I know. I was just saying the reasoning is absolutely stupid since it's pretty much saying Champa felt confident that guys who are barely above base pre-God Goku would hold their own in a tournament where Hit (who's SSJG tier even in the manga) was participating, and knowing his opponents have been trained by Whis. It's dumb and just tries to dodge circles around the fact that Goku doesn't transform against Hit initially to save stamina, yet Vegeta does so against Frost and the robot and even struggles against the latter when he could just use god powers in base and finish him off instantly. Yeah right.
And above all, if they want to emphasize that kind of a difference, why wouldn't there be a statement denoting that at all? Or a statement saying Goku's base was much lower against Botamo, Frost and such compared to when he fought Freeza?
All BS imo.