My DBZ Power Levels


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Saiyan arc

Raditz = 1,250

Farmer = 5

Goku Weighted = 334

- Unweighted = 416

- Kamehameha = 924

Piccolo Weighted = 322

- Unweighted = 408

- Maankasappo = 1,330

Gohan = 1

- Frustrated = 710

- Enraged = 1,307

- Oozaru = 13,070

Master Roshi = 139

Krillin = 206

Yamcha = 177

Tenshinhan = 250

Chaozu = 152

Yajirobe = 158

Mr. Popo = 280

Kami = 300

King Yemma = 2,000

King Kai = 3,000

1 Year Later

Gohan Surpress = 981

- True Power = 1,307

- Enraged, Masenko = 2,800

Piccolo Surpress = 1,220

- True Power = 2,440

Krillin Surpress = 1,083

- True Power = 1,770

Saibamen = 1,200

Yamcha = 1,480

Tenshinhan = 1,830

- Kikoho = 2,600

Chaozu = 610

- Explosiom = 1,830

Nappa Relaxed = 3,500

- Powered Up = 4,300

- Full Power = 7,300

Vegeta Relaxed = 16,500

- Full Power = 18,000

- Galick Gun = 25,200

- Moderately Tired = 12,500

- Oozaru = 125,000

Goku Relaxed = 5,000

- Full Power = 8,100

- Kaioken x2 = 16,200

- Kaioken x3 = 24,300

- Kaioken x4 = 32,400

- Spirit Bomb = 250,000

Yajirobe = 970

Namek arc Part 1

Gohan = 1,500

- Potiental Unlockment = 11,000

- vs Ginyu = 27,500

Krillin = 1,900

- Potiental Unlockment = 10,500

-vs Ginyu = 26,250

Vegeta Post Earth = 24,000

- Zenkai Post Zarbon = 29,000

- Zenkai Post Recoome, Tired = 58,000

Guldo = 6,000

Recoome = 40,000

Jeice = 40,000

Burter = 40,000

Goku Relaxed = 5,000

- Less Surpress Bursts = 60,000

- vs Ginyu = 75,000

- Full Power = 90,000

- Kaioken x2 = 180,000

Ginyu Surpress = 80,000

- Full Power = 120,000

- Goku's Body = 23,000

Zarbon = 21,000

- 2nd Form = 28,350

Dodoria = 20,000

Cui = 18,000

Namek Warriors Surpress = 1,000

- Full Power = 3,000

Appule = 2,200

Freeza Soldiers = 1,400 - 1,700

Confrontation with Freeza Part 2

Goku = 3,000,000

- Kaioken x10 = 30,000,000

- Kiaoken x20 = 60,000,000

- Spirit Bomb = 75,000,000

- SSJ = 150,000,000

Freeza 1st Form vs Nail = 265,000

- Full Power = 530,000

- 2nd Form = 1,060,000

- Powered Up = 1,200,000

- Full Power = 1,400,000

- 3rd Form = 1,900,000

- Final Form = 3,000,000

- 50% = 70,000,000

- 70% = 98,000,000

-100% = 140,000,000

Vegeta = 450,000

- Zenkai = 2,300,000

Piccolo Weighted = 200,000

- Full Power = 250,000

- Fused with Nail, Weighted = 1,250,000

- Full Power = 1,500,000

Gohan = 300,000

- Enraged = 900,000

- Zenkai = 600,000

- Enraged = 1,800,000

Krillin = 270,000

- Power Still Raising = 540,000

History of Trunks

Future Gohan = 3,500,000

- SSJ = 175,000,000

- Post Training = 4,800,000

- SSJ = 240,000,000

Future Trunks = 70,000

- SSJ = 3,500,000

- Post Training = 5,000,000

- SSJ = 250,000,000

Future 17 40% = 220,000,000

- Full Power = 550,000,000

Future 18 = 520,000,000

Android arc

Arrival of Trunks

Trunks = 5,000,000

- SSJ = 250,000,000

Mecha Freeza 70% = 157,500,000

- Unseen Full Power = 225,000,000

King Cold = 120,000,000

Vegeta = 2,750,000

Piccolo = 2,500,000

Gohan = 700,000

Krillin = 600,000

Tenshinhan = 500,000

Yamcha = 400,000

Chaozu = 150,000

Goku = 6,000,000

- SSJ = 300,000,000

3 Years Later

Goku = 10,500,000

- SSJ Sick = 400,000,000

- Post Kamehameha = 260,000,000

- Unseen Full Power = 525,000,000

Piccolo Surpress = 8,000,000

- Full Power = 450,000,000

Gohan = 7,000,000

Krillin = 6,000,000

Tenshinhan = 5,000,000

Yamcha = 4,000,000

Chaozu = 800,000

Android 19 = 280,000,000

- With Ki = 320,000,000

Android 20 = 335,000,000

- With Ki = 375,000,000

Vegeta = 11,000,000

- SSJ = 550,000,000

Trunks = 10,000,000

- SSJ = 500,000,000

#18 = 825,000,000

#17 = 870,000,000

Cell arc

Piccolo Weighted, Fused with Kami = 750,000,000

- Unweighted = 900,000,000

#18 = 825,000,000

#17 = 870,000,000

Android 16 = 1,200,000,000

Imperfect Cell = 600,000,000

- More Humans = 1,200,000,000

- Semi Perfect Cell Surpress = 2,500,000,000

- Full Power = 3,500,000,000

- Perfect Surpress = 4,200,000,000

- Less Surpress = 6,300,000,000

- Power Weighted = 9,450,000,000

Vegeta = 50,000,000

- SSJ = 2,500,000,000

- Grade 2 = 5,000,000,000

- Final Flash = 7,500,000,000

- Unseen Grade 3 = 8,750,000,000

Trunks = 47,000,000

- SSJ = 2,350,000,000

- Grade 2 = 4,700,000,000

- Grade 3 = 8,225,000,000

Cell Games

Goku Unseen Base = 830,000,000

- SSJ 50% = 10,375,000,000

- Full Power = 20,750,000,000

Gohan Unseen Base = 1,000,000,000

- SSJ = 25,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 75,000,000,000

- Enraged Bonus = 90,000,000,000

Cell Warming Up = 11,000,000,000

- Powered Up = 23,500,000,000

- Less Surpress, Speed = 27,500,000,000

- Full Power = 41,250,000,000

- Super Perfect = 82,500,000,000

Cell Juniors = 13,500,000,000

Vegeta = 520,000,000

- SSJ = 13,000,000,000

Trunks = 500,000,000

- SSJ = 12,500,000,000

Piccolo = 6,000,000,000

Boo arc

Babidi's Spaceship/Boo's Resurrection

Goku = 1,300,000,000

- SSJ = 32,500,000,000

- SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000

- SSJ3 = 195,000,000,000

Vegeta = 1,040,000,000

- SSJ = 26,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 78,000,000,000

- Majin SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000

Gohan = 850,000,000

- SSJ = 21,250,000,000

- SSJ2 = 63,750,000,000

Piccolo = 8,000,000,000

#18 = 825,000,000

Trunks = 820,000,000

- SSJ = 20,500,000,000

Goten = 800,000,000

- SSJ = 20,000,000,000

Kaioshin = 450,000,000

Kibito = 100,000,000

Pui Pui = 500,000,000

Yakon = 1,100,000,000

Dabura = 22,000,000,000

Vegeta = 50,000,000

- SSJ = 2,500,000,000

- Grade 2 = 5,000,000,000

- Final Flash = 7,500,000,000

- Unseen Grade 3 = 8,750,000,000

Trunks = 47,000,000

- SSJ = 2,350,000,000

- Grade 2 = 4,700,000,000

- Grade 3 = 8,225,000,000

Cell Games

Goku Unseen Base = 830,000,000

- SSJ 50% = 10,375,000,000

- Full Power = 20,750,000,000

Gohan Unseen Base = 1,000,000,000

- SSJ = 25,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 75,000,000,000

- Enraged Bonus = 90,000,000,000

Cell Warming Up = 11,000,000,000

- Powered Up = 23,500,000,000

- Less Surpress, Speed = 27,500,000,000

- Full Power = 41,250,000,000

- Super Perfect = 82,500,000,000

Cell Juniors = 13,500,000,000

Vegeta = 520,000,000

- SSJ = 13,000,000,000

Trunks = 500,000,000

- SSJ = 12,500,000,000

Piccolo = 6,000,000,000

Boo arc

Babidi's Spaceship

Goku = 1,300,000,000

- SSJ = 32,500,000,000

- SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000

Vegeta = 1,040,000,000

- SSJ = 26,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 78,000,000,000

- Majin SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000

Gohan = 850,000,000

- SSJ = 21,250,000,000

- SSJ2 = 63,750,000,000

Piccolo = 8,000,000,000

#18 = 825,000,000

Trunks = 820,000,000

- SSJ = 20,500,000,000

Goten = 800,000,000

- SSJ = 20,000,000,000

Kaioshin = 450,000,000

Kibito = 100,000,000

Pui Pui = 500,000,000

Yakon = 1,100,000,000

Dabura = 22,000,000,000

Sorry but that's enough, if I go any further it will honestly be too ridiculous, I think most of you know where I would put the Boos at and such.


Jun 19, 2015
1. I usually place Relaxed Scouter Vegeta at 15k, so that all this power up scene to 18k has some meaning.
2. Imperfect Cell (post humans)> Ginger Cell + Weighted Kamiccolo, because Cell said that, by absorbing
Weighted Kamiccolo, his initial evolution would almost be complete.
3. Your Perfect Cell (less suppressed)/SSJ Grade 2 Vegeta is laughably small.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
withheldforprivacy said:
1. I usually place Relaxed Scouter Vegeta at 15k, so that all this power up scene to 18k has some meaning.
2. Imperfect Cell (post humans)> Ginger Cell + Weighted Kamiccolo, because Cell said that, by absorbing
Weighted Kamiccolo, his initial evolution would almost be complete.
3. Your Perfect Cell (less suppressed)/SSJ Grade 2 Vegeta is laughably small.

1. That would go against Vegeta and Goku's fight. Vegeta was edging Kaioken Goku out even before powering up.

2. We don't know how much power Cell would gain from absorbing Piccolo, I doubt it actually adds up the total amount of power levels between both fighters.

3. Yeah I remembered just now that Cell tanked a kick to the neck by Vegeta but im hesitant to put the multiplyer of Grade 3 anymore over 2 times the Grade 2 otherwise it wouldn't make sense for no one to use it afterwards even if it does make the user slow, which implies that the power up isn't worth the strain.


Jun 19, 2015
1. 2x KK Goku ambushes Vegeta with a series of hits. Vegeta recovers from the shock and counters with a
kick on Goku's chin. That's all. Nothing implies Vegeta had an advantage. 15/16 is a small gap, we can say
they were about even.
2. So, Buu's absorptions don't work as additives either?
3. I usually make Cell 2x Vegeta and give Grade 3 a 2.5x


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
1. Goku said Vegeta was surpassing him in speed and technique despite holding back.

2. The difference is that Boo absorbs his victims whole while still alive. Cell sucks the ki dry from his victims until they become non existent empty shells. If Cell's actually gained the same amount of power his victims had than he would never reach the power level he had against 16 even if he absorbed all the humans in the world.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Don't you think Vegeta being 450,000 is way too far away from Freeza? A very even looking clash should not equate to a 1.17x gap.

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
Vegeta was out of breath and sweating after their clash and Freeza was just fine and showed no sign of fatigue ^

I'd say 480k or 475k is appropriate for Vegeta personally.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Sweating is an argument I have never cared for. Maybe it was a hot day on Namek? Freeza is an Ice-jin after all.

Him running out of breath is valid. That signifies a gap, but given that full power Freeza could not physically overwhelm him, the gap should be very small. 1.05-1.1x imo.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
There's also Vegeta stating that him, Gohan and Krillin could only defeat Freeza if they teamed up which would imply that Freeza still had a somewhat significant gap over him. Honestly, that was just a power struggle not a real fight.


Jun 19, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
1. Goku said Vegeta was surpassing him in speed and technique despite holding back.

2. The difference is that Boo absorbs his victims whole while still alive. Cell sucks the ki dry from his victims until they become non existent empty shells. If Cell's actually gained the same amount of power his victims had than he would never reach the power level he had against 16 even if he absorbed all the humans in the world.
1. That was before kaioken.

2. So, by your logic, Cell gains more power than his victims have? Then, Cell's initial evolution should be way
stronger than the sum of Weighted Piccolo and Imperfect Cell.


Jun 19, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
There's also Vegeta stating that him, Gohan and Krillin could only defeat Freeza if they teamed up which would imply that Freeza still had a somewhat significant gap over him.
The word ''only'' was never mentioned.


Staff member
May 31, 2015
Freeza wasn't sweating because he had 145m to spare in his body. And even then his stamina was through the fucking roof compared to Vegeta.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
withheldforprivacy said:
Animelover5487 said:
1. Goku said Vegeta was surpassing him in speed and technique despite holding back.

2. The difference is that Boo absorbs his victims whole while still alive. Cell sucks the ki dry from his victims until they become non existent empty shells. If Cell's actually gained the same amount of power his victims had than he would never reach the power level he had against 16 even if he absorbed all the humans in the world.
1. That was before kaioken.

2. So, by your logic, Cell gains more power than his victims have? Then, Cell's initial evolution should be way
stronger than the sum of Weighted Piccolo and Imperfect Cell.

1. I think he said it after his and Vegeta's brief scuffle but the strength checker doesn't include manga scans and I don't own a manga book with a 100% accurate translation so I could be wrong.

2. I didn't say Cell neccasarily gains more power than his victims just that the power isn't measureable just random. The power level of a human is 5, now he could have also absorbed martial artists or street fighters but we know no one on the planet barring the Z Fighters had a power level higher than Roshi's 139 besides maybe Cyborg Tao, so even if he absorbed a thousand humans his power level wouldn't even get up to a million. just like how absorbing 18 gave him a much bigger power up despite 17 being a little stronger.

PS: I am aware "only" wasn't mentioned but Vegeta still made it seem as though it was essential for them to team up.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
There's also Vegeta stating that him, Gohan and Krillin could only defeat Freeza if they teamed up which would imply that Freeza still had a somewhat significant gap over him. Honestly, that was just a power struggle not a real fight.
But don't forget that Vegeta was counting on the transformation of freeza, namely vegeta knew freeza would become stronger.

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