Rate the last Anime/Manga you finished out of 10

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Since there's no a thread to rate about movies and I think it's useless to make a thread about it, I'll just rate a movie in this thread instead.

Urusei Yatsura Movie 5: The Final Chapter

The movie seems to be divided into two story and put into a movie together. Both are enjoyable and fun with a lot of humor into it. The first story was great IMO. Lum being kidnapped by that Rupa dude because of Lum's great grandfather made a promised to Rupa's great grandfather that he would give his daughter (even though he doesn't have a daughter but Rupa's great grandfather then just took his great granddaughter as a bride anyway) therefore Lum was forced to marry Rupa forcing Ataru to rescue Lum.

The second story where it started a confusion. It just feel so unwanted to me. Ataru is just too hotheaded to admit or even say that he loves Lum and get over it. He's a pervert and a shameless punk kid after all and he can't even say those three words? The fact that the Earth's fate is on the line still wasn't enough for Ataru to just say it.


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fearless Instinct said:
Since there's no a thread to rate about movies and I think it's useless to make a thread about it, I'll just rate a movie in this thread instead.
There is, for live action movies: http://www.dbzeta.net/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=659

Anime movies stay in this thread though since it'd be pointless to make a separate thread for them, hence why I rated Char's Counterattack in this thread.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Fearless Instinct said:
Since there's no a thread to rate about movies and I think it's useless to make a thread about it, I'll just rate a movie in this thread instead.
There is, for live action movies: http://www.dbzeta.net/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=659

Anime movies stay in this thread though since it'd be pointless to make a separate thread for them, hence why I rated Char's Counterattack in this thread.
Yeah, I was talking about anime movies. :ladd

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Urusei Yatsura: 9/10

Extremely entertaining with great characters to interact with. I would give it 10/10 if they're consistent with Ataru and Lum relationship. Other than that, the show is almost perfect for me.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Bio-Booster Armour Guyver - 5/10

Plot is pretty standard and predictable for the most part, though it's cool action and transformation scenes as well as the designs of the Guyver and Zoanoids allow it to stand out as an OK dark superhero show that has at least more of a concise and likeable plot than most other gore OVAs.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Saint Seiya: Next Dimension (up to Volume 8 ) - 3.5/10

The plot is fairly poor, with time travel screwing up the continuity and it being apparent who will live and die from the start, but what it adds to the lore of the series makes it worth reading. Not as good in it's own right as a prequel as The Lost Canvas is (which was already a generic Shonen) other than in art, but is otherwise a worthwhile read to anyone who cares about the series, plus it's at least sincere in what it is unlike most other series utilising time travel.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Ashita no Joe (Riikishi saga) - 10/10.

The Riikishi saga of Ashita no Joe, is fantastic. It's a well crafted and serious story, that follows the development of Joe. It features the amazing rivalry between Rikiishi and Joe as well, and it features an unforgettable conclusion. It's kinda hard to talk about it, I'm just beating it off as I talk about it because I don't find anything wrong with it.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
JJo Part 1: Phantom Blood: 4/10

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Eureka Seven

I remember seeing this on the Adult Swim anime line up back in the day, but never really considered watching it. I finally gave it a chance after it was on my watchlist for a while and...wow...I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did!!! It was so much to fun watch. I loved almost everything it.

- The Theme: Coming of Age, Acceptance, and Love. A teenage boy who lives an insipid life in the shadow of his top mechanic grandfather and revered hero father and is rather immature, throwing a tantrum over believing the girl he likes possibly friendzoning him, but grows into a great mechanic in his own right, and becoming arguably a greater hero than this father or of the same caliber. Humans and Coralians being able to live in sync and love conquers all with a Human and Coralian falling in love and accepting each other, flaws and all and being given a mission to be an example to show the two can live in harmony since their love led o peace.

- The Characters - Renton was a little annoying with his childishness in the beginning, but I liked seeing him mature into a young adult at the end, Eureka being an alien essentially was a blank slate, but began to act more human, emote more, and became an absolute cinnamon roll. I thought the Gekkostate Crew minus Eureka were kind of douches (Especially Holland, he was King Douche), but in the second half, I warmed up to everyone when they started treated Renton better and accepted him as one of their own. I thought the antagonist (barring Dewey) were sympathetic and likeable and was glad to see that they got a happy ending for themselves.

- The Romance: I'm romantic trash, I loved seeing the like 4-6 romantic relationships the show had grow and seeing the main 3 actually overcome their hardships and earn the happy ending they deserved.

- The Plot: Despite being a Mech anime, I felt it was more about Renton's Coming-Of-Age Tale in addition to his budding romance with Eureka, both of which I heavily enjoyed. I already mentioned Renton, but I loved seeing his and Eureka's relationship grow from one-sided love from Eureka not understanding the concept of love, into slowing realizing how she feels from simple feelings, than realizing completely that she loves him after talking to people about it and missing him after he leaves the crew. I felt like the relationship had problems after it became an actual relationship, but I loved it and loved seeing they had a happy ending in the end. Definitely one of my favorite anime couples.

- The music: The soundtrack is nice, what I love most was the first OP Song "Days" by FLOW....that song is funky, like dance level funky, I've actually been dancing to that song on replay while I write this!!

Overall: 9/10, I'd give it a higher rank, but while I loved Renton and Eureka's relationship, I felt it was a tad bit forced when they actually began a relationship halfway through. That was a little overboard....


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Ashita no Joe (full) - 10/10.

It's fucking perfect. While initially I was expecting the story to drop in quality after Rikiishi, it caught me by surprise, and continued amazingly. I do want to talk about the ending, which was really the best way to end the story. There was a ton of fucking build up. It shows the complete beast Joe had become, and proves that Joe was scaring his opponents before Hunter x Hunter even dreamed of doing it. But not only that it completes the themes of how dangerous boxing is, and how it can just as easily it can consume a man whole.

Onto Rose of Versailles.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Onto Rose of Versailles.
Anime or Manga? I'd recommend going with the anime for this one, given it's more tonally consistent with it's art (ie. not altering itself at times for comedic effect) and the anime is a complete adaption beyond a few irrelevant scenes. Animation's also pretty good for a 70s anime and the direction's great, being directed by the same man as Ashita no Joe's anime.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Onto Rose of Versailles.
Anime or Manga? I'd recommend going with the anime for this one, given it's more tonally consistent with it's art (ie. not altering itself at times for comedic effect) and the anime is a complete adaption beyond a few irrelevant scenes. Animation's also pretty good for a 70s anime and the direction's great, being directed by the same man as Ashita no Joe's anime.

I can't find any place to read the manga, so I'll try my luck with finding the anime.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Mangafox and Kissmanga have the manga, though the former can have poor loading times and the latter bombards you with ads and prevents adblock. Kissanime has the anime and the same problem as it's manga counterpart, but I'd say it's worth it.

If you have an Xbox One or Windows 10 on the PC/Laptop, you could also download Anime Tube Unlimited, which is basically Kissanime without the ads ruining things.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Anime Slam Dunk: 10/10

The series is absolutely perfect for me and it doesn't make me bore at all. It's humour is on the top, characters are extremely entertaining and never fail to make me laugh. The fact that it only took me a week to finish it makes it damn good.

Manga Slam Dunk: 9/10

While theres no difference between the anime and the manga but still Sakuragi's being injured made me sad. The series is worthy of a comeback IMO.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Turn A Gundam - 6/10

Had an amazing premise that could have been a true deconstruction of the franchise and a great twist of inter-connectivity had it been utilised properly through it not being advertised as a Gundam work at first and having the Dark History twist carry more weight. Comparing it to a Gundam series of comparable length, Zeta Gundam, will be a useful example to evaluate it. Much like Zeta, it's mid-point is essentially running in circles. The main difference is that rather than having a great finale, the ending of Turn A was pretty bland and lacked anywhere near the sense of loss as Zeta. Character-wise, most of the characters developed in a far more mature and realistic manner than most U.C. characters, but lacked the charisma and distinctive personalities previous series had. Only the character arc of Dianna and Kihel, as well as those of Teteth, Joseph and Sochie, were that engaging. Nevertheless, the mature manner it was handled and the decent world building of the early episodes has it rank as above average, though still not as good as any of the U.C. series belonging to the good category (though still better than the trainwrecks that make up the remainder of the Alternate Universe series).

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Noragami S1: 8.5 - I thought it was fun and can't wait to start S2

Clannad - 7/10: I made a 2018 Resolution to watch more anime and I gave this a shot and while it has a few good laughs, I don't think SoL is my thing.

Say I Love You - 5/10 - The lead guy seems kind of creepy to me, even though I know he's a good guy for all intents and purposes. I actually fell asleep while watching this series.

Currently watching Awakara Under the Bridge - I dozed off watching earlier, but I wasn't asleep. So far it's....pretty zany, but I'm mostly waiting for the meme to come along.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Kimagure Orange Road (Anime): 6/10

Good romance but they keep making Madoka even stronger/badass than she is in the manga which makes Kyosuke like a wimp despite of his power. Hikaru is just an annoying little girl and her design should've been more mature lol. They left some secondary characters such as Kyosuke's childhood friend and Sayuri who uses men b y her charm. The conclusion of the movie was somewhat depressing with Kyosuke breaking up with Hikaru and too much drama.

Kimagure Orange Road (Manga): 8/10

Madoka is portrayed a normal human with somewhat athletic so that's a plus point and Kyosuke was at least a badass better than his anime version. The conclusion was better than the anime too with replaying the first interaction between Kyosuke and Madoka with that red hat. Overall it's entertaining.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Noragami S2 - 8.5 - 9/10

I enjoyed it as much, if not a little more than I did S1. I was on the edge of my seat during the two story arcs and actually hit my bed a few times when an episode ended. After watching the final scene I need Season 3 PRONTO!!! I was a bit disappointed in one regard....I'm romantic shipping trash (pathetic I know I am), I was a little sad that there wasn't as much Yato/Hiyori ship tease as S1 or interaction between the two that counts as ship tease.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I didn't know there are Slam Dunk movies as well. :ladd

Slam Dunk Movie 1: 6.5/10

The movie shows more about Sakuragi's past and his former colleague being a dick for no reason other than Sakuragi's view on basketball. Fuck him. But I don't think there movie entertaining like the anime or manga and that's probably because of me getting used to more comedy than the actual story. :ladd

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