Just how much higher is BoG Goku than Vegetto?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
The gaps seems to be huge. Most people seem to even think their regular forms, which they still don't see on-par with the God form from before, they are higher than Super-Saiyan 3 Vegetto.

How many times more powerful is Goku really compared to Vegetto?

Is God tier really that far-away from everything-else?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
SSG Goku being in a world of power he never knew existed would imply the gap between the two to be ridiculously huge, given Goku somewhat implied he hadn't reached his peak and could get somewhat stronger through training prior to the God ritual, yet not enough to match Beerus.

I'd assume all versions of Goku and Vegeta would be part of this "world", including Less than 10% SSB Vegeta who isn't much stronger than SSJ Goku at the time of the U6 Tournament, so Post-God Base Goku would likely be the same and therefore above SS3 Vegetto even with just manga feats.

Manga-wise, the gap between Post-God Base Goku and BoG SS3 Vegetto is at the very least a 1.25-2x one imo and potentially far higher. For SSG, a 30-50x gap at least via scaling. Anime-wise, the gap's easily wider due to Base Goku's feat of being able to put up a fight against Initial Anime hit and contend with a version of Beerus who's state of mind likely made him far less suppressed than the version who beat MY BULMA! Vegeta. As for SSG, the SSJ multipliers are far higher in the anime prior to the ToP based on Gowasu stating the gap between Base and SS2 was several dozen times. If you bring in GT comparison to either, both gaps would get even higher when considering GT top tiers are on the low end of Multi-Galaxy level, whereas Post-God Goku's lower forms have feats to place them on the high end of Multi-Galaxy+ level via scaling.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
So do you think Goku retained the power in base post-God? The one he used to fight Bills for a bit?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Not entirely, given even anime-wise he didn't truly absorb SSG's power due to his later utilisation of the form. It seems undeniable he powered up tremendously based on his feats and the gap between his Base/SSJ and God forms isn't nearly as huge currently as between say, Freeza's 1st form and 100%, but the actual amount he absorbed to bring his SSJ form up to his SSG level was likely just a temporary boost.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Base Goku should at least be several tiers stronger than a hypothetical SSJ2 Vegetto (Buu saga), immediately following his battle with Beerus. Factor in his training with Whis and everything else that took place after, and it can be assumed that both Base Goku and Vegeta are several tiers stronger than a hypothetical SSJ3 Vegetto (Buu saga). I feel the gap is so big, Base Goku along with any other character comparable to him could probably destroy SSJ3 Vegetto with a casual finger flick.

By the time Beerus showed up, SSJ3 Goku was implied to be stronger than Ultimate Gohan. That same Goku immediately disregarded fusing with Vegeta and producing a Vegetto that would likely far exceed his previous Buu saga incarnation; this is a strong implication that anything Vegetto could muster up at that point (SSJ3 likely included) would be flat-out helpless against Beerus. After the powers were absorbed, Goku was able to stop one of Beerus' attack in his mere base form; this is a huge feat in and of itself and is likely beyond anything a hypothetical SSJ3 Vegetto would be capable of. Knowing Goku, if he even had the slightest hint that fusion would yield the ability to display a feat of such magnitude he likely would have gone for it.

Then there's Base Goku doing exceptionally well against Monaka-Beerus, who was seemingly utilizing a lot more of his power than he was back when the two first sparred on King Kai's planet. Lastly, another one that really supports all of this is Base Goku vs Final Form Frieza; the emperor was strongly implied to be stronger than SSJ Vegetto in his mere first form, so final form should at the very least be comparable to SSJ3 Vegetto.

Base Goku / Vegeta >/ = Final Form Frieza >> SSJ3 Vegetto (after Buu saga) > (Base Goku - before Whis training) >> SSJ2 Vegetto (after Buu saga) > SSJ Vegetto (after Buu saga) >>> First Form Frieza > SSJ Vegetto (Buu saga) > Buuhan > Buutenks > Ultimate Gohan (Buu saga) > SSJ3 Gotenks > / = Super Buu > Mr. Buu

The comparisons made above is how I sort of see things when it comes to Vegetto in comparison to the Base Saiyans and Frieza.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Wasn't there also a direct outright statement saying that even if they fused with potara (gattai), it couldn't defeat Bills? Either in the extended version of the movie or the anime.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Yes, Goku did indicate that fusion would prove to be futile. This to me, by the way, is a strong implication that even SSJ3 Vegetto would have faced nothing short of utter humiliation if he were to challenge Beerus. Also, Goku's definition of futility is likely a scenario where he literally can't do a thing against his opponent; much akin to his embarrassing performance against Beerus on King Kai's planet. Therfore, even if he had the slightest clue that he could somewhat stand a chance, he would have gone for it.

What Base Goku did with Beerus' attack is basically just that; somewhat standing a chance. The way I see it, if Goku felt that fusion would grant him the ability to showcase a feat of that caliber, he wouldn't have disregarded fusion the way he did. He would have seen it as a challenge, and most likely would have found some way to convince Vegeta to join in.

So all in all, Goku flat-out rejecting fusion right from the get-go is probably a strong basis that the endeavor would have been nothing more than a waste of time.

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