Captain Cadaver said:Gohan and Kuririn hide low on Namek and succeed in getting their potential unlocked and gaining Saichoro's Dragon Ball. There'd be nobody with Scouters, since Cui likely wouldn't come to Namek due to not chasing after Vegeta, but the Ginyu Tokusentai would be called shortly afterwards. Nail would likely keep the two at Saichoro's house until the Ginyus eventually tracked them down, though by that time, I imagine Goku would've arrived and quickly get there to help. With the current situation of facing all the Ginyus at once, I imagine Goku would waste no time oneshotting each one except for Ginyu, whilst Nail takes the kills. The Body Change would still occur, though this time Nail would beat Goku up and Goku eventually gets his body back when the opportunity arises, with Nail wasting no time in killing the injured Ginyu.
By this time, Freeza would've just made it to Saichoro's home, though still having his 3 Senzu, Goku would get his Zenkai and face Freeza. Kuririn, Gohan and Dende would use this opportunity to leave to summon Porunga at Freeza's spaceship, though due to to his wish seeming close at hand, Freeza would immediately transform into his true form before Goku got a chance to kill him. He'd quickly start trouncing Goku at 50% and the Kaioken x20 Kamehameha would occur to no avail. This far more serious Freeza would strike Goku with a Death Beam and do the same to Nail before threatening Saichoro. However, Goku would use the Senzu to heal himself, though accept the situation was too dire for him to give Nail the last one, so Nail dies. The stress of this would likely cut Saichoro's lifespan short. However, considering how quick it took Freeza in his hover chair to get from those two points, I'll be generous and say Kuririn and Gohan would get to the ship just in time to revive Piccolo, but not make either other wishes if carrying Dende due to him being the slowest. With them seeing the situation, Goku would telepathically tell the two to escape back to Earth, which they'd reluctantly agree to do. Without the level of rage to unlock Super Saiyan, Goku is killed by Freeza, who proceeds to destroy the Planet. For the sake of keeping things interesting, I'll say with Freeza no longer needing to rush towards immortality, he takes his time torturing Goku, giving the trio enough time to pick up Bulma and have her pilot Goku's ship off the Planet. With Gohan sensing his father's Ki vanish, his anger would have him go Super Saiyan, though having been on the ship already and still being no match for Freeza, which Kuririn would tell him, he'd concede to returning to Earth and training.
When back on Earth, things are bleak. Goku can't be revived by the Dragon Balls and from the Boo Arc, we know that restoring a Planet and the lives on there takes separate wishes, so the Namekian Dragon Balls are gone. Even though Dende could be made Earth's Kami, he wouldn't have gone through the necessary tutoring he had by the Cell Arc, so I doubt he'd be capable of creating Dragon Balls with anywhere higher than the 1 wish limit, if at all. In short, the Zet-Senshi are fucked in 1 years' time when Freeza and Cold arrive. I imagine Piccolo would view the situation as desperate enough to require fusing with Kami, at which point he and SSJ Gohan may be enough to kill Freeza & Cold, but without Vegeta to father Trunks and with there being only 3 fighters to face the Artificial Humans in 3 years' time, I don't Gohan would be capable of surviving long enough to potentially take Trunks' in going back in time. Bulma could go back, but that's assuming she got the supplies and/or time to create the Time Machine all on her own, which I'd say is unlikely. #17 and #18 destroy civilisation, Babidi takes no interest in Earth, instead using his minions to conquer the rest of the Universe and everyone's fucked once Beerus wakes up. Without Goku befriending Zen-Oh, Zen-Oh gives no hesitation in destroying Universe 7 at some point when bored.
It's less that I forgot them and more that they're completely irrelevant as soon as Goku arrives. They'd either be done in by him, killed by Nail if somehow finding Saichoro beforehand, or killed by Gohan and Kuririn when they arrived to make the wish.GreatSaiyaman123 said:You forgot Dodoria and Zarbon... And if they are not killed, do you really think Freeza would bother calling the Ginyus only to get some Scouters?
theallpowerfulPuiPui said:I created a decently long post that got deleted.
In short, there is no need for the Ginyus and Goku saves the day spirit bombing a 2nd form frieza.
Not exactly, the spirit bomb likely vanquishes 2nd form Frieza. Once Goku meets Trunks he achieves SSJ, if anything Buu gets killed before hatching. Vegeta is the true villain of dbz.GreatSaiyaman123 said:theallpowerfulPuiPui said:I created a decently long post that got deleted.
In short, there is no need for the Ginyus and Goku saves the day spirit bombing a 2nd form frieza.
And then Gero and fatass 19 kill everyone if Cold don't explode the planet firstbob
Damn, this scenario is depressive as fuck.
theallpowerfulPuiPui said:Vegeta is the true villain of dbz.![]()
Captain Cadaver said:Gohan and Kuririn hide low on Namek and succeed in getting their potential unlocked and gaining Saichoro's Dragon Ball. There'd be nobody with Scouters, since Cui likely wouldn't come to Namek due to not chasing after Vegeta, but the Ginyu Tokusentai would be called shortly afterwards. Nail would likely keep the two at Saichoro's house until the Ginyus eventually tracked them down, though by that time, I imagine Goku would've arrived and quickly get there to help. With the current situation of facing all the Ginyus at once, I imagine Goku would waste no time oneshotting each one except for Ginyu, whilst Nail takes the kills. The Body Change would still occur, though this time Nail would beat Goku up and Goku eventually gets his body back when the opportunity arises, with Nail wasting no time in killing the injured Ginyu.
By this time, Freeza would've just made it to Saichoro's home, though still having his 3 Senzu, Goku would get his Zenkai and face Freeza. Kuririn, Gohan and Dende would use this opportunity to leave to summon Porunga at Freeza's spaceship, though due to to his wish seeming close at hand, Freeza would immediately transform into his true form before Goku got a chance to kill him. He'd quickly start trouncing Goku at 50% and the Kaioken x20 Kamehameha would occur to no avail. This far more serious Freeza would strike Goku with a Death Beam and do the same to Nail before threatening Saichoro. However, Goku would use the Senzu to heal himself, though accept the situation was too dire for him to give Nail the last one, so Nail dies. The stress of this would likely cut Saichoro's lifespan short. However, considering how quick it took Freeza in his hover chair to get from those two points, I'll be generous and say Kuririn and Gohan would get to the ship just in time to revive Piccolo, but not make either other wishes if carrying Dende due to him being the slowest. With them seeing the situation, Goku would telepathically tell the two to escape back to Earth, which they'd reluctantly agree to do. Without the level of rage to unlock Super Saiyan, Goku is killed by Freeza, who proceeds to destroy the Planet. For the sake of keeping things interesting, I'll say with Freeza no longer needing to rush towards immortality, he takes his time torturing Goku, giving the trio enough time to pick up Bulma and have her pilot Goku's ship off the Planet. With Gohan sensing his father's Ki vanish, his anger would have him go Super Saiyan, though having been on the ship already and still being no match for Freeza, which Kuririn would tell him, he'd concede to returning to Earth and training.
When back on Earth, things are bleak. Goku can't be revived by the Dragon Balls and from the Boo Arc, we know that restoring a Planet and the lives on there takes separate wishes, so the Namekian Dragon Balls are gone. Even though Dende could be made Earth's Kami, he wouldn't have gone through the necessary tutoring he had by the Cell Arc, so I doubt he'd be capable of creating Dragon Balls with anywhere higher than the 1 wish limit, if at all. In short, the Zet-Senshi are fucked in 1 years' time when Freeza and Cold arrive. I imagine Piccolo would view the situation as desperate enough to require fusing with Kami, at which point he and SSJ Gohan may be enough to kill Freeza & Cold, but without Vegeta to father Trunks and with there being only 3 fighters to face the Artificial Humans in 3 years' time, I don't Gohan would be capable of surviving long enough to potentially take Trunks' in going back in time. Bulma could go back, but that's assuming she got the supplies and/or time to create the Time Machine all on her own, which I'd say is unlikely. #17 and #18 destroy civilisation, Babidi takes no interest in Earth, instead using his minions to conquer the rest of the Universe and everyone's fucked once Beerus wakes up. Without Goku befriending Zen-Oh, Zen-Oh gives no hesitation in destroying Universe 7 at some point when bored.
That is a good point, but I believe things would still progress the same. Though they had more opportunity due to none of their enemies sensing their Ki, it would also mean Dodoria and Zarbon are on patrol more frequently, so they'd still likely be hiding a lot more. I could see your scenario happening, though I doubt it'd change anything in the long run. It wouldn't be over if Gohan got body changed, since Kuririn's power and it's progression were on a similar level to Gohan's, plus Gohan would likely get his body back the same way Galu did. After that, I believe Kuririn would kill Ginyu before he can do that again, since he's a very cautious fighter and wouldn't be as arrogant as Vegeta was. The only thing I'd believe would change from my scenario in the long run is that Goku arrives just after this takes place and Gohan gets healed by Dende before Freeza arrives at Saichoro's, though his Zenkai at best would be what he gained from facing 2nd form Freeza.withheldforprivacy said:Without Vegeta to scare them, Kuririn and Gohan do their business faster, so, by the time Ginyus arrive,
Gohan's boost has already taken full effect and Gohan is capable of beating them all by himself (debatably,
even Krillin can). If Ginyu decides to take Gohan's body, everything is over, since, in canon, it was only
because of luck (frog incident) that they could defeat Ginyu's swap.
FnF showed Freeza can quickly go into his true form and skip the more plot irrelevant forms if he wants. His lengthy transformation on Namek was likely just for show.Freeza is also defeated when Goku arrives. Freeza injures him while in 2nd or 3rd form, Goku takes one
of his senzus and, after that scare, i don't think that even he would take any more chances.
Do you think Bulma would be able to survive in her timeline without anyone to protect her? Maybe if she builds an underground base like Gero did, but I find it doubtful when she never bothered to do so in the first place, even when Black appeared.-Alternate Bulma warns them about Androids.
Without Vegeta, Goku would die from Sorbet's laser and nobody would stop Freeza from killing the Zet-Senshi.-FNF/U6 Sagas take place.
Captain Cadaver said:FnF showed Freeza can quickly go into his true form and skip the more plot irrelevant forms if he wants. His lengthy transformation on Namek was likely just for show.
Captain Cadaver said:1. FnF showed Freeza can quickly go into his true form and skip the more plot irrelevant forms if he wants. His lengthy transformation on Namek was likely just for show.
2. Do you think Bulma would be able to survive in her timeline without anyone to protect her?
3. Without Vegeta, Goku would die from Sorbet's laser and nobody would stop Freeza from killing the Zet-Senshi.
Never directly implied.withheldforprivacy said:1. Or he could transform easier after the 4 month training.
Not directly, but without Gohan and Trunks to act as constant distractions, #17 and #18's genocide would progress far quicker.2. Is it stated she survived because Trunks protected her?