- Joined
- Jun 4, 2015
- Messages
- 2,936
Saiyan arc
Raditz = 1,250
Farmer = 5
Goku Weighted = 334
- Unweighted = 416
- Kamehameha = 924
Piccolo Weighted = 322
- Unweighted = 408
- Maankasappo = 1,330
Gohan = 1
- Frustrated = 710
- Enraged = 1,307
- Oozaru = 13,070
Master Roshi = 139
Krillin = 206
Yamcha = 177
Tenshinhan = 250
Chaozu = 152
Yajirobe = 158
Mr. Popo = 280
Kami = 300
King Yemma = 2,000
King Kai = 3,000
1 Year Later
Gohan Surpress = 981
- True Power = 1,307
- Enraged, Masenko = 2,800
Piccolo Surpress = 1,220
- True Power = 2,440
Krillin Surpress = 1,083
- True Power = 1,770
Saibamen = 1,200
Yamcha = 1,480
Tenshinhan = 1,830
- Kikoho = 2,600
Chaozu = 610
- Explosiom = 1,830
Nappa Relaxed = 3,500
- Powered Up = 4,300
- Full Power = 7,300
Vegeta Relaxed = 16,500
- Full Power = 18,000
- Galick Gun = 25,200
- Moderately Tired = 12,500
- Oozaru = 125,000
Goku Relaxed = 5,000
- Full Power = 8,100
- Kaioken x2 = 16,200
- Kaioken x3 = 24,300
- Kaioken x4 = 32,400
- Spirit Bomb = 250,000
Yajirobe = 970
Namek arc Part 1
Gohan = 1,500
- Potiental Unlockment = 11,000
- vs Ginyu = 27,500
Krillin = 1,900
- Potiental Unlockment = 10,500
-vs Ginyu = 26,250
Vegeta Post Earth = 24,000
- Zenkai Post Zarbon = 29,000
- Zenkai Post Recoome, Tired = 58,000
Guldo = 6,000
Recoome = 40,000
Jeice = 40,000
Burter = 40,000
Goku Relaxed = 5,000
- Less Surpress Bursts = 60,000
- vs Ginyu = 75,000
- Full Power = 90,000
- Kaioken x2 = 180,000
Ginyu Surpress = 80,000
- Full Power = 120,000
- Goku's Body = 23,000
Zarbon = 21,000
- 2nd Form = 28,350
Dodoria = 20,000
Cui = 18,000
Namek Warriors Surpress = 1,000
- Full Power = 3,000
Appule = 2,200
Freeza Soldiers = 1,400 - 1,700
Confrontation with Freeza Part 2
Goku = 3,000,000
- Kaioken x10 = 30,000,000
- Kiaoken x20 = 60,000,000
- Spirit Bomb = 75,000,000
- SSJ = 150,000,000
Freeza 1st Form vs Nail = 265,000
- Full Power = 530,000
- 2nd Form = 1,060,000
- Powered Up = 1,200,000
- Full Power = 1,400,000
- 3rd Form = 1,900,000
- Final Form = 3,000,000
- 50% = 70,000,000
- 70% = 98,000,000
-100% = 140,000,000
Vegeta = 450,000
- Zenkai = 2,300,000
Piccolo Weighted = 200,000
- Full Power = 250,000
- Fused with Nail, Weighted = 1,250,000
- Full Power = 1,500,000
Gohan = 300,000
- Enraged = 900,000
- Zenkai = 600,000
- Enraged = 1,800,000
Krillin = 270,000
- Power Still Raising = 540,000
History of Trunks
Future Gohan = 3,500,000
- SSJ = 175,000,000
- Post Training = 4,800,000
- SSJ = 240,000,000
Future Trunks = 70,000
- SSJ = 3,500,000
- Post Training = 5,000,000
- SSJ = 250,000,000
Future 17 40% = 220,000,000
- Full Power = 550,000,000
Future 18 = 520,000,000
Android arc
Arrival of Trunks
Trunks = 5,000,000
- SSJ = 250,000,000
Mecha Freeza 70% = 157,500,000
- Unseen Full Power = 225,000,000
King Cold = 120,000,000
Vegeta = 2,750,000
Piccolo = 2,500,000
Gohan = 700,000
Krillin = 600,000
Tenshinhan = 500,000
Yamcha = 400,000
Chaozu = 150,000
Goku = 6,000,000
- SSJ = 300,000,000
3 Years Later
Goku = 10,500,000
- SSJ Sick = 400,000,000
- Post Kamehameha = 260,000,000
- Unseen Full Power = 525,000,000
Piccolo Surpress = 8,000,000
- Full Power = 450,000,000
Gohan = 7,000,000
Krillin = 6,000,000
Tenshinhan = 5,000,000
Yamcha = 4,000,000
Chaozu = 800,000
Android 19 = 280,000,000
- With Ki = 320,000,000
Android 20 = 335,000,000
- With Ki = 375,000,000
Vegeta = 11,000,000
- SSJ = 550,000,000
Trunks = 10,000,000
- SSJ = 500,000,000
#18 = 825,000,000
#17 = 870,000,000
Cell arc
Piccolo Weighted, Fused with Kami = 750,000,000
- Unweighted = 900,000,000
#18 = 825,000,000
#17 = 870,000,000
Android 16 = 1,200,000,000
Imperfect Cell = 600,000,000
- More Humans = 1,200,000,000
- Semi Perfect Cell Surpress = 2,500,000,000
- Full Power = 3,500,000,000
- Perfect Surpress = 4,200,000,000
- Less Surpress = 6,300,000,000
- Power Weighted = 9,450,000,000
Vegeta = 50,000,000
- SSJ = 2,500,000,000
- Grade 2 = 5,000,000,000
- Final Flash = 7,500,000,000
- Unseen Grade 3 = 8,750,000,000
Trunks = 47,000,000
- SSJ = 2,350,000,000
- Grade 2 = 4,700,000,000
- Grade 3 = 8,225,000,000
Cell Games
Goku Unseen Base = 830,000,000
- SSJ 50% = 10,375,000,000
- Full Power = 20,750,000,000
Gohan Unseen Base = 1,000,000,000
- SSJ = 25,000,000,000
- SSJ2 = 75,000,000,000
- Enraged Bonus = 90,000,000,000
Cell Warming Up = 11,000,000,000
- Powered Up = 23,500,000,000
- Less Surpress, Speed = 27,500,000,000
- Full Power = 41,250,000,000
- Super Perfect = 82,500,000,000
Cell Juniors = 13,500,000,000
Vegeta = 520,000,000
- SSJ = 13,000,000,000
Trunks = 500,000,000
- SSJ = 12,500,000,000
Piccolo = 6,000,000,000
Boo arc
Babidi's Spaceship/Boo's Resurrection
Goku = 1,300,000,000
- SSJ = 32,500,000,000
- SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000
- SSJ3 = 195,000,000,000
Vegeta = 1,040,000,000
- SSJ = 26,000,000,000
- SSJ2 = 78,000,000,000
- Majin SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000
Gohan = 850,000,000
- SSJ = 21,250,000,000
- SSJ2 = 63,750,000,000
Piccolo = 8,000,000,000
#18 = 825,000,000
Trunks = 820,000,000
- SSJ = 20,500,000,000
Goten = 800,000,000
- SSJ = 20,000,000,000
Kaioshin = 450,000,000
Kibito = 100,000,000
Pui Pui = 500,000,000
Yakon = 1,100,000,000
Dabura = 22,000,000,000
Vegeta = 50,000,000
- SSJ = 2,500,000,000
- Grade 2 = 5,000,000,000
- Final Flash = 7,500,000,000
- Unseen Grade 3 = 8,750,000,000
Trunks = 47,000,000
- SSJ = 2,350,000,000
- Grade 2 = 4,700,000,000
- Grade 3 = 8,225,000,000
Cell Games
Goku Unseen Base = 830,000,000
- SSJ 50% = 10,375,000,000
- Full Power = 20,750,000,000
Gohan Unseen Base = 1,000,000,000
- SSJ = 25,000,000,000
- SSJ2 = 75,000,000,000
- Enraged Bonus = 90,000,000,000
Cell Warming Up = 11,000,000,000
- Powered Up = 23,500,000,000
- Less Surpress, Speed = 27,500,000,000
- Full Power = 41,250,000,000
- Super Perfect = 82,500,000,000
Cell Juniors = 13,500,000,000
Vegeta = 520,000,000
- SSJ = 13,000,000,000
Trunks = 500,000,000
- SSJ = 12,500,000,000
Piccolo = 6,000,000,000
Boo arc
Babidi's Spaceship
Goku = 1,300,000,000
- SSJ = 32,500,000,000
- SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000
Vegeta = 1,040,000,000
- SSJ = 26,000,000,000
- SSJ2 = 78,000,000,000
- Majin SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000
Gohan = 850,000,000
- SSJ = 21,250,000,000
- SSJ2 = 63,750,000,000
Piccolo = 8,000,000,000
#18 = 825,000,000
Trunks = 820,000,000
- SSJ = 20,500,000,000
Goten = 800,000,000
- SSJ = 20,000,000,000
Kaioshin = 450,000,000
Kibito = 100,000,000
Pui Pui = 500,000,000
Yakon = 1,100,000,000
Dabura = 22,000,000,000
Sorry but that's enough, if I go any further it will honestly be too ridiculous, I think most of you know where I would put the Boos at and such.
Raditz = 1,250
Farmer = 5
Goku Weighted = 334
- Unweighted = 416
- Kamehameha = 924
Piccolo Weighted = 322
- Unweighted = 408
- Maankasappo = 1,330
Gohan = 1
- Frustrated = 710
- Enraged = 1,307
- Oozaru = 13,070
Master Roshi = 139
Krillin = 206
Yamcha = 177
Tenshinhan = 250
Chaozu = 152
Yajirobe = 158
Mr. Popo = 280
Kami = 300
King Yemma = 2,000
King Kai = 3,000
1 Year Later
Gohan Surpress = 981
- True Power = 1,307
- Enraged, Masenko = 2,800
Piccolo Surpress = 1,220
- True Power = 2,440
Krillin Surpress = 1,083
- True Power = 1,770
Saibamen = 1,200
Yamcha = 1,480
Tenshinhan = 1,830
- Kikoho = 2,600
Chaozu = 610
- Explosiom = 1,830
Nappa Relaxed = 3,500
- Powered Up = 4,300
- Full Power = 7,300
Vegeta Relaxed = 16,500
- Full Power = 18,000
- Galick Gun = 25,200
- Moderately Tired = 12,500
- Oozaru = 125,000
Goku Relaxed = 5,000
- Full Power = 8,100
- Kaioken x2 = 16,200
- Kaioken x3 = 24,300
- Kaioken x4 = 32,400
- Spirit Bomb = 250,000
Yajirobe = 970
Namek arc Part 1
Gohan = 1,500
- Potiental Unlockment = 11,000
- vs Ginyu = 27,500
Krillin = 1,900
- Potiental Unlockment = 10,500
-vs Ginyu = 26,250
Vegeta Post Earth = 24,000
- Zenkai Post Zarbon = 29,000
- Zenkai Post Recoome, Tired = 58,000
Guldo = 6,000
Recoome = 40,000
Jeice = 40,000
Burter = 40,000
Goku Relaxed = 5,000
- Less Surpress Bursts = 60,000
- vs Ginyu = 75,000
- Full Power = 90,000
- Kaioken x2 = 180,000
Ginyu Surpress = 80,000
- Full Power = 120,000
- Goku's Body = 23,000
Zarbon = 21,000
- 2nd Form = 28,350
Dodoria = 20,000
Cui = 18,000
Namek Warriors Surpress = 1,000
- Full Power = 3,000
Appule = 2,200
Freeza Soldiers = 1,400 - 1,700
Confrontation with Freeza Part 2
Goku = 3,000,000
- Kaioken x10 = 30,000,000
- Kiaoken x20 = 60,000,000
- Spirit Bomb = 75,000,000
- SSJ = 150,000,000
Freeza 1st Form vs Nail = 265,000
- Full Power = 530,000
- 2nd Form = 1,060,000
- Powered Up = 1,200,000
- Full Power = 1,400,000
- 3rd Form = 1,900,000
- Final Form = 3,000,000
- 50% = 70,000,000
- 70% = 98,000,000
-100% = 140,000,000
Vegeta = 450,000
- Zenkai = 2,300,000
Piccolo Weighted = 200,000
- Full Power = 250,000
- Fused with Nail, Weighted = 1,250,000
- Full Power = 1,500,000
Gohan = 300,000
- Enraged = 900,000
- Zenkai = 600,000
- Enraged = 1,800,000
Krillin = 270,000
- Power Still Raising = 540,000
History of Trunks
Future Gohan = 3,500,000
- SSJ = 175,000,000
- Post Training = 4,800,000
- SSJ = 240,000,000
Future Trunks = 70,000
- SSJ = 3,500,000
- Post Training = 5,000,000
- SSJ = 250,000,000
Future 17 40% = 220,000,000
- Full Power = 550,000,000
Future 18 = 520,000,000
Android arc
Arrival of Trunks
Trunks = 5,000,000
- SSJ = 250,000,000
Mecha Freeza 70% = 157,500,000
- Unseen Full Power = 225,000,000
King Cold = 120,000,000
Vegeta = 2,750,000
Piccolo = 2,500,000
Gohan = 700,000
Krillin = 600,000
Tenshinhan = 500,000
Yamcha = 400,000
Chaozu = 150,000
Goku = 6,000,000
- SSJ = 300,000,000
3 Years Later
Goku = 10,500,000
- SSJ Sick = 400,000,000
- Post Kamehameha = 260,000,000
- Unseen Full Power = 525,000,000
Piccolo Surpress = 8,000,000
- Full Power = 450,000,000
Gohan = 7,000,000
Krillin = 6,000,000
Tenshinhan = 5,000,000
Yamcha = 4,000,000
Chaozu = 800,000
Android 19 = 280,000,000
- With Ki = 320,000,000
Android 20 = 335,000,000
- With Ki = 375,000,000
Vegeta = 11,000,000
- SSJ = 550,000,000
Trunks = 10,000,000
- SSJ = 500,000,000
#18 = 825,000,000
#17 = 870,000,000
Cell arc
Piccolo Weighted, Fused with Kami = 750,000,000
- Unweighted = 900,000,000
#18 = 825,000,000
#17 = 870,000,000
Android 16 = 1,200,000,000
Imperfect Cell = 600,000,000
- More Humans = 1,200,000,000
- Semi Perfect Cell Surpress = 2,500,000,000
- Full Power = 3,500,000,000
- Perfect Surpress = 4,200,000,000
- Less Surpress = 6,300,000,000
- Power Weighted = 9,450,000,000
Vegeta = 50,000,000
- SSJ = 2,500,000,000
- Grade 2 = 5,000,000,000
- Final Flash = 7,500,000,000
- Unseen Grade 3 = 8,750,000,000
Trunks = 47,000,000
- SSJ = 2,350,000,000
- Grade 2 = 4,700,000,000
- Grade 3 = 8,225,000,000
Cell Games
Goku Unseen Base = 830,000,000
- SSJ 50% = 10,375,000,000
- Full Power = 20,750,000,000
Gohan Unseen Base = 1,000,000,000
- SSJ = 25,000,000,000
- SSJ2 = 75,000,000,000
- Enraged Bonus = 90,000,000,000
Cell Warming Up = 11,000,000,000
- Powered Up = 23,500,000,000
- Less Surpress, Speed = 27,500,000,000
- Full Power = 41,250,000,000
- Super Perfect = 82,500,000,000
Cell Juniors = 13,500,000,000
Vegeta = 520,000,000
- SSJ = 13,000,000,000
Trunks = 500,000,000
- SSJ = 12,500,000,000
Piccolo = 6,000,000,000
Boo arc
Babidi's Spaceship/Boo's Resurrection
Goku = 1,300,000,000
- SSJ = 32,500,000,000
- SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000
- SSJ3 = 195,000,000,000
Vegeta = 1,040,000,000
- SSJ = 26,000,000,000
- SSJ2 = 78,000,000,000
- Majin SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000
Gohan = 850,000,000
- SSJ = 21,250,000,000
- SSJ2 = 63,750,000,000
Piccolo = 8,000,000,000
#18 = 825,000,000
Trunks = 820,000,000
- SSJ = 20,500,000,000
Goten = 800,000,000
- SSJ = 20,000,000,000
Kaioshin = 450,000,000
Kibito = 100,000,000
Pui Pui = 500,000,000
Yakon = 1,100,000,000
Dabura = 22,000,000,000
Vegeta = 50,000,000
- SSJ = 2,500,000,000
- Grade 2 = 5,000,000,000
- Final Flash = 7,500,000,000
- Unseen Grade 3 = 8,750,000,000
Trunks = 47,000,000
- SSJ = 2,350,000,000
- Grade 2 = 4,700,000,000
- Grade 3 = 8,225,000,000
Cell Games
Goku Unseen Base = 830,000,000
- SSJ 50% = 10,375,000,000
- Full Power = 20,750,000,000
Gohan Unseen Base = 1,000,000,000
- SSJ = 25,000,000,000
- SSJ2 = 75,000,000,000
- Enraged Bonus = 90,000,000,000
Cell Warming Up = 11,000,000,000
- Powered Up = 23,500,000,000
- Less Surpress, Speed = 27,500,000,000
- Full Power = 41,250,000,000
- Super Perfect = 82,500,000,000
Cell Juniors = 13,500,000,000
Vegeta = 520,000,000
- SSJ = 13,000,000,000
Trunks = 500,000,000
- SSJ = 12,500,000,000
Piccolo = 6,000,000,000
Boo arc
Babidi's Spaceship
Goku = 1,300,000,000
- SSJ = 32,500,000,000
- SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000
Vegeta = 1,040,000,000
- SSJ = 26,000,000,000
- SSJ2 = 78,000,000,000
- Majin SSJ2 = 97,500,000,000
Gohan = 850,000,000
- SSJ = 21,250,000,000
- SSJ2 = 63,750,000,000
Piccolo = 8,000,000,000
#18 = 825,000,000
Trunks = 820,000,000
- SSJ = 20,500,000,000
Goten = 800,000,000
- SSJ = 20,000,000,000
Kaioshin = 450,000,000
Kibito = 100,000,000
Pui Pui = 500,000,000
Yakon = 1,100,000,000
Dabura = 22,000,000,000
Sorry but that's enough, if I go any further it will honestly be too ridiculous, I think most of you know where I would put the Boos at and such.