Meh, I still think maintaing the rage boost makes more sense. Rage boosts are essentially drawing dormant power outta anger, and Vegeta may have drawn such dormant power by training. I mean, he
is Goku's superior, potential wise.
Though this whole shit crumbles down when you stop and think this implies Vegeta's potential is not only > Goku's, but also Gotenks' and Gohan's... And Trunks' given how SSJ2 Trunks only matched SSJ3 Goku. Fuck whoever had this idea man.
withheldforprivacy said:
Maybe SSJ3 was a wrong approach, like grade forms, and the correct evolution was an MSSJ2 which Vegeta was on his way of achieving when he did 'My Bulma' thing.
Daizenshuu 10 provides an evolutionary tree for the SSJ forms though, and SSJ3 is classified as the final evolution of the 3 Saiyan (Aluded on the manga as well). So it stands to reason that mastering SSJ2 is the final step before achieving SSJ3 and Goku likely did it, but his power pales in comparison to Vegeta's because of potential.