Scenario: Remember when, in Pilaf Arc, Oolong wondered whether Goku was a space alien? So, what if, instead of panties, he had wished: 'I want to be genetically converted into whatever species Goku belongs to' and Shenron had turned him into a Saiyan?
My take...
Oolong becomes a handsome, human formed boy and sprouts a tail. His power level becomes equal to that of BODB Krillin.
He decides to follow Yamcha and Bulma back to the city, with the maiden drooling over both of them. Over the following year, Oolong and Yamcha spar while both trying to impress Bulma, the situation being a reverse harem ecchi anime.
At the 21st TB, thanks to their sparring, Yamcha has become as strong as 21st TB Krillin. Oolong is a little weaker than Namu.
Oolong take Bacterian's place in the quarter finals and defeats Krillin. In the semi finals, he is losing to Roshi, but he eventually wins thanks to the 'pants' trick. In the final, he somehow manages to grab Goku's tail (having a tail himself, he has figured out that weakness), so he wins the 21st TB.
Tired of Bulma not choosing between him and Yamcha, Oolong decides to become a student of Roshi's. Later, he takes Krillin's place in the cave adventure.
Over the following 3 years, Roshi reveals to Oolong that he's Jackie Chan and the two of them secretly spar together when the other two students of Roshi's (Yamcha and Krillin) are not around. As a result, Roshi becomes as strong as his young self and Oolong as strong as Mutaito.
At the 22nd TB, Oolong defeats Yamcha at the preliminaries and takes his place at the quarter finals. He defeats Tenshinhan, who leaves in rage, swearing to take revenge, without ever meeting Roshi or having a change of heart.
Determined to avenge his friend, Chaozu fights Krillin more ferociously than in canon and does not fall for the math trick, so he wins. At the semi finals, he loses to Goku, which causes the Crane Master to yell at him and renounce him. Having lost both his master (Crane Master) and his friend (Tenshinhan), Chaozu feels like the lost child that he truly is and leaves in depression. In the meantime, Roshi has withdrawn from the tournament.
Roshi and the Crane Master resolve their differences once and for all with a fight outside of the arena, while Goku and Oolong fight in the final, with Oolong winning.
At the KP Saga, Oolong takes Tenshinhan's place. When he has mastered the mafuba, he goes to confront Piccolo. The rice cooker has not broken, but, when Piccolo has been sealed successfully, Tenshinhan appears and destroys the cooker, in order to have his revenge on Oolong, also hoping that King Piccolo will reward him later.
Goku appears and kills Tenshinhan with a kick, the same way he killed Drum in canon. The Goku vs Piccolo fight goes as in canon, with Oolong playing Tenshinhan's canon role.
3 years later, Oolong (Unweighted Goku's PL) takes Tenshinhan's place in the 23rd TB. The rest of the tournament goes as expected.
Bulma has finally made up her mind and decides to be with Oolong.
What changes will the above beget in DBZ? Stay tuned.
My take...
Oolong becomes a handsome, human formed boy and sprouts a tail. His power level becomes equal to that of BODB Krillin.
He decides to follow Yamcha and Bulma back to the city, with the maiden drooling over both of them. Over the following year, Oolong and Yamcha spar while both trying to impress Bulma, the situation being a reverse harem ecchi anime.
At the 21st TB, thanks to their sparring, Yamcha has become as strong as 21st TB Krillin. Oolong is a little weaker than Namu.
Oolong take Bacterian's place in the quarter finals and defeats Krillin. In the semi finals, he is losing to Roshi, but he eventually wins thanks to the 'pants' trick. In the final, he somehow manages to grab Goku's tail (having a tail himself, he has figured out that weakness), so he wins the 21st TB.
Tired of Bulma not choosing between him and Yamcha, Oolong decides to become a student of Roshi's. Later, he takes Krillin's place in the cave adventure.
Over the following 3 years, Roshi reveals to Oolong that he's Jackie Chan and the two of them secretly spar together when the other two students of Roshi's (Yamcha and Krillin) are not around. As a result, Roshi becomes as strong as his young self and Oolong as strong as Mutaito.
At the 22nd TB, Oolong defeats Yamcha at the preliminaries and takes his place at the quarter finals. He defeats Tenshinhan, who leaves in rage, swearing to take revenge, without ever meeting Roshi or having a change of heart.
Determined to avenge his friend, Chaozu fights Krillin more ferociously than in canon and does not fall for the math trick, so he wins. At the semi finals, he loses to Goku, which causes the Crane Master to yell at him and renounce him. Having lost both his master (Crane Master) and his friend (Tenshinhan), Chaozu feels like the lost child that he truly is and leaves in depression. In the meantime, Roshi has withdrawn from the tournament.
Roshi and the Crane Master resolve their differences once and for all with a fight outside of the arena, while Goku and Oolong fight in the final, with Oolong winning.
At the KP Saga, Oolong takes Tenshinhan's place. When he has mastered the mafuba, he goes to confront Piccolo. The rice cooker has not broken, but, when Piccolo has been sealed successfully, Tenshinhan appears and destroys the cooker, in order to have his revenge on Oolong, also hoping that King Piccolo will reward him later.
Goku appears and kills Tenshinhan with a kick, the same way he killed Drum in canon. The Goku vs Piccolo fight goes as in canon, with Oolong playing Tenshinhan's canon role.
3 years later, Oolong (Unweighted Goku's PL) takes Tenshinhan's place in the 23rd TB. The rest of the tournament goes as expected.
Bulma has finally made up her mind and decides to be with Oolong.
What changes will the above beget in DBZ? Stay tuned.