Rate the last Anime/Manga you finished out of 10


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Chi no Wadachi: 7.5/10

Still ongoing but that's referencing the first 92 chapters. Wolf was right about the first ~70 chapters being terrific. The last 22 chapters seemed to lose some of the psychological appeal that it had going, and almost tried to force itself to be psychological to the point of being unnatural. The twists and turns in the first 70 chapters ensured that there was constant tension in the story and made nearly every panel of the manga interesting. I definitely lost that feel after that.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (OVA series) - 5/10

This series shows that Araki's strength isn't really in oneshot anthologies. All the episodes not only have little goal beyond making a 20 minute horror story, but a lot of it is hindered by Rohan being no more than a passive observer in half of them and very few questions being answered by the end of each one, not to mention some laughable rationale for the characters in the Mutsu-kabe Hill episode. Beyond offering some slight food for thought on what can classify as a Stand, the only reason to view this is to get an idea of how Part 8's art style will probably be adapted when animated.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenpuu Denki Berserk - 8.5/10

By far the best adaption of Berserk into a medium other than the manga. Even though it obviously omits some plot points (eg. :donovan ) and some subtle moments of characterisation, it still overall succeeds in performing most of the core plot beats and character moments of the Golden Age masterfully. The only major flaw is the ending being a huge cliffhanger confusing to anyone who hadn't read the manga, though at least the circular nature of its plot and how that ties into the story's focus and exploration of destiny give it some sense of completeness, not to mention Skull Knight may have seemed like too much of a deus ex machina for the anime if not going past the Golden Age and become even more of a "read the manga" middle finger of an ending. Unfortunately, that means this version is the closest we have and probably will to Berserk feeling like a complete story :cry.
The art, whilst nowhere near Miura's level of detail, was still very good in its own right and the wonderfully painted stills certainly make up for the limited animation. Also, Susumu Hirasawa's soundtrack is one of the best in all anime.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Kenpuu Denki Berserk - 8.5/10

By far the best adaption of Berserk into a medium other than the manga. Even though it obviously omits some plot points (eg. :donovan ) and some subtle moments of characterisation, it still overall succeeds in performing most of the core plot beats and character moments of the Golden Age masterfully. The only major flaw is the ending being a huge cliffhanger confusing to anyone who hadn't read the manga, though at least the circular nature of its plot and how that ties into the story's focus and exploration of destiny give it some sense of completeness, not to mention Skull Knight may have seemed like too much of a deus ex machina for the anime if not going past the Golden Age and become even more of a "read the manga" middle finger of an ending. Unfortunately, that means this version is the closest we have and probably will to Berserk feeling like a complete story :cry.
The art, whilst nowhere near Miura's level of detail, was still very good in its own right and the wonderfully painted stills certainly make up for the limited animation. Also, Susumu Hirasawa's soundtrack is one of the best in alI anime.
I need to rewatch this anime soon. I'm taking off a point for omitting my avatar's awesome glory from the plot, though :donovan2


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
It's a shame that and Wyald were omitted. Otherwise it's fantastic.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
They omitted Silat too. Idk why they couldn't have just extended it to 30 episodes rather than 25 and covered the GA arc perfectly. I mean the same studio did like 800 episodes of Pokemon lmao

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Berserk: The Prototype - 5/10

Not much to say about a prototype pilot chapter. Even though you can see some glimpses of the vision Miura would have for the series, you can also tell how unrefined the concept was in its early stages with Guts being characterised as a generic anti-hero and the execution of the revenge premise being way too standard. It certainly makes one appreciate the version of him we got in the Black Swordsman Arc a lot more.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Dorohedoro S1: 8/10

One of the rare times I’ve encountered an anime that was at least on par with the manga. Hopefully S2 is in the works.


Zeta Elite
Global Moderator
May 30, 2015
Vinland Saga: 6.5/10

I'm three chapters away from being current, but I feel comfortable enough to rate it. Thorfinn's character development has been fantastic, but I feel that his character took a dive after the most recent time skip. His incredible naivety about not having weapons in Vinland makes no sense to me. Even his father would carry around a sword, only throwing it when he realized he was done. The introduction of a big burly tranny — while unintentionally hilarious by highlighting the absurdity of calling him a woman — was unnecessary.

The highlight of the series was undoubtedly the prologue and specifically the end of the prologue. I enjoy the farm arc but it doesn't compare.
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Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Blade of the Immortal: 7.25/10

Finished it a while ago and forgot to rate it. Overall it was an excellent manga. I really liked that between the 3 main factions, nobody was truly good or evil. Every group was well fleshed out and it was hard to pick a side to root for (aside from maybe Habaki Kagimura due to the atrocities he committed). If the prison arc had better pacing and felt more worthwhile I'd probably raise the rating a bit. My other gripe is that beyond Manji's backstory in the prologue, it feels like we didn't learn all that much about him. He definitely had development in the story but it felt like the least out of the main characters. Another plus is that the ending still managed to shock me even though it had been set up since the beginning of the manga.

I'd definitely like to read this one again in the future.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Berserk - 8/10

Even though the series never reached the same level of consistently perfect quality as the Golden Age after it and some characters such as Puck gradually fell in how well they were handled, the manga still contains some of the best character writing in any medium with the likes of Guts and Griffith in particular as well as very detailed aspects on its world building, great theme exploration on a variety of topics such as depression, revenge, belonging, trauma, etc. all brought together by some of the best art to ever grace the medium. The reaction to Miura's death is quite telling in how much of a titan this series was and the investment that can be held within it, one that may never reach its true potential now. Still, what Miura was able to produce in his lifetime was a mostly great series.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Koroshiya 1: 4/10

This was undoubtedly the most fucked up manga I've read. Unfortunately that was about the only thing going for it. The overall plot was fairly entertaining and the pacing felt good for a 10 volume manga. Where it really lacked was having characters with any sort of depth or growth. Every character remained the same from chapter 1 to chapter 114 which was unfortunate. The story telling was also pretty incoherent at times with how flashbacks were laced into events, making you question what was even going on. Still, for the unpredictability and wtf moments, I don't regret reading this one.


Jan 27, 2016
Prison School (anime) 69/10

The vice-president had large breasts and was very sweaty. Andre's face is small.

Would recommend.



Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
JoJo part 4: 5/10

Definitely some pros and cons in this part. It probably had the best cast of characters overall, though I never really cared about the villain. The episodic nature made the pacing feel very slow at times, and it was hard to understand the direction of the manga over the first half or so.


High Class Warrior
Oct 26, 2015
Just finished rereading Naruto. 7/10 the war arc felt like it would never end. Need something else to read now.
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Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
One Piece: Strong World: 3/10

This was just bad. The first 10-20 mins felt like a huge waste of time watching random animals chase Luffy around. Shiki was introduced as a legend who was one of the top pirates from Roger's era, yet the first time we see him he's dancing and acting like a complete faggot. Who the fuck allowed that to happen? To cap it off, we see him easily destroy the SHC simultaneously, and yet somehow through resolve, Luffy ends up beating him with Gear 3. Pre-skip G3 Luffy > Yonko level.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Hunter x Hunter: Greed Island & G.I. Final OVAs: 5/10

Not much to say other than that the animation was pretty bad compared to the previous OVA due to the awkward transition to digital and directorial choices changing left and right between each installment. It's a pretty faithful adaptation of the GI arc in the manga to the letter other than cutting out gay ass monologues of Genthru's and of those Hunter Exam fodders and so on. The opening choices were mundane compared to those of the main 1999 series and the Yorkshin arc OVAs, but at least the peaceful tone of the G.I. Final OVA opening suits the tone of the ending where Ging Kite is reached through Accompany while they pass by important people in their lives, pretty well. Gonna rewatch the Chimera Ant 2011 anime arc now.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Sekine's Love (romance): 8/10. Enjoyed it. It shows things from a few perspectives, it was a nice slow burn, the misunderstandings felt realistic and the MC was unique (he's bit weird though). Not read much of the genre, but I'd guess it's above average. Another weird thing is that the guy is way too popular, like almost everyone is head-over-heels for him.

Kodomo no Kamisama: 5.5/10. It's one chapter -three young boys are friends with a young girl, but two of them suddenly can't see her anymore and don't remember her, because she's only visible to children and they're getting older. The remaining boy strives to never forget her and falls in love with her. Will she disappear? Not bad for a one-shot, I'd say two themes are not parting on bad terms and how people have interests or ambitions, but can't remember why they have that interest, even though the reason is something that was previously extremely important to them.

I Hear the Sunspot/Hidamari ga Kikoeru: 7/10. Warning, literally gay by the end. Two boys are friends, one of whom is partially deaf and it's getting worse, which stresses him out and some of his classmates are kinda idiots. From the humour you can tell it's for a teenage audience.

I'm reading quite a few, doing the 2022 manga-reading challenge on MAL where you try to fill in lines of a bingo card, with a particular manga criteria (genre, character with glasses or whatever) being paired to each number.

Kaiji (anime): 6.5/10 Finished S1 after a few years off and then S2. Characters are ugly asf - gotta get that out the way. S2's ending video should be blasted into Proxima Centauri.
Kaiji is similar to Liar Game in some ways, but different in others. Liar Game has games more exclusively based on mathematical and psychological logic, whereas the games in Kaiji are much more about luck - Liar Game is a faux-gambling manga, whereas Kaiji is really about gambling, but with people cheating to turn the game in their favour. In LG the characters make use of the game and competitors themselves in order to win, whereas in Kaiji, the namesake character often uses some kind of external tools to try to win the game (to be clear though, he often loses. I originally stopped watching because I got sick of how often him and the others lost). In Kaiji the opponent is the game-master themselves, whereas in Liar Game it's the other competitors (at least in the first few games). In Kaiji the games are far less complex and as such the characters don't get to show the same degree of intelligence, plus the game-masters that Kaiji competes against have usually pre-rigged the games and rely more on that than on fluid intelligence. In Liar Game the games are a more level playing field. In Kaiji, the games are designed for the competitors to fail (and they can literally all fail), which is for the entertainment of the millionaires, whereas in Liar Game there is always at least one winner - the games being less complex makes sense when you consider that the millionaires mostly just want to see suffering and get free labour and that they really look down on the players (who are all poor people trying to pay off debts), whereas in Liar Game the players weren't in debt prior to entering the Liar Game so it's possible they don't look down on their intelligence as much. Personally I much prefer the games of Liar Game, but they both have their strengths, depending on what you're looking for.

I mentioned maths earlier, and I did notice that Kaiji seems to have a common mathematical error in S2 (gambler's fallacy).

Kaiji has rising up as an underdog as a major theme: against millionaires and, as previously mentioned, people who are rigging games in their favour. Class war is a theme that's incredibly rare in anime, as are stories about working/lower class adults, so I think that makes Kaiji unique, as much as the gambling theme does. Kaiji and company being realistic, adult guys and facing realistic destitution gave more weight to a lot of the perils that they face, compared to watching characters in a fantasy, school or historical setting. The voice acting and animation in the moments of severe desperation added some weight too (a big one is the image warping when Kaiji is on the brink of failure, which conveys well the feeling of sickness and vertigo people sometimes experience in dire situations).
Kaiji is a story of a man who never gives up and finds a way to use the smallest of opportunities. A man who has life slam doors on him repeatedly, but he always looks for a new one and always manages to retain his good heart, even when surrounded by evil. Often times he gets extremely lucky (like just happening to run into someone who has a master plan to share with him), but even this luck only tends to give him opportunities so small that most people wouldn't even see them, let alone be able to turn it into a victory. So the luck is annoying, but it doesn't take away Kaiji's story of incredible perseverance. This perseverance is another thing that makes his moments of despair more impactful, as I really didn't want to see him fall back the mountain he'd tried so hard to claw his way up. And with the animation and repeated failures (to the point where it got tiresome and dragged on a bit), you really have a good sense of how much he's struggled for every foothold. And there are other characters who spend years setting up plans, only to fail.

Kaiji isn't perfect, but it's a noteworthy anime and it's possible it will stick with me more than some series I initially liked more. I'd like to see another season, but it's already been 11 and 15 years since the previous two.
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