Void said:
Kyo said:
Void said:
Yeah, you would have to put Goku well above CG Gohan to make pre-Majin Vegeta >= work, and I don't think that's implied at all.
Why? And why would being >= as opposed to <= even make that big of a difference in this regard anyway? If anything is gonna prevent you from believing >= instead of <= it’s not this. >= versus <<, maybe.
I dont think Vegeta would've resolved himself if it was something like;
SS2 Goku - 110-115
pre-Majin Vegeta - 105
CG Gohan - 100
I would have to bump up Goku and I don't think a difference that big is implied.
Two things:
1- I think he would have, because Goku still beats him. I still think the gap is bigger than that, but yeah.
2- I believe the question here would be, what implies a smaller difference? Piccolo? I just don't think that line means what everyone thinks it means. People are unsure about definitive gaps all the time, e.g. Krillin on Vegeta/Zarbon, and we had already gotten a definitive Goku vs Kid Gohan statement previously anyway. Piccolo's statement when taken so literally would suggest like a 3% difference anyway. In general when you're far away from a particular plane of power you don't realize much of the differences between people in that plane, and Piccolo even has the disadvantage of not having Kid Gohan in front of him to compare. It could be "perhaps he's stronger, it's been 7 years since I last saw"...it's not as though he'd have the exact power level committed to memory.
I wouldn't personally have Vegeta stronger though, I'd have him equal, although I think that having him marginally higher for the hell of it doesn't necessarily pose any real issues if you felt like putting more stock in all his confidence during this arc. I would rather have Vegeta equal to Gohan than weaker though to stay in-line with his assumed superiority better, which doesn't contradict Piccolo's line unless I choose to view it in such a way.