1. Weakened Vegeta should be closer to Enraged Gohan (without massenko boost).
2. Krillin removing his weighted clothes shouldn't power him up that much. He was only wearing a weighted shirt,
unlike Goku, who was also wearing wristbands and boots.
3. I'd put Tenshinhan (Kai's planet) at 80k, since each of his clones was equal to Jeice/Burter, unless you don't
consider that fight canon.
4. I think Android Arc Trunks is implied to be closer to the other two Super Saiyans than he is to Piccolo.
5. Too big a gap between Ginger Cell/Weighted Kamiccolo i think.
6. Too big a gap between SSJG3 Trunks/Buffed Perfect Cell.
7. Future Cell<Humans Cell, because Cell absorbed more people than he needed.
8. Olibu, Base Goku and Weighted Pikkon are all at the same tier.
9. Too big gap between SSJ Goku/FP Pikkon.
10. I theorize Super Kaioken has a smaller multiplier than Kaioken, otherwise Goku would've knocked out Pikkon
with that fist.
11. I have Dabura slightly weaker than the Gohan he fought (either he was SSJ or SSJ2), because Gohan broke
his blade during their arm struggle.
12. Shouldn't Base Vegetto be close to Buuhan? (since you seemingly go with the anime)
13. I think Ubb being lower than his Kid Buu self makes more sense than ''Goku became 1000x stronger by training'',
unless you go with Super.