Well Nail's oficial power level is 42,000 and we know Recoome is considerably above 30,000 Vegeta, but still well below 60,000ish Goku. I'd say with certain that Vegeta was closer to Recoome than Recoome was to suppressed Goku, so I'd place each of the Ginyus at 40,000. That said, Nail has a power advantage and is a more skilled warrior IMO. Nail wins.
Recoome stomps. Upon examining the Manga, I found that Recoome's 'Eraser Gun' was capable of reshaping the planet, not to mention that it appeared that he powered up. Under that knowledge, Recoome wins, despite the fact that Nail and Recoome are more-or-less even in terms of battle power.
Yes, we know that Nail might also be capable of amping up his battle power, but the burden of proof still lies on him.
I've always taken Recoome's side in this bitch. But I place him higher than most, at 40-41k. I think his amped attacks would do the job. I don't know shit about Nail's attacks except the basic Namekian abilities.
If anything Nail showed to be more durable than Recoome IMO. He took Freeza's attacks without getting unconscious while Recoome was one-shotted by 60,000+ Goku.
But even so Goku held back to 60,000ish against the Ginyus and only showed more of his power against Captain Ginyu. How much power do you think Freeza used against Nail? I doubt it was any less than 60k seeing that he tanked Nail's karate chop in the neck.
About Nail's durability, it should be noted that Freeza intended on torturing him for info, which means dragging it out as long as possible. It's likely not the first time Freeza used torture, so he probably knew how to just enough to not kill him, and to make it last.
So it's hard to say how much was on Nail, and how much it was Freeza knowing how to hold back.