
Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
...wasn't as bone-headed to attack Gohan and Kuririn like an idiot and instead just watched Goku vs Vegeta (well at-least definitely until KKx3 owned Vegeta)? Would he transform into an Oozaru as-well when Vegeta creates the artificial-moon or would Vegeta kill him before anyway?

What happens?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Vegeta would still have Nappa fight Goku, with the only difference being that Goku is slightly less angry when everyone except Chaozu can be brought back to life. Everything goes the same for the Saiyan battle, but the lack of necessity to go to Namek creates 2 scenarios:

1. The Z-Warriors don't go. Everyone is revived except for Chaozu, with Ten having to accept his death. Meanwhile, Vegeta heads to Namek and things go the same until the Ginyus arrive, at which point he dies. Freeza still isn't able to get his wish and after Saichoro dies, he destroys the planet before moving on, continuing his reign. #17 and #18 kill the Z-Warriors 3 years later other than Gohan. Without Trunks or an equivalent to him, Gohan is far more cautious in taking on the twins and waits for Bulma to develop the Time Machine. He trains Goku to unlock SSJ after travelling back in time and trains him to the level he can hold his own against Future Gohan. The Z-Warriors train intensely as in the main timeline though lacking the gains they got from Kaio's training and Namek, they don't manage to become as strong as in canon. Goku is just about able to match #19 and once the heart virus sets in and #19 absorbs his energy, Goku ends up dying. #19 and #20 then kill the rest of the Z-Warriors before Future Gohan can arrive and regardless of his gains, Gohan's caught unaware by their energy absorption and is killed. Gero conquers the world and forms the Red Ribbon Empire. 7 years later, Dabura kills him and wipes out the population after draining energy from every human. Either Boo is revived and rampages throughout the universe until he'd inevitably find Broly, or Boo can't be revived and Babidi continues wiping out civilisations with Dabura unless they come across Broly and cause him to become enraged. Either that, or Moro escapes at some point and eats everything.

2. The Z-Warriors go to Namek to revive Chaozu and for Piccolo to see his homeworld. With Piccolo there and receiving the potential unlock, they hold out slightly better against Reacoom before Goku arrives. Nail would've also talked to Piccolo when meeting him so after Nail is beaten by Freeza, he'd telepathically communicate with Piccolo to find him after which they fuse. Having far more time than in canon, Piccolo kills Freeza before he can transform into even his 2nd form. The group then return to Earth, with Chaozu still remaining dead. Trunks' timeline events then happen starting 4 years later and as for him going back in time, Trunks teaches Goku how to go SSJ before leaving. Things then go the same as in canon until the Cell Games, at which point the lack of Shunkan Ido would mean Cell kills everyone before his Super Perfect self moves on to other worlds and eventually becomes the strongest mortal in the universe via his Zenkais and Freeza's DNA.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Vegeta told Nappa to step-down and he'd fight Goku, IIRC.
That was only after Nappa showed he couldn't take down Goku. It's safe to say he'd still be fine letting Nappa take him on beforehand and things would go the same as in canon.

Fantastische Hure said:
Goku arrived after they died. I don't actually get it.
In Scenario 1, they'd be revived a year after the battle other than Chaozu. In Scenario 2, they'd remain dead for the same amount of time but Namek would still be required in an attempt to revive Chaozu, who may or may not be revived before Saichoro dies.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
But the reason Vegeta wanted Nappa to step-down was because the fight seemed like it would take forever to end.


May 30, 2015
I did not understand either.

  I think that if Nappa started watching Goku's fight against Vegeta, he might have intervened against Goku, but more likely, Vegeta would not have allowed it.

  Anyway, Nappa would have been a tremendous help to Vegeta, when he was very hurt and they would have probably killed the Z Warriors. Then Vegeta and Nappa travel to Namek, meet Frieza and have been killed.

  Freezer rules the Universe, until he meets Beerus or Broly or Moro. Maybe Universe 7 would be deleted by Zen'o.


Jun 19, 2015
Captain Cadaver probably didn't get the OP.
Nappa watches the fight along with Krillin and Gohan. When Vegeta resorts to Oozaru, he cuts off Nappa's tail before creating the moon, because his pride won't allow him to get any help. After that, two scenarios...

1. Nappa prevents the others from interfrering.
With no one to cut off Vegeta's tail, everybody is killed (even if Yadjirobe manages to catch Vegeta off guard without the others' help, Nappa is still there to help). Vegeta and Nappa go to Namek, where, one way or another, nobody gets the wishes. Freeza's empire continues.

2. Nappa is annoyed that Vegeta cut off his tail and betrays him.
The wounded Vegeta is defeated by the combined forces of Nappa and the others. Then he accompanies Gohan/Krillin to Namek. With Vegeta not being there, the trio has their potential unlocked earlier than in canon and I estimate that, by the time Ginyu Forces arrive, at least Nappa is strong enough to take them. Goku arrives during the battle. When Ginyu arrives, Ginyu Saga happens as in canon with Nappa playing Vegeta's role.
At Freeza Saga, Nappa isn't smart enough to come up with Vegeta's idea (Krillin wounding him, then Dende healing him) and, if he does, he ends up nowhere near as strong as Getes. By the time Goku has emerged from the healing chamber, Freeza has killed everyone, so Goku dies too, since nobody is there to distract Freeza for Goku to prepare the spirit bomb.
Supposing the others' deaths cause Goku to go SSJ right away, Goku defeats Freeza the same way as in canon, escapes to Yardrat and later returns to Earth. Soon after he has defeated Mecha Freeza/King Cold, Alternate Bulma appears and warns Goku about Androids. 3 years later, Goku fights Nineteen/Twenty alone and dies.
7 years later, Gero is majinized by Babidi and Buu awakens. No DBS.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Wouldn't Goku use the DragonBalls to revive everyone?

How can Boo awaken there wouldn't be near enough energy on earth, especially since #19 & #20 have probably made the world apocalyptic by that point and they are Androids and don't have Ki?


Jun 19, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Wouldn't Goku use the DragonBalls to revive everyone?

How can Boo awaken there wouldn't be near enough energy on earth, especially since #19 & #20 have probably made the world apocalyptic by that point and they are Androids and don't have Ki?

Piccolo would have been killed by Freeza. Dunno about Androids.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
withheldforprivacy said:
Captain Cadaver probably didn't get the OP.
Yeah, you're right. I was interpreting it as Nappa waiting until Goku arrives rather than just the 3 hours, but I get what the OP was now.

That said, Nappa goes Oozaru when Vegeta does, causing Goku to die before Yajirobe saves the day (even if he doesn't the Z-Warriors aren't succeeding in removing two Oozarus' tails). The two Saiyans then head to Namek when seeing they have nothing to gain from Earth, destroying it in the process. Without his Zenkai, Vegeta would have to be extra cautious in taking on Freeza's soldiers, with he and Nappa being even more secretive. Through Vegeta's planning, they'd manage to steal one Dragon Ball to ruin Freeza's plans, but eventually be found by either Dodoria or Zarbon. Nappa is killed and Vegeta is beaten up to be taken for questioning as in canon. He'd escape as he would and kill Dodoria through his Zenkai if he comes after him but being far weaker than in canon, he'd get beaten by Monster Zarbon and whilst being healed, would be placed under tight surveillance by Zarbon. Freeza would injure Vegeta just enough he can't move without it being fatal before keeping him prisoner for interrogation. Still, Vegeta wouldn't tell them where he hid the Dragon Balls and would eventually die from his condition after torturing for information. Even if Freeza somehow found the Dragon Balls, no Namekian would give him the password and his trip to Namek would still be a waste. He destroys the planet and continues his rule over the galaxy, unless he encounters Broly or Babidi.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
...or :bitch :bitch :bitch
With his bachelor pad on Earth destroyed, Lord :bitch would become bored of the mortal realm and go back to his home in the realm even Zen-Oh can't reach. :bitch :bitch :bitch


May 30, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Captain Cadaver said:
He destroys the planet and continues his rule over the galaxy, unless he encounters Broly or Babidi.
...or :bitch :bitch :bitch

And if you run into Kibito SSJ3?

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