Rate the last Anime/Manga you finished out of 10

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Slam Dunk Movie 2 Shohoku Vs Tsubuku: 8/10

Sakuragi managed to tie the record of rebound per match but failed to break it and turned out to be foul. :ladd

Anyway, it's just an ordinary match with Sakuragi focusing more on his rebound skills than trying to score like his anime version.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Slam Dunk Movie 3 Shohoku Vs Ryofuku: 7/10

That Michael dude is nothing but Sendo's rip off. Anyway, the animation is great and smooth and the match was great despite having a less stake. Sakuragi managed to dunked at the end but it wasn't count due to the match being over lol. :ladd

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Monster (Anime) - 8/10

Already gave an extensive review of my thoughts on the series here: http://www.dbzeta.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=786&p=306389&hilit

Comparing the anime, it's basically a 100% faithful adaption, with the constant use of flashbacks of old footage in the early episode being the only thing that would have it rank below the manga. Everything else is done just as well as in manga form.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
S1 My Hero Academia - 8/10

I can see why it's well liked, I look forward to watching S2 and hope I can catch up before S3 ends

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Kamisama Kiss - 8/10

Ore no Onee-Chan recommended this to me and I thought it was fun, something I could definitely watch again after I finish S2, but I want to watch a couple of other series first. So far out of the anime I've seen this summer, I'd say Kamisama Kiss is in 4th place.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
For fucks sake. I just typed out a concise enough review on my phone and it got deleted. 6.5-7/10. Would be 1 point higher but everything about Lars battle at the end did not sit right with me. Watching JoJo and Caesar develop together really hooked me, as part 1 felt completely devoid of that.

Sorry man, I had more written before but can't remember.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Tokyo Ghoul (Season 1) - 6/10. I don't see the hype behind it, it has 10+Million hits on KissAnime, so I'm expecting a good anime and what I got was rather disappointing. Maybe it gets better in later seasons, but while the premise and characters are interesting and likeable, I'm just not hooked on it. Though I will get later seasons a chance to be fair.

Your Lie In April - 7.5/10 - A fairly good drama anime. I felt the MC was sorta realistic suffering from believable trauma and goes on a believable journey to get back to way he once was before his mother's death. The animation is pretty good, the cast is likeable, the drama is a bit forced and unneeded at times, but ultimately had me on the edge of my seat. I'm not going to lie, I'm not an emotional person, but I was actually crying while watching this anime.

Golden Time - 7/10 - Another drama anime that I thought was fun, I had a lot of good laughs, although I felt the drama was REALLY unnecessary/forced/downright confusing at times. Would I watch this anime again? Probably

East of Eden - 5.5 or 6/10 - The best case of "Wasted Potential" that I can think of. This anime had a darn sure interesting premise that could've made for a SPECTACULAR mystery/suspense anime with an interesting lead and I guess love interest? I don't know if I can call it that since while it is obvious that's how it's intended to be, I felt they didn't have any romantic moments aside from one kiss that came from absolutely NOWHERE and went nowhere, the cast is fairly interesting, but it feels all over the place and gives more questions than it can answer. I've heard that there are two or three movies, but they don't do much for the problems the main series had. If it was longer than 11 episodes than something could've been done but this anime is probably the 2nd worst I've seen all summer.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Battle Angel Alita - 6/10

An enjoyable read. The art was pretty damn good as well. However, the story felt disjointed. Makaku is probably the best example, his story in no way shape or form relates to the story with Yugo, and when I first read to that point I was confused by the bizarre break neck tone shift from dark and serious to happy and jokey. It's pretty much the norm for the entire story. There's also pretty much only one story arc, which belongs to Alita, it's not a bad thing, but it is worth mentioning. But besides that it has some of the best antagonists I've seen, Makaku, Jashugan, Zapan, and Den were fucking amazing. Zapan's my favourite out of the bunch.

The ending was cut shot, and was very disappointing. I'll do my review for Alita Last Order, later. But for now I'll say it's an 8/10 in my book.


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
One Piece - Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga- 8.4/10

Pretty good and it'd have a much lower rating if I took into account the filler or had watched all of the filler arcs I'm sure. I do think I was a bit too generous with some arcs, but at the same time I may have been too strict on others. I do think this is a pretty fair rating though.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Battle Angel Alita - 6/10

An enjoyable read. The art was pretty damn good as well. However, the story felt disjointed. Makaku is probably the best example, his story in no way shape or form relates to the story with Yugo, and when I first read to that point I was confused by the bizarre break neck tone shift from dark and serious to happy and jokey. It's pretty much the norm for the entire story. There's also pretty much only one story arc, which belongs to Alita, it's not a bad thing, but it is worth mentioning. But besides that it has some of the best antagonists I've seen, Makaku, Jashugan, Zapan, and Den were fucking amazing. Zapan's my favourite out of the bunch.

The ending was cut shot, and was very disappointing. I'll do my review for Alita Last Order, later. But for now I'll say it's an 8/10 in my book.

Continued. Alita Last Order is a step up from Battle Angel Alita in every way. The story isn't disjointed like the last one, instead of focusing on smaller individual arcs it focuses on a much larger one. It's also humungous, easily 3 times as big as Battle Angel Alita, which is something worth mentioning. Instead of one character arc, we have many different ones. I honestly far preferred Tonji's, and Sech's stories to Alita's. The main cast is far better, the fights are amazing, I could keep sucking it's cock forever.

I do dislike some things about it however, Vilma's backstory completely shrank the scope of the world with how quite literally everything related back to her. And her long flashback wasn't engaging considering you knew the outcome. It's a problem with massive flashback chapters in general, I don't know why authors use them so often. And Aga Mbadi was a decent villain until he was turned into a fucking non threat and killed off in the most humiliating way imaginable.

Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle isn't complete, so it's not fair to review it. But I can still give it my thoughts, it's shit. It's mostly flashbacks right now which we already know the ending too. It's fucking sloppy. I hate how it ditched all the interesting characters introduced in Last Order, all expect Zazie, and replaced them with fucking Erica. And it has the worst reveal I have ever seen with possibly the exception of Alluka. For those who don't want to be spoiled, I've put the reveal in a spoiler:

Alita was made from a fucking tumour.

And to add to that, the more Alita's backstory is revealed the more convoluted and nonsensical it becomes.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Akama Ga Kill - Interesting premise and characters, started off strong, but I felt like it derailed a bit. Apparently it ran before the manga was completed hence why the manga has a happier ending, but I'll read that sometime down the road. It was still fun, I give it a 7 (maybe 7.5)/10

Recovery of an MMO Junkie - This was actually a fun series. The characters are a delight, I had a ball with this anime!! It's a barrel of laughs. 8/10

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Space Knight Tekkaman Blade - 6/10

Even removing fillers and recaps that make the pacing poor, the series is quite a mixed bag, feeling like the definition of great ideas and mediocre execution. Whilst containing one of, if not the, best use of a double-edged sword transformation and containing a good rivalry between Takaya and Shinya, the series feels as though there's a con to balance out each pro. For one, whilst it shows it's potential once Tekkaman Evil shows up, that still leaves the first 11 episodes being very weak beyond the protagonist's flaw, particularly due to them being very episodic beyond those containing the poorly characterised Tekkaman Dagger.

On the subject of characterisation, this is where the series shines for the most part with the characterisation of five particular characters. D-Boy is simplistic, yet an understandable protagonist with a clear flaw in his Tekkaman transformation to keep him engaging. Balzac was very well developed to the point he was a completely different character by the end compared to his introduction. Goddard was a simple character, yet played his role in acting as a way to develop D-Boy and Shinya along with their rivalry well. Feng/Tekkaman Sword was quite a good balance of being driven by love and duty whilst not being a complete pushover to make a good female character and finally, Shinya/Tekkaman Evil is easily the best character in the series due to his rivalry with Takaya presenting a unique take on the talent vs effort story; the villain is the one who has to put in effort to match the protagonist's talent. I'd consider him to be amongst the best rival characters in anime if not for the fact being mind-controlled by a Radam holds him back somewhat, though the rivalry is still a pretty good one.
Unfortunately, those are the only good characters in the series. Noal was decent with how his attitude to D-Boy developed and the fleshing out of his past later on, but beyond that he was always treat as just a sidekick who's main purpose was to stall until D-Boy arrived. Miyuki was alright, though her role in the plot to act as a device for Takaya's development held back her potential. The rest of the main cast were fairly one note; Aki is the typical love interest, Freeman is a no-nonsense commander archetype, Honda is your gruff mechanic with a heart of gold, Milly is your moe loli girl and Levin is a comic relief tranny who's constant effeminate swooning makes him one of the most cringey characters I've ever seen in anime. The other two Tekkamen were also bland and wasted potential. Lance exists purely as cannon fodder to showcase a power up and Omega ends up doing nothing proactively until the final episode and is defeated with a resolve boost of all things. This is even worse when you consider he's practically treat as irrelevant compared to Takaya and Shinya's history with each other.

Plot-wise, things were fine beyond pacing, though the end of the first story arc in episode 25 and the final few episodes were wasted in that they could've been an opportunity to cut out some of the irrelevant characters to raise the stakes. I liked the idea of Radam wishing to evolve and prosper, though I'm disappointed the obvious yet poignant parallel of humanity's own desire to keep advancing was never brought up as a way of testing the resolve of the main cast. The ending had some permanent repercussions to make it good, though the survival was still contrived due to a lack of explanation when considering the circumstances.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Snow White with the Red Hair (Season 1) - 8.5 - 9/10

I enjoyed this anime. Part of me thought it was going to be like the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and while it has Kingdoms and the main character's name is actually Snow White (Shira = White Princess/ Yuki = Snow) so her name could literally be translated to "Princess Snow White"...how very clever/amusing. I liked the cast who were all likeable and had their own quirks, I especially liked the two leads. Shiruyaki could've EASILY been a Mary-Sue esque character, but she worked for what she got and didn't want an easy way to get it. I liked her strong will personality and how whenever she got into a bind or some trouble arose, she'd fight or defend herself and do a fairly decent job at it plus she's as sweet as the ACTUAL Snow White. Prince Zen isn't the one note stuck up royalty character, but someone who at times defies his position and wants to go out and see the world and get to know the people in his kingdom. The aides were a fun bunch, I thought Funimation did a fine job with the cast. I love the fairytale esque soundtrack it has which is fitting considering the title. The romance was on point (but then again I'm romantic trash so take it at face value), although it was obvious it had nice build, was believable, and a romance I enjoyed watching. It's anime I could definitely watch again, can't wait to move on to S2.


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
Tokyo Ghoul:re- 8/10

Not as good as the last two seasons, but it still was still pretty good. Especially the last few episodes.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Ashita no Joe (Anime) - 8.5/10

This is only really covering the first 55 episodes (ie. the Rikiishi Arc), since the remaining 24 are redone far better in the 2nd season. It's overall a great sports drama featuring a rivalry only matched in the medium of anime by Reinhard and Yang from Legend of the Galactic Heroes, with Rikiishi's weight loss training being the easily the best training segment in any series I've seen. The only real flaws I'd say beyond the occasional drop in animation or pacing is that Joe was a bit too overpowered in the first 10 or so episodes and the kid characters could be annoying at times and detract from the plot, the only real exceptions being when helping with Joe's scam in the early episodes and being a stimulus for Joe's resolve against Wolf.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Blue Spring Ride - 6/10. Meh, you everyday high school romance anime, it didn't find it to be that interesting, on more than one occasion was I trying not to fall asleep while watching it.

Your Name - 8.5/10. I remember seeing fanart for this movie EVERYWHERE last year, but never knew where it came from, I honestly didn't know it was a movie until last week when I bookmarked it on my computer. Upon my initial viewing I enjoyed it, but didn't think much of it. Although after letting it sit in my head for a few days, it's better than I thought, the animation is beautiful, I'd watch it again. The two main leads were fun characters, and seeing them live out the others lives in their bodies was amusing. The relationship forged does strike me as a bit odd, but I feel like it ultimately does work out in a satisfying name. I wish it did end in a different way, but the ending is fitting.

S1 High School DxD - 8.5/10. I don't usually like ecci anime, but this was a delight. I was laughing my butt off at Issei almost every episode, I like that the cast is predominantly female, but it's not a harem in anyway. The side characters in Issei's pervy friends were funny. I like the last few episodes with that rune game, I thought it was fun and exciting to watch. Overall this is something I could watch again, I eagerly await the time when I watch S2.

Tsurezure Children - 2/10. I'm romantic trash and I found this anime to be dryer than a bone your find in the desert. It's just a bunch of high school kids who's emotions are all over the place. None of the cast is midly interesting, I'm not invested in their relationships, there's no one to particularly root for, it's just a bunch of shorts bunched together into twelve 10-15 minute episodes of an insipid anime.

Tower of Druaga: Aegis of Urk - 7.5. I enjoyed this series, it starts off a little slow, but picks up towards the middle. The cast offers a few laughs, the main character is kind of your standard anime protagonist, but I still liked him. The last few episodes were interesting and the cliffhanger ending does have me wanting to see Sword of Urk which I will at some point.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Gamers - 7/10. I really enjoyed the first half of this series, but after that I kind of lost interest and was ready to drop this series in the final 3-4 episodes. This anime should be called "Misunderstandings" since that's what this is for 50% - 75% of this anime, a bunch of misunderstanding regarding character relationships when they could've solved by characters talking to each other instead of just jumping to conclusions, but then again THIS IS a romcom. The anime had it's moments were it made me laugh, especially the MC asking out his....."Love interest?" the reaction of the whole class was PRICELESS, I thought the acting for the scene was better in Jap. but the reaction was so much better in Eng. Not something I'd watch again (Maybe), but an above decent series for me.

D-Fragments - 8.5/10. This is probably the funniest anime I've ever seen. I was DYING laughing EVERY episode of this series, the cast were all likable, they were so zany and over the top that I couldn't help but fall in love with every single one of them. The MC knows how to deliver a punchline for a joke, this anime is supposed to be a harem, but I didn't really feel like (which I appreciate, I may be romantic trash, but I'm not really a fan of harems). I actually almost skipped it to move on into longer series, but I'm glad I watched. I could definitely see myself watching this series over and over again.

Snow White with the Red Hair Season 2 - 8.5 - 9/10. I give this the same rating I give the first season, it's equal to or slightly inferior to the first season. I like the growth of some characters like Obi and Kiki, more history in Kiki's backstory and her relationship with Mitsuhide, I liked the first 2/3 of the season, it was fun and gauging, but the final 4 episodes were kind of stagnant and felt like there was nothing left do and needed to just kill the rest of the runtime for the season. I thought the romance between Zen and Shirayuki was just as good if not better than what it was in the first season and the final 4 episodes could set up for something revolving around that for a possible 3rd season, but from what I know the anime seems to be pretty faithful to the manga. Regardless as a whole it's just as good as the 1st season and I love the anime even more and hope we get a 3rd season.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Ashita no Joe 2 - 9.5/10

The Carlos and Mendoza Arcs lead to some of the best character development in the medium from Yabuki Joe and some great development for the support cast such as Nishi and Yoko. Whilst not all the characters are well developed or fleshed out, the one-off opponents at least serve their purpose to the narrative and no character is simply forgotten. The escalation in displaying the dark side of boxing leads to a thrilling climactic fight wherein you can fully feel the intensity and the final scene is one of the most iconic moments in anime and the best finale to any I've seen. Whatever problems could be found in the Rikiishi Arc such as too much time spent with the kids as comic relief is kept fairly minimal, allowing the tone to remain consistent. The filler is even good with the Christmas episode serving to flesh out Carlos' character far more than the manga.

Whilst I rarely care much about a series' superficial aspects enough to speak of them compared to the script, I must point out how excellent Dezaki's direction for the series was. The art style was refined to be comparable to that of the other anime he directed at the time, which was a change for the better. It was even fun seeing flashbacks of previously covered events just to see how much better they looked with this art style, not to mention his trademark painted still shots at the end of each episode and other dramatic scenes. Osamu Dezaki's attention to detail was so great he even bothered to be consistent on having foreign characters such as Mendoza or Leon speak in English, and it's for the most part the most competent job I've seen of spoken English in anime. Hell, they were even able to have Leon's voice be a pretty good rendition of the stereotypical "black guy" voice, which is pretty hard for most anime to pull off. Along with that, there's the excellent soundtrack and it's placement...Really, there's a perfect fusion of style and substance here.

I have nothing but praise to say about this anime. Worst complaint I can muster is the existence of Legend of the Galactic Heroes prevents it from being the best anime out there, but second place isn't a bad accomplishment.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin (OVA) - 8/10

Whilst suffering from the prequel syndrome of knowing which characters will survive and what major events will transpire, it's made up for by taking more time to focus on many of the characters such as Char, Sayla, Dozle and Ramba Ral to increase the appeal of some and give them a bit of tragedy through their predestined fates. Seeing Char's rise to power was something executed excellently and makes his character development very consistent with what he displayed throughout the remainder of the Universal Century. With it's execution of space battles, political tension and dynamic characters, it encaptures all the things that made Gundam's Universal Century a great space opera.

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