Movie 10 - Hax - Detailed Explanation


Aug 15, 2017
I'll be discussing about Movie 10 Hax and it's continuity with Movie 8.

Movie 8:

King Kai: Broly maybe stronger than "you guys". If you go by manga power chain, this quote can be comprehended like this -

Power Chain:

MSSJ Gohan > MSSJ Goku > USSJ Vegeta > USSJ Trunks > Piccolo

But here is one problem - If we take into account the feats, Goku is shown much stronger, but that can be explained as well. Broly's main target is Goku as seen in movie 8. He doesn't really care much about others and considering he can sense Ki, he knows exactly how much effort he needs to put into his attacks to cause X damage. He pretty much 1 shots Gohan and Vegeta, but makes Goku suffer by holding back massively. In simple words - He wants to give a slow and painful death. On other hand, Goku is always the strongest in Toei land so that's no surprise if he is the strongest in this movie. Going by that ->

MSSJ Goku > MSSJ Gohan > USSJ Vegeta > USSJ Trunks > Piccolo

Lets go in detail on Broly's power ups and forms.

Broly was stated to be stronger than Goku in his RSSJ form (Restricted Super Saiyan) before he even powered up. Going by that ->

RSSJ Broly (FP) >> RSSJ Broly (Post Vegeta Kick/Blast) > RSSJ Broly (Powered Up) > RSSJ Broly (Initial) >= MSSJ Goku

Movie 8 Broly Feats:

1. Tanking a point blank Kamehameha (3.5x) from MSSJ Goku.
2. Surviving a Toei Powered up Punch.


SSJ - 10x
SSJ2 - 4x
SSJ3 - 5x
LSSJ - ~
Kamehameha Multiplier: 3-3.5x
Toei Punch - 10x - ~

Taking into account these feats:

MSSJ Goku (Toei Punch) > LSSJ Broly (M8) > SSJ2 Goku = Majin Vegeta > SSJ2 Kid Gohan >>= Super Perfect Cell >> Full Power Perfect Cell = SSJ Broly (M8) >> MSSJ Gohan > MSSJ Goku

Movie 10:

Lets take into account Daiz and Gohan's quote and then followed by the actual hax ->

Daizenshuu: He is the owner of that power which surpasses Goku's.

Gohan: He's as bad a monster as ever! And here I'm supposed to have powered up "considerably" since back then!

So, we can conclude this ->

SSJ Broly (M10) = LSSJ Broly (M8)

Now, this is where the things get interesting and confusing. Gohan fights SSJ Broly in base form even though he has 2 forms. Why go base when he can go SSJ against SSJ Broly and SSJ2 against LSSJ Broly? It's simple.

First of all, many guys out here (not necessary on this forum) have trouble comprehending Gohan's quote. Some of them believe he got weaker and that's why he is stating he should've powered up. Guess what, you just destroyed your credibility, son. There is 1 keyword which everyone forgets - "considerably". This is the reason he confronted Broly in base form. Gohan trained in those 7 years. So, he is basically stating this to imply that even though he powered up a lot, it was futile against Broly. That's why he is scolding himself. If he said I'm supposed to have powered up since back then, then it would mean he got weaker.

Deconstructing - Base Gohan and SSJ Broly confrontation: Why is Base Gohan close to SSJ Broly?

1. Counters his direct punch.
2. Forces Broly to dodge his Ki blast. Broly doesn't tank when he knows he can't. He saw it as a threat, as evident by his facial expressions.
3. Deflects Broly's Eraser Canon with 1 hand without taking any damage.
4. Does way better than SSJ Trunks and Goten who are > Manga Gohan.

Similar Examples to support the former examples:

1. Vegeta punching out Freiza's (1st form) ki blast. (Explanation: He is closer in strength)
2. Base Goku not being able to deflect SSJ Majin Vegeta's ki blast. (Explanation: He is much weaker than SSJ Vegeta)

Invalid Examples:

1. Videl surviving Broly's clothesline (not really a clothesline).
2. Videl surviving Hirudegarn's Fire Breath.

Similar Examples to debunk these examples:

1. Kid Trunks surviving Super Buu's Punch.
2. Satan surviving Cell's Punch. Similar case with Kid Buu
3. Base Vegeta surviving against Kid Buu.

Conclusion: Surviving is not a big deal in toei's land or anywhere. The whole point is that the opponent has to put some sort of defensive/ fight to prove he can tangle with them. If Videl actually blocked or deflected any of Broly's attacks or Vegeta countered any of Kid Buu's attacks or Satan doing the same thing then it would support these examples. For now, they are invalid.

So, taking these examples into account:

SSJ Broly (M10) >>= Base Gohan (M10) >> SSJ Trunks/Goten

Now, we take all these power chains and compare them ->

SSJ Broly (M10) = LSSJ Broly (M8) >>= Base Gohan (M10) > SSJ2 Goku = Majin Vegeta > SSJ2 Kid Gohan >>= Super Perfect Cell >> Full Power Perfect Cell = SSJ Broly (M8)

Yes, Gohan received a monstrous hax. It's pretty damn crazy, but anything is plausible is Toei's world, yo don't blame me now.

The last Part:

Deconstructing: LSSJ Broly and SSJ2 Gohan ->

1. Broly tanking a punch from an Enraged SSJ2 Gohan and smiling.
2. Broly punching Gohan in the face and sending him flying backwards.
3. Broly smashing Gohan into the stone ground without any resistance.
4. Both in free fall -> Gohan gets a lucky kick (getting Broly off-guard) followed by another one.
5. Broly gets him in a side hold.
4. Broly only being distracted by Gohan's knee to the face, not hurt. (Explanation: Gohan taps into his latent power/ hidden or he probably focused all his Ki at 1 point to force Broly's arms a little forward. In this case Broly gets taken off-guard by Gohan's knee).
5. Gohan saying the lava is his only chance at beating Broly.
6. Gohan only being slightly ahead of Broly, even with Gohan having a head-start.
7. Gohan being exhausted after the fight, Broly not. (Explanation: Gohan was exhausted to a point where he fainted back to his base form with just 1 side hold).


Family KHH - Broly's Death:

1. Broly with just 1 hand dominates a triple KHH from SSJ Gohan/Goten and Goku.
2. Trunks intervenes Broly's blast with his own Ki blast.
3. Broly gets distracted and fires more ki blasts into Trunk's ki blast.
4. Goku sees the opportunity* and tells both of them to use all their power.

*When he says together: Gohan and Goku go SSJ2 and release all their power to break through Broly's Omega Blaster.

5. Broly uses his Ki shield, but the beam has a ridiculously high concussive force that it blasts Broly into the core of sun.

So, basically Broly didn't die from Family KHH. It's the sun which killed him.


Examples to support the concussive force theory ->

1. Tien's Tri-Beam had a ridiculously high concussive force which was able to push back Semi-Perfect Cell, but couldn't scratch him.
2. Frieza's beam had enough force to push back SSJ Future Trunks even though Trunks was able to deflect it. (Only difference is he was on ground, but Broly was in air so he didn't have any surface to exert any force).

Important Point: People think Cooler survived in sun, but they miss small details. He barely touched the outer layers which are barely hotter than lava. Broly was blasted into the core and still survived few seconds (the guy had balls, he was able to say "Kakarrot" for the very last time).


1. Sun's Core Temperature: 15 million Degrees (Broly's Case)
2. Sun Surface Temperature: 5,500 Degrees
3. Sun's Outer Layers: 1,000-2,000 Degrees (Cooler's Case)
4. Lava Temperature: 1,200 Degrees

Taking all this into account ->

LSSJ Broly (M10) > Family KHH >> SSJ2 Goku (M10) > Enraged SSJ2 Gohan (M10) >> SSJ Broly (M10) >>= Base Gohan (M10)

Movie 10 Feats:

1. Tanking a direct punch from an Enraged SSJ2 Gohan.
2. Surviving Lava
3. Tanking full force of Family KHH (SSJ2 Goku + Gohan / SSJ Goten) without getting scratched.

Now, the numbers and comparison with manga characters:

Movie 8:

~ Base - 2
~ MSSJ - 20
~ Psuedo-Fusion Toei Haxed Punch - 500

~ Base - 1
~ MSSJ - 10

~ Base - 4
~ SSJ - 40
~ LSSJ - 200

Movie 10:

~ Base - 20
~ SSJ - 200
~ LSSJ (Displayed) - 22,000
~ LSSJ (Full Power) - 140,000 - ~

~ Base - 180
~ SSJ - 1,800
~ SSJ2 - 7,200
~ Enraged - 14,400

M10 Goku
~ Base - 400
~ SSJ - 4,000
~ SSJ2 - 16,000

~ Family KHH (3.5x) - 98,000

Canon Goku
~ Base - 3
~ SSJ - 30
~ SSJ2 - 120
~ SSJ3 - 600

M13 Goku - Reference
~ Base - 1,000
~ SSJ - 10,000
~ SSJ2 - 40,000
~ SSJ3 - 200,000


20% = Overwhelming
30% = Stomp
40% = 1 shot
95% = Very close rivals
90% = Close rivals
85% - Distant
70% = Tanking a Punch (Not Standstill)
60% = Tanking a Punch (Slight Deflection/ Movement)
50% = Tanking a Punch (No Flinching)
40% = Tanking a Kick
20% = Blocking a ki amplification attack
1-2x = Deflecting a ki amplification attack
4-8x = Tanking a ki amplification attack

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Dude, it's 2017. Power Levels don't matter anymore. Are you a firm believer that the Z fighters from M8 are as strong as their CG counterpart?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What kind of post is that, Fearless. If someone wants to post power levels then good for them!

@rahully- I like the fact that you don't nerf the M8 Z fighters like most do today.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Sorry if that was really rude then and I'll start again. Power Levels just doesn't work especially in Toei's world.


Aug 15, 2017
Broly defeated a massively Toei haxed Gohan who his SSJ2 is stronger than canon SSJ3 Goku


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
The biggest thing i'd complain is Kamehameha as 3,5x tbh. It eqs most likely retconned, considering Goku struggled with Vegeta even using Kaioken x3 in top of the Kamehameha.
I'm not sure about M10 Broly, but M8 Broly is really overrated.

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