Six Trails said:
You damn-well know that's a super generic and common line that every character uses at some point in the series. Krillin considered the Ginyus an "unreachable plateau" only to surpass them a few hours later. Not to mention, that's not even what Piccolo says. All he says is "Frankly, I don't think anyone can beat him."
Kuririn was implied to have surpassed them though. Piccolo wasn't. You know, statements are true until contradicted.
Because Vegeta can somehow calculate what Piccolo's GAINZ would even be...
As much as Goku could calculate how strong a fusion between Goten and Trunks will be...
As did Vegeta and Trunks... did they not surpass Goku in their 2nd RoSaT trips?
They were shown to as Vegeta shows confidence on his odds against Cell. Piccolo isn't, he knows he is trash from the get go.
was useless against Cell.
Besides, I don't buy into the logic of everyone believing 50% is Goku's full powa. He'd have no reason to show all of his power right off the bat.
You're right. I was somehow thinking that because Goku could fight he could win, lol.
But either way, Goku is still held in a higher regard than Piccolo. Piccolo flat out says he can't do jack against Cell, what is much worse than probably not being able to win.
I don't see how they could possibly know Goku had more power. They were in complete awestruck when Goku powered up to 100% against Cell.
I think you're missing the point. The Cell Kid had the whole fight to knock Piccolo down to the ground like the other ones did to Goku and the Earthlings, so why did Piccolo's Cell Junior go easy on him and not knock him down if it had enough of a power advantage? You keep saying "oh it's just playing around" but by your logic only Piccolo's is playing nice.
You're misremembering the fight. Every Cell Jr had the whole fight to knock any of their foes down, but only Kuririn was on the ground from the start, everyone else was on their feet getting pummeled. It wasn't until Cell told the Jrs to get serious that Yamcha, Tenshinhan and Goku were put down in seconds.
You're only saying it's a possibility to support your argument, it's not actually based on anything. If Piccolo is shown standing in every panel and on the cover of the chapter then there's no reason to assume he was ever not standing. Saying he got a more playful Cell Kid is just a poor argument too. If Piccolo was supposed to be perceived as weak then he'd be on the ground like Goku and the Earthlings.
Well yeah, obviously Goku was weakened by his fight with Cell. Nobody ever denied that. The point is he was weakened enough that he's a lot weaker than even Piccolo, and the gap between Goku and Piccolo is seemingly even bigger than the one between Trunks and Piccolo.
I'm not saying Piccolo might have been down to support my argument, that
is the argument. I mean, wouldn't that Piccolo is holding his own be a speculation too? We are not shown anything to prove that. It's as conjecture as Piccolo falling and them picking himself up. All we know for a fact is that Piccolo is still in better shape than the earthlings and a worn out Goku by the end of the fight. Other than that is conjecture.
Why would the gap between Goku and Piccolo be bigger than the one between Piccolo and Trunks? All shown is that Piccolo is stronger than Goku, we don't know by how much.
I wouldn't say the Jr holding back more vs Piccolo is a poor argument. Not all Jrs are the same, one can be more willing to play than another. You see, Base Vegeta could stand against Pure Boo longer than SSJ2 Vegeta. You can say Pure Boo decided to be "nicer" to Vegeta on their 2nd round. If the same being can change his mind about how to threat a foe between battles, why can't two different beings (Piccolo's Jr and e.g. Goku's Jr) think differently about that?
Captain Cadaver said:
Cell would've weakened by a similar amount as Goku after regenerating, considering his advantage wasn't too great and even needed his Energy Field to counter Goku's volley. Whilst Namekian regeneration is known to take a toll on the user's Ki, it seems to be quite a stretch to assume it took up that much power.
The others scenarios we've seen are about regenerating a lost limb though. Cell here is regenerating half of his body, including several organs like lungs, heart, brain, etc. Definitely harder to regenerate than an arm.
Assuming Goku already used up so much Ki prior to using the Kamehameha wouldn't work either. Not only would that go against the point of MSSJ removing stamina problems and the fight not seeming to have been taxing on either side prior, but Gohan seemed assured to the end that Goku was holding back. I doubt he'd hold that sentiment if his father was far from peak condition before using an amplified attack.
Typo. With that i meant right after he used the Kamehameha... Sorry for the typo.
That's debatable, considering timeframes aren't consistent when coming to panel-by-panel timeframes. Regardless, Piccolo's performance still appears to be closer to that of Vegeta/Trunks than to the rest of the group.
It all seemed really fast, if you ask me. Just a quick monologue from 16. Definitely looks like less time than stomps like Vegeta vs Recoome, where Vegeta was still standing and Recoome looked as bad as Vegeta despite being way stronger.
Saiyan Paladin said:
Piccolo watched the whole fight with Trunks and Vegeta against Cell, then he senses ~50% CG Goku (who claims he can't beat Cell) and still thinks a trip to the RoSaT will be beneficial.
He thinks it's worth the shot. It's better than nothing. He didn't think Gotenks could match Boo after training in the Rosat, yet he send him there anyway.
Trunks is shocked to hear Goku say Piccolo would be useless,
Because Goku had a smile on his face while saying "Duh". Even if Piccolo asked him to be blunt, that was very rude, what's not normal from the Goku Trunks knows.
and Piccolo is able to stand his ground against a Cell Junior.
Vegeta could stand on his ground as he was being stomped by Pure Boo.