeta in the final beam struggle in the Cell arc in order to evade the faggoty Goku wank of all the other heroes just being energy batteries for Goku.

The post-game would see all the characters fully playable: Goku with SSJ and SSJ4 forms, Pan with the ability to temporariy summon Gill for aid, and Goten, Trunks and Gohan each with SSJ transformations. The race to send the human race to Planet Plant would make up the post-game credits similar to the ones in the last 2 games.

For the second game, since Super 17 and the EDerectile dysfunction arcs barely make up 25-30 episodes, the beginning of the game would instead be played from Goku Jr.'s perspective with his mission to cure his great-great grandma like in the GT TV special being his first quest, culminating in him defeating that giant boar. After this, elderly Pan would tell the story of her childhood after the Baby saga, where the player would be made to play as Pan in the post-Baby Tenkaichi Budokai, with her defeating the villains who escaped Hell being the main plot of the first half of the game, which culminates in Vegeta being made playable and him fighting a losing battle against Super 17, with Goku then arriving and also being made playable, at first being limited to SSJ before going SSJ4 in the middle of the fight and later defeating Super 17 with #18's help. Pan would then again be the main playable character with the player being forced to play as Goku when her body is possessed by the mole dragon, with the battles against the last 3 dragons playing out as in canon, but with SSJ4 Vegeta being introduced against the ice dragon instead to increase the amount of time he is playable for.

The fight between Gogeta and Yi Xing Long would then be different than in the anime with Omega Shitlord losing a Dragon Ball every time his health bar reaches zero, and when he is down to one Dragon Ball, Gogeta plucks the 4-star Dragon Ball out of him and charges it with his positive energy to bring back the 4-star Dragon and then tries to finish Omega Shitlord off, only to defuse - the fire dragon then says he'll do the honors, only for YXL to then self-destruct, and then spread his evil energy into the other 5 Dragon Balls to return to being nearly complete. When the player has nearly killed this renewed Omega Schlong, Goku would then lose his SSJ4 form and the fire dragon would then reveal he was corrupted by the evil energy unleashed when Yi exploded, defeating Vegeta and knocking him out of SSJ4 - but then Goku's pleas for him to come to his senses would make him regain his sanity and then try to take YXL down with him, only for Yi to possess him like in GT, and be defeated by the universal Genki Dama. Goku would then leave with Shenlong and the scene would cut back to 100 years later in post-game credits.

As a post-game sidequest, Goku could go to Baba's palace, where the player can play as Path to Power Goku and fight against the Red Ribbon Army as per DB Movie 4, complete with Part 1 characters for maximum easter egg value :troll

That's it for my ideas on adapting GT and Path to Power into an RPG series. Feel free to share your ideas on how Transformation and its prospective sequel could've been.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015

Just found out some interesting tidbits about the LoG series. Multiplayer in Buu's Fury allows you to choose characters you haven't yet unlocked or encountered, and LoG II International featured significantly different portraits for most relevant characters than the broken looking portraits in the NA/PAL version.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017

Mr. Popo Fan

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 30, 2015
I love the Legacy of Goku games. Make your game a reality so I can play it.

I reported on this at the time. I was enthusiastic but it's sad nothing came from it. In hindsight I think it would be impossible since they probably couldn't acquire the rights again. They'd probably need to release it as a free fan game, which is likely why they never did so.

I think a GT game in this styling would be fantastic. I would not be opposed to them taking liberties and making their own unique side quests and content.

Mr. Popo Fan

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 30, 2015
I love the Legacy of Goku games. Make your game a reality so I can play it.

In retrospect this was never feasible, but it was crazy seeing them post about it back in 2016. That was like 11 years after the GT game. It's unfortunate the series ended where it did, since despite the issues with Buu's Fury, it was the most polished of the three. Just imagine what they could do with GT or Super.