My attempt to make an anime PL list


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
You all make lists based on the manga, but actually it's the anime that introduced us into Dragon Ball. It's the anime we grew up with. I think it deserves a PL approach too instead of disregarding everything in it as filler. So I'll try to make an anime-based list myself.

Instead of just throwing a bunch of numbers, I'll explain to you step by step the logic I follow as I go. Then I'll wait for you to tell me whether you agree with my logic so I decide whether to turn this into a fully fledged PL list. Here we go.

The humans' power levels while on King Kai's planet are based on their fight with the Ginyus.
Recoome/Jeice/Burter - 40 thousand
Guldo - 7 thousand
Yamcha - 50 thousand
Tenshinhan - 80 thousand
Chaozu - 10 thousand

Regarding Freeza's first three forms, I think adding 530,000 units for each power up works well. Gohan has two levels of rage: normal rage (2x boost) and ultra rage (3x boost).
Freeza 1st form - 530 thousand
Vegeta - 480 thousand
Gohan - 320 thousand
Freeza 2nd form - 1.06 million
Gohan (ultra rage) - 960 thousand
Freeza 2nd form (powered up) - 1.59 million
Gohan (zenkai) - 1.05 million
Piccolo (weighted) - 1.4 million
Piccolo (unweighted) - 1.75 million
Freeza 3rd form - 2.12 million
Gohan (normal rage) - 2.1 million

Judging from how long Freeza powered up for the final transformation, even in his very initial suppression, he must've gotten a larger boost than in any of his previous transformations, in which he got 530,000 points every time. For that reason, and since it has a nice ring to it, I'll give Vegeta a 10x boost after his zenkai and Goku a 100x boost.
Freeza 4th form (initial) - 3.18 million
Vegeta (initial) - 3.2 million
Vegeta (anime-filler power up) - 4.8 million
Freeza 4th form (silent power up) - 5 million
Freeza 4th form (speed up) - 7.5 million
Vegeta (planet buster) - 6.4 million
Goku (warm up) - 7.2 million
Goku (full power) - 9 million
Freeza (no hands) - 10 million
Freeza 50% power - 180 million

After the 20fold kaioken and his filler dream about Vegeta, Goku fought evenly with 50% Freeza for a while, in his base form. I think that was because he temporarily unlocked his second base, which is 40% of SSJ power.
Goku (second base) - 180 million
Freeza 50% power - 180 million

Just like it would happen in DBS with God power, Goku doesn't access all his SSJ power right away. He needs some time to get used to the form. He starts out with half of SSJ power, with his access slowly increasing as he fights, until he outclasses Freeza.
SSJ Goku (initial) - 225 million and increasing
Freeza (full power) - 360 million
SSJ Goku - 337.5 million and increasing
SSJ Goku (peak) - 450 million

In the filler scene with Gohan returning, Freeza goes back to his very initial suppression, while Gohan goes all the way to his ultra rage. That allows Gohan to shake Freeza for a while. That's the rage he also showed later, in his fight against Vegeta, until Vegeta got serious and stomped him.
Gohan (ultra rage) - 3.15 million
Freeza (initial) - 3.18 million
Vegeta (initial) - 3.2 million
Vegeta (full power) - 4.8 million

In Garlic Jr Saga, there's still a feeling that Gohan and Krillin are close in power (when they fight the Spice Boys), so I guess the boost Krillin got from Guru kept increasing his power after Freeza Saga and topped him out at 1 million.
Gohan - 1.05 million
Krillin - 1 million
Salt - 1.25 million
Mustard - 1.1 million
Spice - 1.2 million
Vinegar - 1.1 million
Spice (transformed) - 1.8 million
Vinegar (transformed) - 1.65 million
Piccolo - 2.25 million
Garlic Jr - 2 million
Garlic Jr (transformed) - 3 million
Gohan (ultra rage) - 3.15 million

In Mecha Freeza Saga, I give the other humans a 10x boost since we last saw them so they remain somewhat relevant to Krillin, who I don't think improved since Garlic Jr Saga.
Krillin - 1 million
Tenshinhan - 800 thousand
Yamcha - 500 thousand
Chaozu - 100 thousand
Gohan - 1.05 million
Vegeta - 7.5 million
Piccolo - 7 million

Freeza is a little stronger than his Namek self. Future Trunks is a little stronger than Namek Goku, as King Kai implied.
Mecha Freeza 50% power - 200 million
King Cold - 250 million
Mecha Freeza (unseen full power) - 400 million
SSJ Future Trunks - 500 million
SSJ Yardrat Goku - 600 million

Android Saga Piccolo is implied to be at a weak-SSJ level, let's say 500 million to be round. Present Androids are twice that power and Future Androids are exactly in the middle. Since nothing in the anime implies either of the two androids is stronger than the other, I'll treat them as equals for simplicity.
Piccolo - 500 million
Present Seventeen/Eighteen - 1 billion
Future Seventeen/Eighteen - 750 million
SSJ Future Gohan (two arms) - 800 million
SSJ Future Gohan (one arm) - 900 million
SSJ Vegeta - 750 million
SSJ Goku - 700 million
Piccolo (post Kami/weighted) - 900 million
Imperfect Cell - 800 million
Piccolo (post Kami/unweighted) - 1 billion

I'll give Androids Saga humans another 10x boost, to keep them somewhat relevant to Base Saiyans. I'm not against giving them invisible kaioken too, since that can better explain some of their feats from here on. Base Gohan is close to Base Goku, since Goku later says he'll be a good sparring partner if he transforms.
Krillin - 10 million
Tenshinhan - 8 million
Yamcha - 5 million
Gohan - 12.5 million

Imperfect Cell said that if he absorbed Weighted Piccolo's power he'd be close to his goal. The sum of Ginger Cell and Weighted Piccolo's power is 1.7 billion. Later Cell says he absorbed more humans than he needed. For simplicity's sake I'll round his new power up to 2 billion.
Imperfect Cell (post humans) - 2 billion
Sixteen - 2 billion

Semi Cell's power is the sum of his old power plus Seventeen's power.
Semi Cell (initial) - 2.5 billion
Semi Cell (full power) - 3 billion
SSJ Vegeta/Trunks - 2.5 billion
ASSJ Vegeta/Trunks - 3.75 billion

When Cell absorbs Eighteen, he starts out with his old power plus her power. That allows Vegeta to put up a good fight for a while, until Cell gets serious and wrecks him.
ASSJ Vegeta/Trunks - 3.75 billion
Perfect Cell (fake ki signal) - 3.5 billion
Perfect Cell (initial) - 4 billion
Perfect Cell (more serious) - 5 billion
USSJ1 Future Trunks - 5 billion
USSJ2 Future Trunks - 7.5 billion
Perfect Cell (anime-filler power up) - 7 billion
Buffed Cell - 8.4 billion

As we said earlier, in their second base, Saiyans are at 40% of their SSJ power. That means that the resting state of the Mastered SSJ must be even greater than that, so Goku at Korin's can't have shown only half his power. My explanation is he meant he had powered up halfway from his resting state to full power. Goku's resting SSJ power is equal to Cell's warm-up suppression, which is 4 billion as we saw above.
Goku (second base) - 3.6 billion
SSJ Goku (initial) - 4 billion
Perfect Cell (warm up) - 4 billion
SSJ Goku (halfway powered up) - 6.5 billion
SSJ Goku (full power) - 9 billion
Perfect Cell (powered up) - 9.5 billion
SSJ Gohan - 11 billion
Perfect Cell (true speed) - 11 billion

Vegeta and Trunks still use their buff forms in the anime filler. My take is there's still a point in using those forms because they haven't fully mastered the SSJ form, but the boost they get from buffing their muscles is no longer as big as before.
SSJ Vegeta/Trunks - 6 billion
ASSJ Vegeta/Trunks - 7.5 billion
Cell Jrs - 8 billion
Piccolo - 7 billion

After going SSJ2, Gohan fights evenly with Cell for a while in the anime filler, which means Cell must've done a silent power up. Then he does an even greater one to go full power. His buffed form can barely give him a boost at this level unless he buffs his muscles to a really awkward extent.
SSJ2 Gohan (initial) - 16.5 billion
Perfect Cell (silent power up) - 16.5 billion
Perfect Cell (full power) - 28 billion
SSJ2 Gohan (full power) - 44 billion
Buffed Cell - 35 billion
Super Perfect Cell - 42 billion

What do you think? Is it worth continuing this to Buu Saga?

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