Movies PDL Guide (only official stuff)


Low Class Warrior
Aug 6, 2023
Hello, in this topic about PDL of movies I will use only official sources Daizenshuu 6# Movie & Special, Dragon Ball Z Anime Comics Movies among other reliable sources.

If you don't agree and have another opinion that's fine and your idea, but all the scans I used are official nothing here is "fake"

Flying cockroach



Strong even to the top, the strongest Saiyan!
"Super Saiyan 3, combat power increases, hairstyle and face change!!"


Son Goku
"An Earth-born Saiyan and the strongest warrior in the universe! The main breadwinner of the Son family, warm and bright! Lots of battles and difficult battles. Through extensive training, he becomes the ultimate super warrior.
Super Saiyan awakened to the Ultimate Super Saiyan 3!!"

"Determination and fighting spirit live in your eyes! Against evil
he won't take a step back!!"

"Shoot a Kamehameha! Special move: Goku's greatest skill!!"


"A new special move, Dragon Fist, in which the energy released from the fist turns into a dragon!"


Son Gohan
"Sensei Goku's son and the super protector of the Earth.
A warrior! He is as powerful as Goku,
Gohan is a kind older brother to his younger brother Goten. Transformation of
The Great Saiyaman who call Rumored to be an ally of justice"

"Even without transformation, he has combat power that supasses that of Super Saiyan"


"Goten and Trunks are fused them together and emerge as Gotenks!! Fearless recklessness, Possesses transcendental power!!"

"Overwhelming attack power!!
Being conceited is a drawback!!"


"The pride of the Warrior Saiyan race! A strong warrior!! Goku is a eternal rival!! "

"Protect people! There is no more cruelty like there was before!!"


"A hero who 1000 years ago, along with a priest and his younger brother Minosia, contained Hirudegarn, who was destroying the planet Konut. He possesses a sword and flute given to him by God, and has sealed himself in a music box."


"A phantom demon that was transformed by the spirit form of a demon statue that absorbed the evil energy of Planet Coconut and was injected with evil energy by magicians. In addition to possessing great power, it can transform into a spirit form at will, and materializes only when attacking. It is an incredible monster that sheds its skin and becomes even more powerful when attacked."


"Thousands of years ago the terrible monster Hiudegarn was cut in half and his body separated into two parts, if the two parts are combined he will be completely revived"

"Yes, he is a monster who destroys everything"

"The priest of Planet Coconut cut the Hiudegarn body in two!!"


Hiudegarn (Post-Transformation)
"When Hiudegarn is attacked, he transforms as if he were shedding his skin!! Even super warriors are surprised by his unexpected ability...!?"

"Dodge attacks by disappearing like smoke.
No amount of power will work...!?"

"The Hiudegarn that once threatened the planet Coconut
A gigantic monster!!A destroyer that spits flames and can also create smoke, and is a monster that roams the world with ghost demons.
It also has the ability to transform.
After the transformation, he gains wings and becomes more dangerous.
Transforms into a dangerous and ferocious monster!!"


"It attacks humans and absorbs their life energy"

"Hiudegarn spits flames and lets out a ferocious roar from his mouth."




Talks about Hiudegarn being sealed and having his body cut in half, and that he consumes humans to increase his power


"In Super Hiudegarn, The upper body an lower body are united and completely revived.
Attack Super Saiyan 3 Receives and knocks down, but molts from the body before transformation"

"Hiudegarn (After transformation) Hiudegarn strength has increased due to his bright body color and large horns"

Vegeta vs Hiudegarn: "Vegeta Participates in Gohan defeat but it was all in vain Vegeta and Goku lose in sucession. But Goten and Trunks are Super Gotenks SSJ3 and defeat Hiudegarn but in Hiudegarn Transform Gotenks was defeat in one blow"


"Tapion selead Hiudegarn with a flute. However, Hiudegarn is resurrected and "kills". Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Trunks attack Hiudegarn, Goku finally sees his chance of victory and unleashes a deadly dragon. (and talks about Tapion giving the sword to trunks and going back to the past"


"Since Goku and Vegeta are revived, there is no doubt that this episode takes place after the battle with Majin Buu.
The main point of this work is the legendary sword held by Tapion, which is said to have been given to him by the god of the planet Coconut, and is handed over by Tapion to Trunks at the end of the story.
In the ending that follows, Trunks, who has become a young man, uses this sword to cut Frieza, who has returned as a cyborg, in two... This means that Trunks started carrying a sword in this work. available"



"Tapion talks to Bulma.
However, the seal on his brother's music box was broken by Hui, who intended to conquer the entire universe, and Tapion's music box was also found.
Afterwards, the upper body is finally released from Tapion's body due to the force of attraction with the lower body, and Goku and Gohan confront Hirudegarn, who has been fully revived.
Vegeta also joins the battle, but to no avail, and when Trunks and Goten's Gotenks SSJ3 attacks, Hirudegarn sheds his skin and becomes even more powerful."

Goku SSJ3 (M12) = Goku SSJ3 (M13)

Super Janemba (Base) >>>>>>>> Goku SSJ3 (M13) = Goku SSJ3 (M12) > Super Hiudegarn > Gotenks SSJ3 > Hiudegarn > Gohan Mystic > Vegeta SSJ2

Purple Monster vs Potato Fusion


Who is stronger, Gogeta or Vegetto? Well, as far as we know, there is no official mention that the Potara fusion between Goku and Vegeta (Vegeto) is more powerful [in the sense of strength] than the fusion dance between Goku and Vegeta (Gogeta) in Dragon Ball Super. Toriyama never spoke about this. At most we had vague statements comparing fusions and not fused individuals, both in Daizenshuu 4 and 7, which cite some advantage in terms of power coming from the Potara Fusion, without specifying whether it is a strength relationship or whether it was something overtly written/developed by Toriyama. Just as the only official statements that compare the strength between Gogeta and Vegetto seem to be just two: a 1995 publication of Weekly Shounen Jump magazine, number 28, which compared Gogeta from Janemba's movie with Vegito, in a hypothetical fight; and the other in a December 2018 issue, also in Weekly Shounen Jump. Here's what was said in 1995 in that magazine: Dream Match!! Gogeta vs. Vegeta!! Who is the strongest in the Universe!? By unifying the spirits of the two strongest rivals and uniting them, the Fusion (dance) has a better balance and is able to extract their power to the fullest!! Therefore, if it's a short match of thirty minutes or less, Gogeta should win, while if it's a long battle, Vegetto should win!! Remembering that the Gogeta compared by the magazine at the time was the one from the Janemba movie.

then it would be:


"Born from the fusion of Goku and Vegeta. The ultimate warrior who possesing the fighting power to make Janemba a children even after transformation. Gogeta is only seen in this work. Also, if the fusion fails, it will turn into Veku."


Gogeta (A super fusion that will shake the other world! Invincible Strongest Warrior Appears)
"The super warrior of justice, Goku and the proud genius, Vegeta, fuse together to form the absolute invincible ultimate warrior"


"That blow finally staggered Janemba, who boasts overwhelming strength"


"Seek out the difference in ability and throw a deadly energy bullet or ki"


"Janemba´s all-out blow didn´t work against Gogeta at all"


Son Goku(Aim to be the strongest!
I´m fine even if i die)

"I won many battles in the past, Strong Saiyan Warrior! Even after death; In addition, in search of rivals and fights.
Continuing his training and becoming one of the best in the afterlife"
Became a powerful super warrior"


Vegeta(I won't lose to anyone, Saiyan Pride)
"Goku´s biggest rival. He died and was in Hell, but was resurrected by the Enma Daioh of the other world! The Bride, who prides himself on being a genius in battle, and his indomitable fighting spirit, set out to fight a formidable enemy!!"


"We are rivals, but we work together to challenge Janemba to a Battle!"
"Make sure Vegeta will always fight! Bare your will, face your enemies"
"Vegeta can´t stand the frustraton not being able to reach his eternal rival, Goku"


Behold! This is the ultimate form of a Super Saiyan!!
Goku Super Saiyan 3

"The strongest form of Super Saiyan" The features, eyes, and hair length change. It has transcendental power that surpasses Super Saiyan 2!!!"
"Changes are not limited to appearance. Personality becomes aggressive!"
"He bravely challenges the transformed Janemba to a fight, but Janemba´s ability surpasses her!"


Paikuhan (artist in the western galaxy)
"The strongest warrior in the western galaxy, and Goku´s rival in the afterlife! Characterized by green skin and thick lips. A polite fighter with a hearth of justice!!!"

"Goku rushed towards Vegeta's crisis! I will give you time to merge"


Son Gohan (Saiyaman! I´m here!!!)
"Successor to Goku, the world´s greatest A strong warrior! Transform into great Saiyaman Protecting the peace of the city!!!"

"Defeat Frieza! You are not the current enemy of Gohan either!!!"


Gotenks(Compelted" The rumored Super Hero?)
"Goten and Truns Born as a super warrior!!! It´s hard, but soon i get carried away, still an inexperienced warrior"


"Akaoni´s transformed form after being bathed in the evil energy that erupted from the spirit laundering device. Despite his silly personality, he possesses more power than Goku, and makes full use of a variety of abilities, such as creating multiple clones. Its is a monster that transforms into an evil form even when defeated, demonstrating power that surpasses even a Super Saiyan 3"


Transformed/King of Evil Energy Janemba
"Janemba transformed form after beging attacked by Goku, He becomes more agressive and lauches a variety of attacks. His strength exeeds that of Super Saiyan 3"


Goku & Vegeta! Final Fusion
"Goku, who had become a Super Saiyan, also fought against Janemba, who decomposed his body and attacked him. Vegeta fights Janemba by himself, but he is outnumbered by attacks such as the extending"

No enemies!! The strongest fusion warrior!!
"A super warrior that is a fusion of Goku and Vegeta.Even Super Saiyan 3 was no match for Janemba,but he easily defeated her.He is truly the strongest hero in the universe."
(On Gogeta's look and that he has his own fusion outfit)


Evil super power
"Janemba Horror Ability"
"Janemba is the owner of a terrifying power that even a Super Saiyan 3 can´t resist,let alone Kamahameha.Janemba terrifying ability, wich could be called the crystal of evil, is revealed here"
"That technique Janemba 2 is most good at is this while disassembling. In addition to defense, such as making an enemy´s attack miss, grab the enemy while reconfiguring, and lauch a punch. Furthermore, at the stage of reconstructing only the hands"
"Its attacks are extremely versatile, such as creating a boundary of energy and releasing it. Of course, it was also effective in chasing an enemy trying to escape into the distance. It´s probaly one of the tricks that best shows how bad Janemba is"


Weak to badmouthing!!
"Janemba barrier crumbled in response to the insult. And Janemba was completely cracked in response to the word bastard!"
"Janemba can freely connect distant spaces. By applying this power, it is possible to instantly shift an enemy's attack. It is said that if the movement destination is the one who launched the attack, the opponent will be hurt by the attack. It's like a body. However, Janemba 2 seems to be very confident, and only uses this technique once."
"Janemba 2 can release powerful energy from its mouth. Energy erupts from its mouth like a roar. Even though it was at close range, Goku, who had become a Super Saiyan 3, had his body cut into pieces.If I kept repeating this powerful technique, maybe I wouldn't survive"


"The Psychedelic Demon´s form after being bathed in an enormous amount of evil energy. At first, he was innocent and hateful, but after his transformation, his personality completely changed. As well as his fighting style, his personality also becomes Evil. He masters strange techniques such as disassembling his body, and his fighting power surpasses Super Saiyan 3 !!"



Janemba's skills


"Goku, who has become Super Saiyan 3, says to Janemba, ``You are the second person after Majin Buu to make me go this far,'' and that Goku has mastered fusion. This episode can be said to be an episode that takes place after the battle with Majin Buu, as there is a battle between the two and Vegeta is dead.
The structure is unique and gorgeous, allowing you to enjoy two battles going on simultaneously: Goku and his friends against Janemba in the other world, and Gohan, Goten, and his friends in the lower world against the resurrected villains."


Dimension Sword
"Transformed by the legend fallen. It's sharp and can cut through the earth just by shaking it."

Goku SSJ3 > Fat Janemba > Fat Boo > Goku SSJ2 (Movie 12)

Super Gogeta > abyss > Super Janemba (Full Power) >>>>>>>>>> Super Janemba (Base) >>>>>>>> SSJ3 (Movie 12)

Battle 30minutes:
Gogeta SSJ > Vegito SSJ

Battle 1hour:
Vegito SSJ > Gogeta SSJ

Pirate sealed on the planet



"Son of Saiyan Goku and earthling ChiChi, Gohan is a warrior who was trained by piccolo, Gohan has an invincible power that can defeat any enemy and at the same time has a kind heart"

Gohan kills Bojack
"rage explodes! unleash the power! the awakened Gohan is truly invincible!!"


"God and demon, born of two blood might power!!"


"Prince of the Saiyan warrior race and a warrior of high pride! He must overcome the loss of Goku, which was a goal for him, Vegeta one day gave up fighting, but in the face of a new crisis, he regained that fighting spirit!"

Vegeta reborn to fight
"When Gohan and Trunks are in Danger, their fighting spirit is restored! On the battlefield!!"


"Coming from a devastated future, son of bulma and vegeta, a great warrior who fights with a good heart"

Trunks kills Gokua
"After a fierce battle, Trunks defeats Gokua"


Long ago, it destroyed the galaxy to the north, south, east, and west, and was sealed by the four "Kaio", but was revived when the Cell explode the planeta of "North Kaio". A ruthless outlaw who leads four warriors and aims to rule the earth. Its power surpasses even a Super Saiyan.


Vegeta Image
"Power that surpasses even Vegeta who became a Super Saiyan"


Bojack Info
"Bojack and his crew have extended their magic to Earth! The created barrier not only stops the opponent's movement, but also confines their power, but its power is enough to suppress even the power of a Super Saiyan."


"A warrior accompanied by 4 loyal crew"
Galatic Rampage
"It devastated the galaxy in the north, south, east and west, and was sealed in the Planet (Kaiou) by the four kaiou. Goku "defeats" Cell, he annihilated the king planet kai, then the seal was opened and he revived, at the beginning of the conquest of space, he plans to rule the earth"

"However, Piccolo is also downed by Bojack´s combined attack. The resurrected Trunks also joins the battle, but is caught in the barrier, Vegeta appears there and cuts the barrier For the first time since Goku´s death, Vegeta showed his willingness to fight. However, he struggled against Bojack, whose energy bullets did not work. A proud Vegeta treats Trunks, who helps him him, as a nuisance."

"Gohan becomes a Super Saiyan and fights BoJack and his crew. The crew defeats Gohan along with BoJack by coordinated attacks attacking with great energy."


"Vegeta was defeated by Bojack, Trunks was sealed by the "barrier" (secret technique) and was knocked down by a combined attack,being tied up by Bojack,he was in desesperate "



Base Bojack: "The owner of power that surpasses a Super Saiyan. A long time ago, because he wandered around the galaxy, he was sealed by the four Kaoi´s, but Cell's self-destruction destroyed the planet and freed him." (in daizenshuu 6# talks about him overcoming SSJ Vegeta who was in normal SSJ, which all the warriors in the movie were)

Bojack Full Power: "Power Up figure. in full swing it´s creepy."


"At that time, Goku appeared from another world via teleportation and saved Gohan. Gohan defeats Bido and Bujin, and Bojack uses Zangya as a shield to attack Gohan, even light bullets cannot do anything against Gohan. Defeat Bojack Gohan, Gohan's was "empty"! However, due to a misunderstanding, Satan has become a hero again."



"The Z warriors who fall one after the other before the power of the brutal BoJack warrior who aims for the earth. The last remaining Gohan is also affected by Bujin's supernatural power and is unable to move! A machine with Mr. Satan on board rushes to the battle zone! Thanks to Bujin's opening, Gohan was able to break free of his psychic powers!"

"Gohan, who has escaped his psychic powers, immediately becomes a Super Saiyan! A clearly unfavorable battle lands him in trouble, and he is finally caught by BoJack, who snaps his neck. Gohan loses consciousness! Goku, who should have died, appears and attacks Bojack, saving Gohan. Goku, who was watching the battle, finally teleported! Aided by his father, Goku, Gohan reaches the peak of his rage and finally unleashes his true power. There are no more enemies to overflow with golden energy. Bujin's psychic power wears off, and Gohan knocks out Bojack's minions and approaches Bojack. This time, BoJack was terrified. Gohan rushes at BoJack, who resists in vain, and pierces BoJack's body to finish him off. In this way, Gohan defeated a gigantic enemy and peace returned to the land."


I'm here to report that Trunks defeated Androids 17 and 18 in the future world, Bulma says, and since Goku, who died in the explosion along with Cell, is in the other world, this movie's big martial arts tournament is held. is after the end of the Cell Games. I'm glad to see the unique features that can only be seen at this tournament, such as the all-star lineup with Yamcha and Tenshinhan participating, and the battle between Tenshinhan and Trunks.
Kame Sennin, who has become a comedic relief along with Oolong, is even more of a gal than in the previous work ``Extreme Battle!! Three Great Super Saiyans


"Eventually, the four participants in the finals are sent to their respective battle zones, but the opponent's Galactic Warrior has been replaced by a different person, and Krillin is defeated by Zangya.
Trunks, who became a Super Saiyan and defeated Gokua, was also defeated by BoJack.
BoJack was once a galactic rampage who was sealed away by the four King Kais of North, South, East, and West, and then appeared before Gohan when he fought Bujin.
BoJack tries to make the earth his own, and Tenshinhan and Yamcha"


"Tenshinhan and Yancha also tries to fight, but is defeated by Bujin, Zangya, and Bido.
Gohan becomes a Super Saiyan and fights in the city, and Piccolo, Trunks, and even Vegeta rush in when he is in trouble. However, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Trunks collapse one after another in a melee between Bujin and the three who create a barrier with their supernatural powers, and the powerful Bojack.
Gohan narrowly escapes from the crisis thanks to Mr. Satan, who manages to live up to the expectations of the audience and intrudes into the fight. Gohan was about to be killed by BoJack for a short time, but Goku was furious and sent BoJack away from the afterlife."


"Goku punches Bojack and scolds Gohan. Gohan, completely overwhelmed by this, unleashes his Super Saiyan power and defeats Bujin and Bido.
BoJack also smashes Zangya and fires an energy bullet."

Conclusion of power:

Bojack Base > Super Saiyan Power

Gohan SSJ2 (Movie 9) > Abyss > Bojack Full Power > Gohan SSJ (Movie 9)

Zangya/Bujin/Kogu/Bidô = Cell Jr´s

Broken Neck




Z-Fighters = Android Saga

"Strong as ever! Super Saiyan Great Galaxy"
"absorbs that energy and unleashes its super powers"


Goku SSJ (M7) > Android 13 > Goku Base (M7)

SSJ > Android 14 >= Android 15

Android 13 Combined (Super Android 13) > Any SSJ in Android-Saga


Hateful warrior with combined power! "Android 13 Combined"
"A person with a strong body and power that is unaffected by Saiyan attacks that use that data and energy"


"Goku absorbs genki-dama energy and gains incredible power and defeats Android 13"


Goku SSJ (M7) > Android 13 > Goku Base (M7)

SSJ > Android 14 >= Android 15

Android 13 Combined (Super Android 13) > Any SSJ in Android-Saga

Semi Perfect Cell >Goku SSJ (Genki-Dama Power) > Android 16 = Android 13 (Combined) > Imperfect Cell (absorbed humans)

Metallic Warrior





Z-Fighters Movie 6 = Android-Saga


"He was defeated by Goku once but luckily his brain drifed. Fused with the main computer. The body is metal that was has a self-repairing function, ashore on the Big Gete Star, and hundreds of bodies were regenerated as its backs!

"Teleportation, powerful energy it has a variety techniques such as equipped with sensor to catch!"


"Infinite mechanical Power" (Almost every daizenshuu 6# mentions infinite mechanical power, but what about the Gete Star) (Same with Bio-Broly Movie 11 because of its Super Regen due to liquid)


On Coller being built by the Gete Star and having his power increased


Goku and Vegeta using their Full Power together to defeat Metal Cooler

"Large Corps! The Mystery of the Metal Cooler Unit"
"It's talking about the Big Gete Star giving Cooler the ability to self-heal or self-repair"


"The core of the machine planet is the main body of the Metal Cooler. Super Saiyan's life energy being absorbed, but overcomes the heat of infinite power!" (Big Gete Star)
"Goku cooperates with Vegeta to destroy the core and the machine planet"


"Big Gete Star's main controller, Metal Cooler's core usually exists only in the head, and performs energy absorption and self-replication. are doing. However, in emergencies, it can form a body using codes and other means as a combat form and demonstrate powerful offensive power.
What is the invincible core combat form!?"

"In the midst of the crisis, Goku sends the limitless energy of a Super Saiyan into the Big Tester, causing it to collapse. Furthermore, through Goku and Vegeta's splendid cooperative play, Metal Cooler's battle mode was completely extinguished.

After escaping from the Big Gete Star that emits, Goku and his friends crash into the ground with a spirit. Anyway, we were able to regain peace on the new Planet Namek."

Z-Fighters = Android Saga (Fight with Androids 19, 20 and 18.17)

Metal Cooler = Android 18/17

Metal Cooler > Goku SSJ/Vegeta SSJ

Metal Cooler Army > Android 18/17
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Low Class Warrior
Aug 6, 2023
How are you doing your translations?
Using translators and adapting texts to the way Japanese speak (I think it would be to fix some things that would be better to understand in English)

But I would probably get banned if I posted on Kanzenshuu


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
But I would probably get banned if I posted on Kanzenshuu
That's sad. Maybe they just don't want you to post the images but the translations are ok?
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Low Class Warrior
Aug 6, 2023
That's sad. Maybe they just don't want you to post the images but the translations are ok?
They didn't even accept my account there, and they also don't accept people trying to translate or trying to help (I see that when someone sends something to translate it takes days)


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
They didn't even accept my account there, and they also don't accept people trying to translate or trying to help (I see that when someone sends something to translate it takes days)
They must not want competition.