Rate the last Anime/Manga you finished out of 10

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Super Saiyan Overlord1007 said:

I just finished reading "A Town Where You Live" and I honestly loved it. The drama kept me interested, the romance between the main characters was easy to root for, I'm glad they had a happy ending (though I wish the anime would get a PROPER adaptation). I do agree with the consensus that the story DOES drag on a bit after Haruto and Yuzuki get back together, it's mostly just slice of life segments that outside of development to their relationship like Haruto calling her by her first name, proposing to her, and them steadily working up the courage to have sex regularly), Haruto/Yuzuki reconnecting with their friends after they ostracize them and the introduction of a new character didn't add much to the plot. It was funny at times, but it felt like a standstill between Haruto and Yuzuki fighting for Yuzuki's father's approval of their relationship to the Haruto's Job Search Arc. which was like 60-80 (close to 100) Chapters of a 261 Chapter story. I do agree that the ending did feel a little rushed.

Chapter 256 - Haruto and Yuzuki break-up because a long distance relationship is taking a serious toll on them both physically
Chapter 260 - 1.5 to 2 years have passed and Haruto is transferred back to Tokyo and the chapter ends with him and Yuzuki meeting again under a Cherry Blossom tree and they get back together
Chapter 261 (First Half) - Haruto and Yuzuki are getting married and their ceremony.
Chapter 261 (Second Half) - Five years have passed and Haruto isn't too far away from the grand opening of his own restaurant and he and Yuzuki have a five year old son and talk of conceiving a second child and their friends are married.

I love the romance and drama, but those last few chapters felt like the author trying to wrap the story up ASAP. Overall, since the story is fresh in my mind, I'm more than likely going to gush over it for a while and say it's the greatest thing I ever read, but for now I'll just say...I loved it. I loved the romance, drama, theme of the "Red String of Fate" and the theme of friendship with the cast being a close knit group. I give it 9/10.

As for the Anime....Oh boy...

1. Myriad Colors of Phantom World - 5/10. I dropped it because I wasn't that interested

2. Guilty Crown - 7/10. Not bad, not bad.

3. Crawling with Love - 6/10. Meh, I'll probably watch the second season

4. Derided - 5/10. I dropped it, but I'll probably come back to it.

5. Seven Senses of the Reunion - 6/10. It was alright, not the anime I expected, but I won't say it was bad.

6. Kiss Him, Not Me - 7.5/10. I never saw a reverse harem, but this was FUN-NY!!! The dub is fantastic!!!

7. A Town Where You Live - 8.5/10. The anime skipped A LOT of the manga. The anime skips like the whole beginning 1/3 of the manga which takes away a lot of context away from the story and ends at what was essentially the half-way point of the manga and skips straight to the ending where the final shot of Haruto and Yuzuki's wedding has characters from the manga that never appeared in the anime in their wedding picture.

8. Lull of the Sea - 7.5/10. I really enjoyed this series, though I feel like the second half was just slow and dull compared to the first half. I felt the first half focusing on "Forbidden Love" between sea people and surface dwellers and trying to bring peace between them to be more interesting than the second half focusing on the main character's niece having incestral feelings for him.

9. Black Butler - 5.5/10. I think my sister recommended this series to me, but I didn't really like it too much. I just wasn't interesting.

10. Spice & Wolf S2 - 7/10. I'll say it was equally as good as S2.

11. Myself and Yourself - 2/10. Dreadfully boring, dull. I was looking for romance anime where the childhood friends get together, and this was just disappointing....

12. Infinite Statos - 7.5/10. I normally don't like harems, but I had a good time with this series.

13. Love Chunbiyo & Other Delusions S2 - 7/10. I had more fun with this season than S1, but I'll say they're equals.

14. Love, Chunbiyo, & Other Delusions: Take On Me - 8/10. Good movie.

15. Durarara - 8/10. It took a while to get around to watching this series, but it was a rather good action thriller. I look forward to watching S2.

16. His & Her Circumstances - 7/10. A fun slice of life series. Normally 4Kids gets a bad wrap for how they butcher anime, but I think this anime shows that they do have talent. This anime was dubbed by Funimation and hired almost exclusively 4Kids actors for each character and they do a darn fine job.

17. Infinite Strators S2 - 6.5/10. Not quite as good as S1.

18. Stein's Gate - 9/10. I took a long time to watch this series, but I LOVED it!!!!

19. Pokémon Sun & Moon - 6/10. It took MONTHS to binge watch this series, but this series is lackluster (especially compared to XY-Z). When this series is FOCUSED on things like Trials, TRio, Lana, and Kiawe, it's fairly entertaining, but outside of that....

20. Date a Live S1 - 7/10. Fun anime

21. Brynhilder in the Darkness - 7/10. I don't know if this counts as a harem, but if it does, I'm surprised at how competent the MC is....

22. Future Diary - 7/10. This anime is INSANE...

I've read that manga a couple months ago but dropped it when they started dating but probably because I was satisfied after they became an item. :ladd

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Dragon Ball Super: Broly - 1/10

Already posted my analysis in the DB Movie Review thread. To sum it up - retcons of previous history, inconsistent character motivations, gigantic plot holes in how many conveniences could've been used to end the story and Broly's character after transforming is a huge disappointment.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Pokemon - I Choose You!: 1/10

The emotional moments all fall flat when they're crammed in, often without proper buildup in this limited 90 minute film, and Ash is somehow even less of an appealing character than he was in the original. The whole Rainbow Hero thing was just asinine too, and fails to fit into this Kanto(?) movie without the town of Ecruteak appearing like in the actual anime. Ash's revival at the end of the movie especially was annoying at best, especially when him disappearing for 3 minutes is all that amounts from it (rather than the Pokemon attacks just killing him through injuries).

A shit reboot of an overrated season. All the characters sucked ass, Ash's new Paul/Silver ripoff of a rival especially.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (Anime) - 7.5/10

Note: This is only in reference to treating the end of the Kyoto Arc (episode 62) as a cutoff point, otherwise the filler arc the anime ended on (which I have no plans of subjugating myself to) would cause the score to be significantly lowered.

The Tokyo and especially Kyoto Arcs succeed in crafting an excellent redemption story for its protagonist, along with having some good historical accuracy and depth when it comes to Japan's Meiji Period and what this period of change meant for the country; its people either focusing on making sure the next generation flourished or trying to regain their past glory. Along with these themes of redemption and change, the series has pretty solid character writing/utilisation for its main cast, a good focus on skilful combat and a nice fail-safe in the series' title as a romance (romanticised) tale of the era to excuse some of the more outlandish abilities. Whilst there have been Shonen series both before and after it to utilise its strengths better, such as Yabuki Joe from Ashita no Joe having a better redemption arc or the Phantom Troupe and Royal Guards from Hunter X Hunter being far better groups of fleshed out villains than the Juppongatana, the amount of Shonen as consistent as Kenshin are less than a handful and make it one of the demographic's best. Even without the Jinchu Arc to give it a solid conclusion, the Kyoto Arc alone ends on a solid enough note for Kenshin's story that watching this and the Trust and Betrayal OVAs would still be enough for a complete story, even if reading the manga is far more advised.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Neon Genesis Evangelion - 9/10

This is including The End of Evangelion, since rating the anime properly without it is nigh-impossible.
Whilst initially seeming like a cool mecha action show, this anime's reputation as portraying and exploring themes of depression, self-realisation and psychological conditions such as oedipal complexes are all well deserved. Alongside that, it has some of the most realistic, complex or sympathetic characters in anime and stand as a well realised deconstruction of not only the mecha genre and its tropes, but the overly saturated and degenerate aspects of the harem genre and the damaging nature of escapism and fantasising through anime in general; a good critique of the anime industry and hikkokomori lifestyle and something just as relevant nowadays as when it aired, if not more so with the vast dip in quality the anime industry has taken in the modern era.
Not only does the subversion of typical character archetypes as far more complex people act to make something normally bad into something worthwhile, but the same can be said of other elements of the show. The limited budget at times that forced stills being used are made up for by having plot relevant dialogue always present, not to mention the budget being put in well for the action scenes, what would normally be contrivances such as Unit 01's self-activation or the children being the only ones capable of piloting the Evas are justified when the true nature of the Eva are revealed, episode 14 being a recap episode excuses its existence by only having the recap be the first part and the severe budget limitations for the finale that caused the ending to be rushed are made up for by both providing catharsis to Shinji and The End of Evangelion closing things properly on all that had been left unresolved.
Aside from the nitpicks of the elevator scene or Kaworu's death being dragged out, the only genuine flaw I'd find in the series' script would be episode 24 having a few problems. For something as relevant as Kaworu's appearance and the effect he had on Shinji being contained all in one episode caused it to be a bit rushed and Seele using Kaworu for their plan was a bit of a huge gamble for a group that have been planning things for a long time. Other than that, the lore behind the Angels, Adam and Lilith could have used more time to thoroughly explain them, though the main details necessary to make the plot concise were there, so more of a personal preference than an actual critique.
Also, aside from giving the series a solid ending, The End of Evangelion is a visual masterpiece of a film and a good example of how to convey visual storytelling (as a lot of the series does) with interesting camera angles, some of the greatest battle animation in anime and some clear attention to detail on things such as Misato using the chip Kaji gave her, not to mention absolutely excellent sound editing.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Solanin - 5/10

A prime example of why slice of life by itself is an inherently flawed genre in that without a main theme or topic to explore, such stories will become completely unfocused. Solanin does have some level of focus in having a story about music and the passage of time (though it requires wading through over half of the manga to get there), yet the former doesn't work well in a medium without audio and the latter has been done far more extensively and interestingly in so many movies, tv shows and even in its medium of manga. It also doesn't help that the manga contains far too many black panels of text that cause it to not take full advantage of the visual medium and the characters are nothing that stand out as more than lesser versions of ones from better series. The series would be better executed if some of the filler portions were cut and it was condensed as an anime film.
The art is fine at least. The character faces do have some level of distinctiveness and as far as analysing the author, they're at least competent in executing their premise, even if that premise itself is uninteresting.
If wanting to see how to make slice of life interesting, watch Haibane Renmei, Planetes or The Tatami Galaxy, or if going outside of anime/manga, The Sopranos. There's little of worth to take away from this mediocrity.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind (Anime) - 3.5/10

This is easily the worst of the original 6 parts. It does contain some positives such as a proactive protagonist unlike Part 4, the thematic and ability ties/opposites between protagonist and antagonist being very strong, Stand abilities being a good way of characterising certain characters with subtlety such as Moody blues showing how much Abacchio reflects on his past regret or Purple Haze manifesting Fugo's bottled-up rage and the cast having no hesitation to kill being fitting with the setting and context, though the flaws of the part definitely overshadow these.
First of all, the plot armour is thicker than ever before with characters shrugging off severe injuries to their throat and the like to the point the Black Knight from Monty Python and The Holy Grail would think this is silly, especially when contrasting it with how such injuries were realistically treat as severe in previous parts. Jonathan would be really jealous to see how much damage to the neck you ca endure with a little STANDO POWA, especially when the later main character deaths in the part once the group get to Sardinia make the previous plot armouring even more jarring. Whilst characterisation is OK amongst the main cast, the villains are all very one-note except perhaps Prosciutto and the later conflict of the three way war between Bruno's group, Passione and the Hitman Team was made hollow when the only member of the Hitman Team left at that point was Risotto. Along with that, Diavolo is a huge disappointment. He's nothing but a huge mystery box with so many questions surrounding him that never get a solid answer, making him feel far more vapid than any of the other antagonists when it comes to characterisation. Also, Gold Experience Requiem being what beats him was a pretty huge copout in how much of a deus ex machina it was. Doesn't help that not ending immediately after Diavolo's defeat and having what's essentially canon filler with the Rolling Stones Arc (not to mention it confirms such a damaging concept as fatalism exists in JoJo) for a poor ending.
Simply put. a part with some good ideas for characterisation and setting, but poor villains and tonally inconsistent plot armour.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
cc is wrong because the stomping meme is funny as fuck therefore the anime is a 9 out of 7 minimum

but real talk how's it compared to the manga (i think i've asked you this about this and the other parts too but i don't remember anymore)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kyo said:
cc is wrong because the stomping meme is funny as fuck therefore the anime is a 9 out of 7 minimum
If the torture dance was all the anime consisted of, it'd be 100/10 without question. :troll

but real talk how's it compared to the manga (i think i've asked you this about this and the other parts too but i don't remember anymore)
For the most part, it's better than the manga (especially the torture dance) due to additional scenes being added for character interactions and more consistent art. The only segment of Part 5 I'd say the manga did better was the Rolling Stones Arc as that can be easily breezed through when reading as opposed to it wasting about an episode's worth of time in the anime.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
21st Century Boys - 4/10

The virtual world was already something that required a lot of suspension of disbelief to accept in the original manga, with the convenience of the memories that made it being perfect causing the series to come dangerously close to jumping the shark. The sequel amplifies this fault tenfold by making a plot that was already wrapped up as much as necessary revolve around it. A lot of the information and events are also reiterations of what was already revealed in 20th Century Boys and any sort of answers provided from the sequel raise as many questions as they answer and damage some elements of 20th Century Boys. Not really recommended.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Ping Pong (Manga) - 2/10

A series that displays the fatal flaw of many sports stories - a lack of repercussions to anything. Who wins or loses doesn't matter, leading to a lot of time being wasted on a pointless Ping Pong tournament. This ends up damaging characterisation too, with the only vaguely engaging character (the Chinese rival) going on so much about needing to prove he's unbeatable, yet there being no internal or external consequences to his loss. The attempts to add consequences that do happen aren't good either, with things such as Peko almost killing himself over losing at a sport before ending up breaking his leg and...still beating the world champion because of resolve + power of friendship, basically. Even a run of the mill battle Shonen has more to offer in terms of engagement.
On the subject of the characters, they're all highly bland archetypes you can find done far better elsewhere. The protagonist's emotionless attitude makes him as unappealing as any other character lacking a personality and whilst it did fit with the theme of needing to think like a machine to win, that falls apart when he removes that facade in the finals and loses. Peko is a typical boy scout character and the rest are just as forgettable. There is some attempt to take a psychological approach to their characterisation, though the lack of consequences both in and outside of the sport makes this meaningless in the long run.
It doesn't help that aside from a few panels of the matches, the art style is completely unappealing and could only be considered good by the pretentious relativists that praise abstract art pieces.

Tl;dr Don't waste time on this whole lot of nothing. If wanting an actually good sports manga with deep characters, heavy stakes and psychological aspects, read Real or, better yet, Ashita no Joe.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Tsunbaka - 5.5/10

It's a dumb comedy with similar origins as Onanie Master Kurosawa. Not much to say about it. It's not quite as funny or profound, and has quite the slow start, but it slowly begins to abandon more or less any sense of coherency in favor of increasingly over the top humor and blatant JoJo references, which I approve of. The concept of the tsunbaka itself was humorous, but wasn't that much of a focus and could've been handled better.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Skyhigh - 1/10

Read this as part of Kenshi's challenge, since it was quick to blitz through.

As expected of what's essentially an anthology series, the plot continuity is weak and the structure gets repetitive as early as the 2nd chapter that makes it just an edgy version of Yu Yu Hakusho's early chapters without the OK character writing that series had. It mainly relies on just explicit content to draw the audience in, the cheapest tactic of edgy schlock and the ending came off as fairly pretentious. The only worth to find in this series is some of the facial expressions and panels being good as an unintentional comedy (though more so when out of context), but there are plenty of series that are far better choices in that area anyway.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Mars of Destruction - 1/10

Decided to watch this to see if it really was as bad as people say.
There are some dumb things within this single episode OVA such as a doctor needing to confirm someone who's head was completely destroyed couldn't be saved or the support characters being useless. None of the flaws are as appauling in their writing quality as some other anime I've seen that end up being a complete insult to the viewer's intelligence and it at least doesn't last long enough to do so. Its poor art and sound choices are a bigger issue than the writing quality. Despite that, such anime as Bleach or Dragon Ball Super still tend to have at least one positive element, whereas Mars of Destruction is worthless primarily for it being so mediocre that it's practically a nothing work. Even had it been made into a full-fledged series, it probably wouldn't have ended up being anything more than the poor man's combination of Tekkaman Blade and Evangelion.

It's a worthless anime, but not quite the worst anime in existence. As far as being a first episode, it at least wasn't riddled with as many flaws as a lot of series nowadays.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Does anyone know how Boku Dake ga Inai Machi is?
Terrible series that relies on time resets for plot conveniences, ruins all mystery by making the true suspect's identity apparent from his introduction and having some very :withheld undertones (especially in the manga) that weren't necessary.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
agree that boku dake ga inai machi is bad, haven't seen the other one.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Blade Runner: Black Out 2022 - 5/10

It can be seen as a 15 minute summary of Shinichiro Watanabe's work in a way, great visuals and animation with little depth. This is particularly egregious when this is an instalment in the canon of what is rightfully hailed as one of the most genre-defining and philosophical cyberpunk works in fiction. The plot of the short boils down to something that could've been boiled down to a few sentences of world building and what attempts it had to emulate the depth of the original film fell flat when it's brought about through clunky exposition. This is something that would've definitely benefited from being a full-fledged anime movie rather than being condensed into a short that was unable to offer much beyond pretty visuals in the time it had.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Tokyo Ghoul :re : 3/10

I never finished this back in the day so I decided to go through the whole thing. It definitely had some moments, but for the majority of the manga it failed to capture my attention like the original did. However, there were a shocking number of issues that cannot be ignored. Several important battles would happen off-screen leaving a lot more questions than answers. The art became shockingly lazy at times. The story felt very rushed and several plot points were not closed effectively. The ending itself was an atrocity. :ha

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