Rate the last Anime/Manga you finished out of 10


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Jaco the Galactic Patrolman - 6/10.

A pleasant and fun romp. If you enjoy Toriyama's more light hearted works than this is the story for you. The cast of characters is well defined, and enjoyable to read. Omori is probably one of Toriyama's most complex characters. It lacks a satisfying conclusion. However, I will say that it is hampered most by the fact that it's a Dragon Ball prequel, one which introduces a numerous amount of continuity errors. Like Bulma's previously unseen, unmentioned older sister, Tights, the fact that Bulma, Dr. Briefs, all know about the existence of aliens.

It's a shame the story has been overshadowed by DBminus though.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Saint Seiya The Hades Chapter - Inferno - 5/10

The middle part of the arc is overall mediocre compared to the first act. Whilst quickly skimming over most of the battles in various prisons and providing spotlight to characters such as Orphe and Kanon prevented it from becoming repetitive like the Poseidon Arc, it was overall a letdown. The previous events suggested that the Celestial Star Spectres would all be genuine threats or superior to the Gold Saints with how much trouble Terrestrial Star Spectres such as Myu provided them. Instead, most of them were fodder with only the Judges, Pharaoh and Rhadamanthys' underlings proving to be noteworthy. Shun's past and the reveal did explain how he survived battles such as against Aphrodite in the Sanctuary Arc and why he awakened the Seventh Sense before the other Bronzes, but his pendant was revealed out of nowhere and his past with Pandora came about through her casting amnesia over he and Ikki until they reunited. Aesthetically, the anime also has nowhere near as good animation as the previous OVA with a lot of uninteresting stills and recycled images that make it visually less engaging than it's manga self in many scenes.
The arc had enough good qualities to balance out it's negatives at least. The focus on giving a lot of spotlight to characters other than the Bronze Saints was a good way of shaking things up, with Kanon VS Rhadamanthys having pretty good build up. Whilst most of the antagonists were fairly bland, Sphinx Pharaoh having more personal ambitions beyond protecting Hades made him a better written character than most of the Marina from the previous arc and Hades himself was a lot more impressive in how he easily trounced the mortals than Poseidon jobbing to Seiya twice. It also had far greater of a permanent loss than any of the previous arcs combined with the sacrifice at the end, which made for what was easily the most dramatic, emotional moment in the series. Still, these good points are just enough to counter the bad and make it average overall.


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable- 8/10

Gintama: Silver Soul Arc Part 2- 8.6/10

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Saint Seiya The Hades Chapter - Elysion - 5/10

The final part of the Hades Arc is pretty generic with having resolve based power ups, plot armour durability and some cheesy power of love moments towards the end with a rushed final showdown. Also, Pandora having a sudden change of heart and Seika suddenly recovering from amnesia were very cheap asspulls. Still, it wasn't completely bad. The way in which Thanatos and later Hades stomped the Saints truly showcased the power of a God far more so than Poseidon ever did, though the decision not to have them use the Athena Exclamation when gaining the Gold Cloths when it's use in the first part of this trilogy felt like a Chekov's Gun is disappointing, especially when of all the anime exclusive fight sequences, they just have the Saints using their basic attacks against him. It also had a pretty solid ending with the cost of victory being high for the main cast to provide a bittersweet ending, which allows it's pros and cons to balance out.
Overall, this was a pretty average ending to an average as a whole arc, though it's still a better finale than most Battle Shonen are capable of (especially the modern ones).

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Shoot, it's been a LONG time since I've commented on this thread. I've seen a lot of anime since, so I can't really give in-depth reviews

Gurren Lagann: Fun series, I love that opening song. 8/10

Chivalry of a Failed Knight: Waiting on S2.... 7.5/10

Orange: One of VERY few anime to ever make me actually cry. 9/10

The Asterisk War S2: I'm waiting on S3.... 7.5/10

Love Chinbiyo, and Delusions: Meh, not bad. 6/10

Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon. I'm not into harems, but this wasn't bad either. 6/10

Eden of the East Movies 1 and 2. Like the anime, they're interesting, but they didn't do a lot for me. 6.5/10

Record of Grancrest War: I enjoyed it, wish I could've saw more 2018 anime. 7.7/10

Charlotte: Interesting idea, not bad overall. 7/10

Crest of the Stars: Old anime, probably should've watched it in Japanese, because the acting in the dub was STIFF. 5/10

Aria the Scalet Ammo: I didn't really finish it, there's still one episode and a special, but it's amusing a times. 6/10

Color of Lovers: I'm romantic trash and I really enjoyed this anime, though i'm not into harems. 7.5/10

The Light of the Firefly Forest Movie: A short film that was really short. Like 45 minutes. It wasn't bad, but I don't remember much from it. I felt like I blinked and it was over. 6/10

The Shape of Voice: I REALLY enjoyed this movie. I couldn't stand the main character because he was such a jerkoff, but seeing him older and trying to genuinely repent for his wrong doings made me root for him on his quest for redemption and was happy to see he actually got it in the end. 9/10

Rec: VERY short anime, nine 10 minute episode long series. I liked the romance between the main pair, although the guy could've been better looking since the girl was cute. 6.8/10

Spice and Wolf S1: I actually had fun with this series. The main duo is hilarious, they have good chemistry. I look forward to watching S2 in the God willing future. 7.3/10

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Zegapain - 6.5/10

The philosophical focus of this anime had some very interesting themes behind it; eternal life vs the temporary, what makes reality, the nature of God, etc, though only the theme of reality receives much exploration. This leads to the plot being overall good, though it could've definitely been better had the series been condensed down to 13-16 episodes with several of the long segments in the boring school setting been cut along with the focus it provides on characters who get little development. On the subject of characters, most of them are pretty bland, only defined by a few key traits and only Kyo and Kaminagi developing at all. Moreover, for a series of such themes as eternal vs temporary and the ending embracing the latter, there were few major losses from the overall conflict, despite having plenty of opportunities to kill off characters who's roles in the plot ended after a certain point. The climax and epilogue themselves were also pretty bland and filled with some very cliched Shonen dialogue comparable to most of Naruto's quotes.

Still, it was overall a good mecha/sci-fi series and the best series Sunrise produced since Planetes, until Gundam: The Origin stole that title. It also goes to show the priorities of most modern anime fans when despite being aired in the same year as the mess of ideas that is Code Geass, this is the one of Sunrise's two mecha shows in that year that was ignored.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Takarajima - 7/10

This adaption of the novel Treasure Island is a good one, telling a concise and complete adventure story I have no real problems with, save for making Jim look way younger than he is. Other than that, what changes they made to the plot and characters were overall for the better, such as highlighting the friendship John Silver had for his crew, Jim confronting Silver openly far more than in the book and the last meeting between he and Silver being a nice addition. Most of the cast are somewhat average, but all play their part in the story and are thus written fine. The only ones that really stand out are Jim for being pretty resourceful for someone as young as he is and John Silver; who is the main drawing point of the anime version of Treasure Island.
This is easily the best version of John Silver as this anime highlights the morally grey aspect of his character far more, such as his friendship and fondness of Jim, as well as presenting him as very intelligent and charismatic, not to mention how well he copes with being physically disabled is quite inspirational. His obsession and changing of goal once his current one is accomplished is also a necessary character flaw in that he can't truly be satisfied in life.
As far as the superficial aspects go, art is good for a 70s work due to the art style at least being a lot more distinct than most modern works and has a good dramatic flare due to Osamu Dezaki's signature direction traits. The soundtrack is pretty creative as well, mixing orchestral music with some jazz and a lot of guitar pieces. The track listed as Track 18 of the ost is one of the coolest guitar solos in anime.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Mobile Suit Gundam I - 7.5/10

Rewatched this movie, so I thought I might as well make a review.

The film does an excellent job introducing one to the Gundam franchise and displaying many of it's core themes; the damages of war for both sides, no side being wholly good or evil and the evolution of warfare. Despite many complaining about Amuro being too whiny at that point in the series, I find this point to have as much weight as the same criticism of Shinji from Evangelion, as both act as you'd expect a teenager would in their situation in their own way. Amuro is somewhat spoiled in his upbringing and affected by the kill or be killed nature of war, so his arc makes sense. I also liked the amount of focus it gave to Garma, showing that not all Zeon forces are villains right from the start and we can't forget Char proving himself to be the best character in the franchise with his dynamic revenge arc.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Parasyte - 7/10

It was decent. Art started off stiff, but it got better over the course of the story. Shinichi was a good protagonist and it was fun seeing his growth as a person, as well as how the relationships were strained by what he was doing. However, there were a couple of questions that were not answered, how was Kana capable of sensing Parasites? And more importantly, what are parasites?

This might not seem like a big deal. However, by the end of it, this question was repeatedly raised, and discussed with the parasites themselves beginning to contemplate their own existence. Yet the story never actually answered it, so there the climax of the story wasn't satisfying as it didn't answer the biggest question. I could even say that the story never intended to answer that, but the very opening of the story started with narration centre around this idea, it even implied that parasites might come from space. All in all very disappointing.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow - 8/10

Whilst not focusing as much on the pros and cons on both sides as the previous film, the focus and theme exploration on the damages of war was expanded on far more and allowed for some pretty good character development from Amuro and Kai as well as well handled drama in the effect it had on the main cast. It also helped that most of the deaths were sudden ones without any over-dramatisation to add a sense of realism to this space opera. Whilst not quite as well done as in Area 88 or Legend of the Galactic Heroes, it still helps Gundam's UC timeline to be amongst the best war dramas in anime (up until CCA at least, and ignoring ZZ).
The several plot points introduced within it also made the story more complex, such as the familial ties of Char and Sayla as well as Zeon's overall war strategy. Only thing I disliked about the film was the scenes with the kids acting as annoying comic relief, and those at least didn't last long enough to become grating and at least the trio became plot relevant for the climax of the film.
Bringing up the value of superficial aspects is something I rarely do, but I must point out how much of a perfect ending theme the song "Ai Senshi" is for both the film and the franchise, highlighting both the scale of death in war, be it men or women, yet also presenting the idea of hope for peace.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Erased - DARN GOOD anime!!! I was REALLY into this series. I was watching it in moderation while studying and just GROANING out of frustration when I reached my max number of episodes to go back to studying. The story was gauging, I was hooked by the first episode, everything was fine.....up until the ending. Those last two episodes just destroyed this anime having the chance to an all-time favorite. Overall 8.7/10

Rideback - Dropped. I only saw like two episodes before dropping it.

Amagi Brilliant Park - 8/10. Been sometime since I've seen anime that was making me laugh my insides out.

Fuuka - 5/10. I'm romantic trash, but his is a little too trash for me and not in a good way. I liked the romance between the two leads at first, but I honestly would've preferred the childhood friend

Sky Wizard's Academy - Dropped. I think I got like 6-8 episodes into the series before quitting. I have to go back and rewatch, but I wasn't feeling it.

Re-Life - 8/10. Nice romantic comedy, that definitely had me laughing or amused.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space - 8/10

On my first watch of the film, I wasn't as keen on it as Soldiers of Sorrow due to the Newtype telepathy/increased empathy making character chemistry seem to be handled to rushed and leading to a rushed plot convenience at the end.
On this rewatch, however, I would say it's the best of the trilogy. When looking more into the material the series now has and seeing the affects becoming a Newtype has on someone, the abilities of inter-connectivity to evolve in space work well within the universe. What really allows this film to stand out is how it expands further on the first film's focus on showing the emotion of both sides of the conflict and how interactions with the characters' loved ones impacts them during the war. On that note, the defeat of the Zabi family was one of the best falls of a villainous group I've seen. They weren't defeated by their open enemy, but by their own individual ambitions and emotions, thus being a compelling end for characters such as Degwin, Ghiren and Kycilia.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Princess Tutu - 7/10

This series acts as a true deconstruction of the magical girl genre (unlike the edgy mess of a series that is Madoka Magica). Despite adhering a bit too much to the structure that made the genre stale since the start such as the villain of the week formula and cheap deus ex machinas based on love, the series soon starts to shift away from this after the 10th episode and onward as the characters literally grow away from the archetypes they began as which is the theme that allows the series to stand out most and act as a good commentary on how the anime industry has become too comfortable with recycling the same character tropes and plot lines with each new series that comes out (especially nowadays). It also has a good execution of dropping many Mahou Shoujo tropes on their head. The protagonist doesn't end up with her love interest, the special animal gets given the power to become a Magical Girl rather than granting it to someone and the true villain of the series has an actual goal beyond being evil for evil's sake. Also, it has one of the few good uses of a fourth wall break.
However, not everything about the series is good. Whilst a lot of the cast do develop, particularly Fakir and Rue/Kraehe, the mind control Mytho goes through in the second half causes him to become even less interesting than before due to becoming inconsistent and Neko-sensei's Marriage gag got old pretty fast beyond one use of it later on. Also, it was never fully explained how Drosselmeyer's reality manipulating powers really worked, even if these did explain many of the other questionable parts of the story by the end. Still, it's easily the peak of the otherwise poor Mahou Shoujo genre.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Tokyo Ghoul 4/10. Had a lot of potential but ultimately felt wasted. I'd be willing to reread it down the line more objectively.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Sky Wizard's Academy - I dropped the series, I may go back and finish it because I love Tia Ballard, but the series wasn't that bad. 6/10

Nobunaga the Fool - Meh. 6/10

Terror in Resonance - I was pretty disappointed. Usually thriller/suspense anime hook me, but this is something I couldn't really follow. 5/10

Re-Zero - I had heard about the "I love Emilia" memes, I saw them around quite a bit a couple of years back, but I didn't know that this was the anime that spawned them. Either way, I was hooked on this anime (because I'm romantic trash who loves Emilia as much as Subaru does and ships the two of them), but as I kept watching, I kept getting more and more hooked, eager to see what would happen next, and very few anime give me that feeling. Last time I had that feeling was with Erased about 2-3 weeks ago, but the ending kind of de-pointed that series, while I was satisfied with the ending of this series. 8.5/10


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! / Take My Brother Away (season 1)

Seriously funny at times, at least laugh-inducing at some point of every episode and pretty light-hearted, easy watching.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Digimon Tamers - 3/10

Terribly boring middle part, with stilted animation throughout from beginning of the series to the end. It at least has a tiny bit more emphasis on rumination than previous series, but that's bogged down by the lackluster direction. Wouldn't really recommend except to a Digimon fan.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015

I just finished reading "A Town Where You Live" and I honestly loved it. The drama kept me interested, the romance between the main characters was easy to root for, I'm glad they had a happy ending (though I wish the anime would get a PROPER adaptation). I do agree with the consensus that the story DOES drag on a bit after Haruto and Yuzuki get back together, it's mostly just slice of life segments that outside of development to their relationship like Haruto calling her by her first name, proposing to her, and them steadily working up the courage to have sex regularly), Haruto/Yuzuki reconnecting with their friends after they ostracize them and the introduction of a new character didn't add much to the plot. It was funny at times, but it felt like a standstill between Haruto and Yuzuki fighting for Yuzuki's father's approval of their relationship to the Haruto's Job Search Arc. which was like 60-80 (close to 100) Chapters of a 261 Chapter story. I do agree that the ending did feel a little rushed.

Chapter 256 - Haruto and Yuzuki break-up because a long distance relationship is taking a serious toll on them both physically
Chapter 260 - 1.5 to 2 years have passed and Haruto is transferred back to Tokyo and the chapter ends with him and Yuzuki meeting again under a Cherry Blossom tree and they get back together
Chapter 261 (First Half) - Haruto and Yuzuki are getting married and their ceremony.
Chapter 261 (Second Half) - Five years have passed and Haruto isn't too far away from the grand opening of his own restaurant and he and Yuzuki have a five year old son and talk of conceiving a second child and their friends are married.

I love the romance and drama, but those last few chapters felt like the author trying to wrap the story up ASAP. Overall, since the story is fresh in my mind, I'm more than likely going to gush over it for a while and say it's the greatest thing I ever read, but for now I'll just say...I loved it. I loved the romance, drama, theme of the "Red String of Fate" and the theme of friendship with the cast being a close knit group. I give it 9/10.

As for the Anime....Oh boy...

1. Myriad Colors of Phantom World - 5/10. I dropped it because I wasn't that interested

2. Guilty Crown - 7/10. Not bad, not bad.

3. Crawling with Love - 6/10. Meh, I'll probably watch the second season

4. Derided - 5/10. I dropped it, but I'll probably come back to it.

5. Seven Senses of the Reunion - 6/10. It was alright, not the anime I expected, but I won't say it was bad.

6. Kiss Him, Not Me - 7.5/10. I never saw a reverse harem, but this was FUN-NY!!! The dub is fantastic!!!

7. A Town Where You Live - 8.5/10. The anime skipped A LOT of the manga. The anime skips like the whole beginning 1/3 of the manga which takes away a lot of context away from the story and ends at what was essentially the half-way point of the manga and skips straight to the ending where the final shot of Haruto and Yuzuki's wedding has characters from the manga that never appeared in the anime in their wedding picture.

8. Lull of the Sea - 7.5/10. I really enjoyed this series, though I feel like the second half was just slow and dull compared to the first half. I felt the first half focusing on "Forbidden Love" between sea people and surface dwellers and trying to bring peace between them to be more interesting than the second half focusing on the main character's niece having incestral feelings for him.

9. Black Butler - 5.5/10. I think my sister recommended this series to me, but I didn't really like it too much. I just wasn't interesting.

10. Spice & Wolf S2 - 7/10. I'll say it was equally as good as S2.

11. Myself and Yourself - 2/10. Dreadfully boring, dull. I was looking for romance anime where the childhood friends get together, and this was just disappointing....

12. Infinite Statos - 7.5/10. I normally don't like harems, but I had a good time with this series.

13. Love Chunbiyo & Other Delusions S2 - 7/10. I had more fun with this season than S1, but I'll say they're equals.

14. Love, Chunbiyo, & Other Delusions: Take On Me - 8/10. Good movie.

15. Durarara - 8/10. It took a while to get around to watching this series, but it was a rather good action thriller. I look forward to watching S2.

16. His & Her Circumstances - 7/10. A fun slice of life series. Normally 4Kids gets a bad wrap for how they butcher anime, but I think this anime shows that they do have talent. This anime was dubbed by Funimation and hired almost exclusively 4Kids actors for each character and they do a darn fine job.

17. Infinite Strators S2 - 6.5/10. Not quite as good as S1.

18. Stein's Gate - 9/10. I took a long time to watch this series, but I LOVED it!!!!

19. Pokémon Sun & Moon - 6/10. It took MONTHS to binge watch this series, but this series is lackluster (especially compared to XY-Z). When this series is FOCUSED on things like Trials, TRio, Lana, and Kiawe, it's fairly entertaining, but outside of that....

20. Date a Live S1 - 7/10. Fun anime

21. Brynhilder in the Darkness - 7/10. I don't know if this counts as a harem, but if it does, I'm surprised at how competent the MC is....

22. Future Diary - 7/10. This anime is INSANE...


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 9/10

Not much more that I could ask for out of any anime. It felt nearly flawless, with an incredible OST, quality voice acting, a compelling story, and loads of interesting and well written characters.

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